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Second Cycle Help


New member
Jul 18, 2007
Hi my name is Derek, I have not been to active on here lately but i am looking to get back into the swing of things. This is my second cycle and I am trying to gain some LBM and drop around 2-3 % BF, Right now I am 6'0 Tall, 228lbs, 14%BF, and I am 22 years old. I did my first cycle when I was 20 years old with 400mg test-e weekly.

My cycle consists of 2 10ml vials of Sustanon and 2 bottles or 2000mg of Anavar.

I am going to do 500mg/week of sustanon for 10 weeks.

I have enough Anavar to do 30mg for 10 weeks.

My PCT I will start 3 weeks after last shot of sustanon because of the longer acting esters.

PCT - 3 Weeks after last injection

Week 1 Clomid 100mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Week 2 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 3-4 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
-Maybe longer?

Also need help with HCG but what are your opinions, do I even need it for a light cycle like this?

Week 1-3 1500IU E3D
or 250 IU 2X per week while on cycle.

My diet consists of small meals every 2-3 hours with protein shakes. I will be taking around 350-400g of protein/day. This is my first real cycle and I hope to lose some fat and gain some LBM. I also have ECA to add in, when should I add this?

What supporting supplements should I take with this cycle?

I will be taking liver pills, fish oil, flax seed oil, and COQ10.

Do you have any other sugguestions for this cycle, please lemme know cuz im a newbie =].

I want to thank you guys for all your help as I will be starting this cycle next week.
Don't take offense to this but at your age, the last thing you should be doing is AAS. From reading you post you have done your homework. I think you could get really good results from hard training and clean diet, save the gear for later when you need it. Just my opinio.
Hi my name is Derek, I have not been to active on here lately but i am looking to get back into the swing of things. This is my second cycle and I am trying to gain some LBM and drop around 2-3 % BF, Right now I am 6'0 Tall, 228lbs, 14%BF, and I am 22 years old. I did my first cycle when I was 20 years old with 400mg test-e weekly.

My cycle consists of 2 10ml vials of Sustanon and 2 bottles or 2000mg of Anavar.

I am going to do 500mg/week of sustanon for 10 weeks.

I have enough Anavar to do 30mg for 10 weeks.

My PCT I will start 3 weeks after last shot of sustanon because of the longer acting esters.

PCT - 3 Weeks after last injection

Week 1 Clomid 100mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Week 2 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 3-4 Clomid 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
-Maybe longer?

Also need help with HCG but what are your opinions, do I even need it for a light cycle like this?

Week 1-3 1500IU E3D
or 250 IU 2X per week while on cycle.

My diet consists of small meals every 2-3 hours with protein shakes. I will be taking around 350-400g of protein/day. This is my first real cycle and I hope to lose some fat and gain some LBM. I also have ECA to add in, when should I add this?

What supporting supplements should I take with this cycle?

I will be taking liver pills, fish oil, flax seed oil, and COQ10.

Do you have any other sugguestions for this cycle, please lemme know cuz im a newbie =].

I want to thank you guys for all your help as I will be starting this cycle next week.

Looks pretty solid bro, the only thing I would change is I would run the anavar for 6 weeks, not 10 weeks as planed. Also dont run HCG durning your PCT, use it like you have said 250iu shots. Then drop it, the week before you start PCT. More than anything enjoy the results.:)
hey thanks guys for your time and input, thx big bapper for that advice, I think im gonna take the advice and run anavar for 6 weeks maybe at the end of my cycle. I have enough to do 45mg for 6 weeks which might be better then 30 mg for 10 weeks. Also with sustanon do you think the shots should be done eod, or e3d, I was told that eod was the best, but thats gonna hurt my ass, but im gonna do some more research for people who do e3d shots with sustanon.

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