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Sex Drive


Jun 7, 2002
Ok, I like to mess around like everyone else, but I do have a serious question here...

I just came off (don't know if that matters?) and have started the clomid therapy, actually about 2 weeks in, but I have no sex drive whatsoever. I would seriously rather sleep than get any. :mad: Of course, Mrs. slide isn't too happy about this, but I just don't feel like it.

I actually started feeling like this when I started the prop (last 2 weeks of cycle), which made me feel like shit. Did Enanthate for almost 10 weeks and was ready to rock/roll every time the wind changed direction, but for the past month, have had no real interest in the pooty.

I'm mid-20's so, I don't think this is normal, but anything/advice as to what I could do? Of course, Test E is always an option, but just wondering.

Give it another week, I was just like that 2 weeks ago while on clomid. I now am right back on the saddle, it comes back slow but does come back.
enathate did the exact same to me... get your hands on some hcg, it should help a bit.. also Time is your best bet, it took me around 4 weeks before I felt like I had a pair again.
Take viagra. Even if you can perform-it gives you a mental boost knowing you will be 'the stud' that night! At least for me...
Wild defferences in sex drive is something you kinda learn to live with when juicing is a lifestyle.
i dont know it seems liek the more test the better for me i get strong as hell and the girlfriend sees me alot more ofton i gues its a win win situation
Same shit happens to me. While I am on Hcg or clomid it really doesn't plus I get to shoot those super wads:D When that is done it usually takes about 3 wks before I am right were I need to be

It also depends on what other drugs you take! I know pain pills can severly depress ones sex drive. So if you take alot of those you might want to reconsider. Also if you aren't prone to being addicted to G and can get ahold of some you don't have a problem! Just use it when you need to.
Well, it's been a few days and still nothing. You know, I've realized something (and yes, I'm going to share with my bros here for a minute, ladies look away)...I haven't had a hard-on in "a while." Usually wake up with the morning wood, but not lately :confused: I don't even get one (or five) throughout the day. On the bright side, wearing sweats isn't a problem anymore :rolleyes:

I certainly appreciate the advice from all. I think I should pick up some of the little blue pills and give that a shot first. Mrs. slide isn't a happy camper right now, so I need to take care of bizness. Thanks again!

ha ha Slide!

I went through this when I 1st experimented with Fina....I did it with no test...my dick was in the dirt!!! I had no test at the time but I did have a savior: Proviron.....totally got him outta that POW camp, and back into action!

I am not sure since you sound like you are coming off, but proviron is almost a pure androgen, so I am not sure on the hpta recovery. Makes you feel hard ALL over heh heh...
dude, well i guess ya know its time to get bak on now huh? hehe j/k

the same thing happened to me, i mean, even b4 juice, my sex drive was very high, then i did a really long cycle, and when i came off, i crashed hard hehe, i was swallowing clomid like it was fukin candy, but my lil me just wasn't as excited about life as much as he used to be.

but it did evenually come bak to life, but as soon as he taste test enth....mmmmm, he becomes the wild man of bmore and can't keep the ho's away from him (dont tell my fiance i said that tho haha)

JustWannaBeHuge said:
dude, well i guess ya know its time to get bak on now huh? hehe j/k


Not a bad idea ;) :D

Ivan, I know youre laughing with me :cool:

"and this too, will pass"

those little blue pills work for me! I cant wait to get back on though, because that test certainly makes Mrs Bonus a happy woman.
Sure, you could do some HCG, and have a great time tonite. But then you will have slowed your recovery even more. I don't see a darned thing wrong with using Big Blue during this "difficult time". That is why I hand it out like candy.

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