do you know what goes into developing an oil field like that if it existed? I can't go into any detail about any findings or things like that from the place i work in (and i think you know which company i'm talking about), because frankly, i don't want to get fucking fired if anyone falls upon something like this. anyway, let's take an imaginary field for example... you do seismic and drill wild cats (cost you a couple of 100 of millions of dollars jsut for that), and the geologists and petrophysicists estimate an average porosity of 20%
and an average permeability of 60 md... with recoverable reserves of 3 billion barrels... everyone's happy (the fat cats at least... we don't smell a dime of that shit)... you drill more wells... you find out that there are faults all over the place... tight formations... high water cut... sand production... reservoir pressure shoots down from 3500 psi to 1200 psi in a year... so, you decide to develop the field even more and drill horizontal wells, multi lateral wells, and if you have gas, you drill extended reach wells... shit will cost you billions of dollars, and in the end, you figure out after 2 years of spending tens of billions of dollars that your recoverable reserves that were thought to be in billions, are actually less than 10 million (recoverable... the field might have more than 10 billion barrels, but you can only recover like 10 million or so)... in the end, you abandond the field and call it a loss.
do you know how many times that happened around here?
Other than that, you have to spend billions of dollars tying in wells to the GOSPs and plants... then you have to expand those plants... then you have to expand the refinery... you don't make a decision like that in 1 or 2 years... sometimes they start the idea 20 years ahead of it's time... then after 20 years, they start developing the field. it's not that simple.
Also, do you know the shortage in drilling rigs these days? I can tell you that a rediculous amount of rigs are drilling here right now... we want more, but the world doesn't have any!!!
It's very complicated... really... ;