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Seems to be this type of cardio is more beneficial to me

Feb 10, 2008
I used to do 5 or 6 sessions/wk at 40 min/session. I've recently started experimenting with only 3 sessions/wk but doing 90-120 min/session. What a difference, I seem to hold more muscle as I'm not doing cardio every single day and I can recover a little better on the off days, but on the days I do cardio WTF!!! 40 min is not long enough to get the full benefit of cardio for me, seems as though it takes about 12-15 minutes just to get my target heart rate in the right range, so I feel like I cheating myself only doing short sessions. Once I hit the one hr mark and beyond, I'm sweating like you wouldn't believe. I drink a large black coffee and take some Hydrotherm tabs from the Vitamin shoppe right b4 cardio, its working great!!! Anyone else limit theirs to 2-3x/wk but do 90-120 min/session instead of the old tried and true 40 min?
I used to do 5 or 6 sessions/wk at 40 min/session. I've recently started experimenting with only 3 sessions/wk but doing 90-120 min/session. What a difference, I seem to hold more muscle as I'm not doing cardio every single day and I can recover a little better on the off days, but on the days I do cardio WTF!!! 40 min is not long enough to get the full benefit of cardio for me, seems as though it takes about 12-15 minutes just to get my target heart rate in the right range, so I feel like I cheating myself only doing short sessions. Once I hit the one hr mark and beyond, I'm sweating like you wouldn't believe. I drink a large black coffee and take some Hydrotherm tabs from the Vitamin shoppe right b4 cardio, its working great!!! Anyone else limit theirs to 2-3x/wk but do 90-120 min/session instead of the old tried and true 40 min?

I stick with doing it 5 mornings a week for 30 minutes. It is at a super slow pace and just fast enough to accomplish what i am looking for. I usually sit at about 2.5 mph and 1.0% incline. I am not doing cardio to burn fat though, i am doing it to keep my metabolism geared up and it makes me feel great throughout the day.
my 2 cents
I used to do 5 or 6 sessions/wk at 40 min/session. I've recently started experimenting with only 3 sessions/wk but doing 90-120 min/session. What a difference, I seem to hold more muscle as I'm not doing cardio every single day and I can recover a little better on the off days, but on the days I do cardio WTF!!! 40 min is not long enough to get the full benefit of cardio for me, seems as though it takes about 12-15 minutes just to get my target heart rate in the right range, so I feel like I cheating myself only doing short sessions. Once I hit the one hr mark and beyond, I'm sweating like you wouldn't believe. I drink a large black coffee and take some Hydrotherm tabs from the Vitamin shoppe right b4 cardio, its working great!!! Anyone else limit theirs to 2-3x/wk but do 90-120 min/session instead of the old tried and true 40 min?

Whatever works for you is good. I know there is no way in this lifetime I am going to do cardio for almost 2 hrs like you are. I would go nuts. I prefer doing it in the morning on empty stomach for 30 min. It seems to work best and I don't have problems losing muscle.
I know you cant spot reduce, but has anyone had more success with fat loss in their glutes and hamstrings doing the stairmaster for at least part of your cardio? Ive always stayed away from it because my poor, poor legs are already undersized for my upper body and i was afraid of losing some of the little muscle i have. But as contest time rolls up thats where i seem to be holding the last of the fat i gotta lose. Thoughts?

Kind of ironic, apparently ive got skinny AND chubby legs somehow! My life! :p
Whatever works for you is good. I know there is no way in this lifetime I am going to do cardio for almost 2 hrs like you are. I would go nuts. I prefer doing it in the morning on empty stomach for 30 min. It seems to work best and I don't have problems losing muscle.

your right about that, after about an hour and ten minutes it gets pretty old. Only reason I'll stay on the damn thing is I know its working and I'm starting to see the results
You guys who mention how boring cardio is

Cardio on a treadmill makes me want to blow my brains out, the time just drags and drags. The time FLIES BY when my walking is done outside throughout the neighborhood with my iPod. Unless you need an elliptical or stairmaster, give it a try sometime.
Cardio works best best when I mix it up..few days for 45 then a few for 30...level 15 a few days then up to 17 a few...eliptical a few weeks then stairmaster. Just change it up so your body never gets use to it. Speed, time, machine, level...etc
I do 15-20mins 2x a day 4 days a week works pretty well
I try and keep my cardio session to less than 30 mins and do more sessions instead of longer sessions. I am afraid of catabolizing muscle with the long cardio. IMO

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