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How do I increase my sex drive and fix my dick?

last resort man
It's where u go when even Viagra and Cialis aren't doing their thing no more
Or for special events ;)
Yea I was using Avanafil for a while and got great results but they dimished. Got Levitra, and Viagra as well. I think I got a little bit of Cialis but I use that when I start waking up a lot in the middle of the night to go piss. As I think it's just a swollen prostate if I wake up more than twice, NOW nutrition makes a prostate support that works wonders as well for that. I am hoping if I take some time off of the PDE5's that I can regain some sensitivity to them as I have taken them every day for years. Their ineffectiveness seemed to coincide with my increase dosage in Quetiapine. So I am going to talk to my Dr about lowering that dose next visit. Also i was taking EQ and it ramped up my anxiety so I have been taking more Benzos than I really want to so I am sure that has been working against me as well but I been off it long enough that I am back to normal now. I read that Trimix can last a long time if you just throw it in the freezer and thaw before use, So I will probably pick up some of that...just in case
My Dr had me pick this up when one time i had low iron levels. She recommended this product specifically and it got my iron up to where it needs to be $20 at Walmart

View attachment 197940
My IRON and TIBC were both sky high. That was the problem. Similar symptoms to Hemochromatosis. Requires Phlebotomy.
As a half Filipino I can verify that while some of our women suffer from "passport" goggles, most of those that came to the US busted their asses in nursing school or as teachers, etc.

Then again there is the cringiest episode of 90 day fiance:

I can attest to this 100%. My in-laws are from the Philippines. My wife is the oldest and they came here when she was 13, 10 years after her dad left to come here first to make the money to get the rest of them here LEGALLY!!!! Anyhoo, they are all highly educated and work their buts off and pay MORE than their "fair share" in taxes. The exception to the rule? The two youngest born and raised here, they are................................well.....................not as motivated...................ya.
Last night I took Melanotan II for the first time in over a year. I only took 100mcg thank God. That’s 1/100th of the 10mg vial. I added 4ml bacteriostatic water and took 4ius/units. It felt nauseas and hot, crappy, so I went to bed. 3 hours later I woke up horny as a goat. It was that type of horny you got in high school gym class when the girls came out in their dolphin shorts(in the early 80’s this was a thing.

That's the problem with M2. the nausea. injecting something that makes you literally feel sick is hard for me to do as I get older.

Imagine if M2 didnt come with nausea. Be amazing.
That's the problem with M2. the nausea. injecting something that makes you literally feel sick is hard for me to do as I get older.

Imagine if M2 didnt come with nausea. Be amazing.
Same with me. The nausea off the last shot has me afraid to use it.

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