X-tren - works very well. I ran 2 bottles over 6 weeks. Middle 2 weeks I ran double the dose. Shut me down some, testicles atrophied some. I had very nice size and strength gains. For me, better than the last time I ran AAS. I know that sounds hard to believe and I was skeptical too but, CEL makes some good stuff.
I think you will be pleasantly suprised at the outcome. I did have some higher BP issues at the end of my cycle but also ran it at a higher dose.
I was repping 315 on last set of bench prior and at end of cycle had put a nice 20 pounds on that for reps. All lifts went up. My shoulders just aren't what they used to be so I am a little more conservative on bench pressing.
Give it a try, I don't think you will be disappointed. I did not have any other sides such as nipple issues, although, I do think it is a progestin based compound, so if you are prone to gyno, this might be a consideration.
Went up from 218 to 229 over 6 weeks! Months later I am at 225 and kept the strength.