Interesting enough, everybody I see around me seems to have health problems. It's their back, or hips, or heart etc etc etc and none of them workout none of them take hormones.
My own family for instance: I have 1 brother and 2 sisters all with bad health problems and we are all over 40 none over 50 ok? Mom died at about 60 dad is keeping his health info from us.. I think he's scared... Drs can't find what's wrong with him.. more tests to come. I still look like I'm 35 seriously and I'm 45 with no health problems 'cept a small ankle problem I caused in a car crash in '02. My body has been through the mill in Bodybuilding and Pre Special Forces with the Army, busted the right side of my body and rebuilt, and I take hormones. Lucky genetics out of my family or hormones slowing the age process? things that make you go hmmmmm.
Honestly from the info I get from the media and these specials on tv, bodybuilders by this time should be dropping like flies considering the amass of hormones taken in the early 80's when they were not really illegal and vvvvvvvery easy to get... really they all should be dying. hmmmmm the special I saw with the guy with the exploding bicep hehehehe cute. One of the old bodybuilding trainers on there was telling his people that the first drop of testosterone that enters their blood from injection lays the ground work for death.. he said it in a way that the first drop stays in your body and slowly kills you like poison by effecting your genetics. hmmmm
If these rocket scientists did their math unbiased and did a cross section of society...they really would find that in groups of hormone users and non users they really would develop health problems at the same rate... test neither sped it up or caused it.