Hi my name is Derek, I have not been to active on here lately but i am looking to get back into the swing of things. This is my second cycle and I am trying to gain some LBM and drop around 2-3 % BF, Right now I am 6'0 Tall, 228lbs, 14%BF, and I am 22 years old. I did my first cycle when I was 20 years old with 400mg test-e weekly.
My cycle consists of 2 10ml vials of Sustanon and 2 bottles or 2000mg of Anavar.
I am going to do 500mg/week of sustanon for 10 weeks.
I have enough Anavar to do 30mg for 10 weeks.
My PCT I will start 3 weeks after last shot of sustanon because of the longer acting esters.
PCT - 3 Weeks after last injection
Week 1 Clomid 100mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Week 2 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 3-4 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
-Maybe longer?
Also need help with HCG but what are your opinions, do I even need it for a light cycle like this?
Week 1-3 1500IU E3D
or 250 IU 2X per week while on cycle.
My diet consists of small meals every 2-3 hours with protein shakes. I will be taking around 350-400g of protein/day. This is my first real cycle and I hope to lose some fat and gain some LBM. I also have ECA to add in, when should I add this?
What supporting supplements should I take with this cycle?
I will be taking liver pills, fish oil, flax seed oil, and COQ10.
Do you have any other sugguestions for this cycle, please lemme know cuz im a newbie =].
I want to thank you guys for all your help as I will be starting this cycle next week.
My cycle consists of 2 10ml vials of Sustanon and 2 bottles or 2000mg of Anavar.
I am going to do 500mg/week of sustanon for 10 weeks.
I have enough Anavar to do 30mg for 10 weeks.
My PCT I will start 3 weeks after last shot of sustanon because of the longer acting esters.
PCT - 3 Weeks after last injection
Week 1 Clomid 100mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Week 2 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 3-4 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
-Maybe longer?
Also need help with HCG but what are your opinions, do I even need it for a light cycle like this?
Week 1-3 1500IU E3D
or 250 IU 2X per week while on cycle.
My diet consists of small meals every 2-3 hours with protein shakes. I will be taking around 350-400g of protein/day. This is my first real cycle and I hope to lose some fat and gain some LBM. I also have ECA to add in, when should I add this?
What supporting supplements should I take with this cycle?
I will be taking liver pills, fish oil, flax seed oil, and COQ10.
Do you have any other sugguestions for this cycle, please lemme know cuz im a newbie =].
I want to thank you guys for all your help as I will be starting this cycle next week.