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How do I increase my sex drive and fix my dick?

Holy fuck OP.. You're slamming the gas pedal and the brakes at the same time. My advice would be to seek out a different medical professional. I know as bodybuilders we like to think more is better but in many cases less is more.
All prescriptions. Serotonin syndrome is an issue. My psychiatrist gets $250 for half an hour. He knows his stuff.

Oh boy...

If you have a professional who thinks the solution to problems is more drugs....find a new one and start over.
Yes, I’ll see a urologist. I just need a temporary fix for 5 weeks when I travel to Philippines.

60mg Cialis is highest dose I’ve seen.

200mg viagra

I did some research on Wellbutrin helping with anorgasmia, along with low dose buspar.

I’ll scale back to 100mg test, 500iu hcg MWF with 25mg clomid on MWF

I’m going to cut my propranolol dose in half.

Get off diazepam asap

Lose weight



Ok dude if you just have a period of 5 weeks and then take the time to fix this I would Google Olympia labs that will find a Dr and script you a product called trimix. You inject it into the side of your dick with some slin pins and its instant erection. You have a script for it for peace of mind when traveling but just dropping all this stuff is dangerous as others have stated. You can't just drop 5mg of valium, I would not cut any dose in half that is prescribed by your Dr. without them telling you first.

There are sponsors here that sell a product called pge-1 that is in Trimix and I have just given them a shot but it seems to be a single use vial. Like when its reconstituted you use what you need to immediately and then discard the rest as it degrades pretty quickly, at least that's what I have found refrigerated or not but that is a route you could go as you have time to get it. I tried some from India and they come premixed in ethanol and you add 4ml of sodium chloride to the bottle but that's still %20 alcohol and you don't want to inject that. Ask me how I know?? lol please don't

I actually am in a very similar boat as your self, I am 46 5'11" working on getting my weight under control and that's actually been going pretty well, on ssri's, benzo's, beta blockers, I don't get off everytime I have sex, or even jerk off, my libido is poor but its either that or crippling anxiety for me. I mean you are on these drugs for a reason and if you just stop all of them you don't know where your gonna wind up but I guarantee its not going to be in the spot you want in 5 weeks. You probably can't even get in to see a urologist in 5 weeks. I will say I ran some tren/mast/sus/prop and that turned me into a sex addict. Which was a nice change. Also other have mentioned products to use as well, I am not an expert but if I could just take some ment and boom libido, I would.

In short you need these medications, and I posted this to focus on getting past the vacation and then see if a urologist can do anything for you. You are not the only one to experience this, its actually pretty common. You DO NOT want to drop all these meds in 5 weeks and then just be somewhere where you don't even know if there is a support system in place to help you should you have some sort of break from reality. Fucking crazy in the Philippines is not what you want and I am guessing you are traveling alone?? DUDE THAT IS A HUGE NO, DO NOT DO THAT!

Also if you need this stuff you need this stuff so maybe your only option are additional bandaids, It sucks but it is life. I would still see a urologist when you return! And keep us posted. Hope this helps.
I NEVER had any ED issues until I was prescribed Adderall. For myself that was the number #1 culprit. Stimulants of any kind can cause ED but Adderall IMO is the devil. Another thing to look at is running too high dosage of an AI. If u smash estrogen too low, that's going to be a big problem.
No offense but your psychiatrist does seem great… at prescribing extremely high amounts of the good drugs. Lol

I didn’t even dive into your prescriptions in my earlier post as honestly the truth is that you need a doctor or psychiatrist less focused on drugs and more on lifestyle changes IMO.

40mg of adderall in a day ontop of all the other meds you’re on is a LOT. You’re pretty maxed out in meds. I’d focus on fixing your health and lifestyle if it were me.

Again, no judgment at all. Just want to see guys be healthy.
Yea the VA is famous for that whole adderrall day and benzo or ambien at night mix and it seriously fucks guys up. I still take benzos at night after being in them for years I started my own taper and it’s tough as hell, I don’t even touch green tea and I cannot fathom taking adderrall. Good news is you unfuck all this and you’ll feel better in more than just libido. People often call docs “good” when they get the scripts they wanted but good is when you are better, you seem to have been failed in the “to do no harm” department
Yea the VA is famous for that whole adderrall day and benzo or ambien at night mix and it seriously fucks guys up. I still take benzos at night after being in them for years I started my own taper and it’s tough as hell, I don’t even touch green tea and I cannot fathom taking adderrall. Good news is you unfuck all this and you’ll feel better in more than just libido. People often call docs “good” when they get the scripts they wanted but good is when you are better, you seem to have been failed in the “to do no harm” department
I’m obviously a big fan of doctors and medications used as needed.

But when you max out adderall and offset it each night in the patient by having them take a benzo that’s not ok in my book. Uppers and downers… it’s just legalized rec drugs almost at that point IMO. It never ends well.

Adderall can permanently diminish one’s libido and benzo’s are lethal to come off (if done too quickly) and will make you wish you were dead in the process.

Then we add in anti-depressants. At a certain point we suppress living life itself.

I have been through some tough and low shit in my life so I understand all of these items for short periods if one needs them. But long term usage… I have to think there’s a better way, a better life.

Just my .02 and no judgment to the OP.
I’m obviously a big fan of doctors and medications used as needed.

But when you max out adderall and offset it each night in the patient by having them take a benzo that’s not ok in my book. Uppers and downers… it’s just legalized rec drugs almost at that point IMO. It never ends well.

Adderall can permanently diminish one’s libido and benzo’s are lethal to come off (if done too quickly) and will make you wish you were dead in the process.

Then we add in anti-depressants. At a certain point we suppress living life itself.

I have been through some tough and low shit in my life so I understand all of these items for short periods if one needs them. But long term usage… I have to think there’s a better way, a better life.

Just my .02 and no judgment to the OP.
Yea dude I was in a state of constant panic all day. Like wake up and instant panick. Too scared to leave the house!! I can take setraline and thet takes 90% of that away. The other 10% I need bezos for or i'll be in a panic attack. I get Ritalin for adhd totally different when on then off. I think a lot of folks who take stims for ADHD do not react to stims the way most people do. I know I don't I have tried illegal stims and have been like what's this stuff suppose to do, it does nothing. The benzo at night is usually used to stop racing thoughts. I have done tons of NLP, meditation and psychological help. I call what psychiatrists do "selective addiction". They talk about how they don't want me getting addicted to benzodiazepines but I ask why aren't you worried about the setraline which is worse.for you. Its not like I can just stop taking any medicine I take.

Just like anyone with any sort of disease you have to consider it and try to make ones life as best as possible, this is where meds come into play. You need to male compromises when dealing with them. Most folks who take " head meds" would really rather not in my experience. There is no cookie cutter person so there is no cookie cutter option. I don't understand how.could even propose one??
Yea dude I was in a state of constant panic all day. Like wake up and instant panick. Too scared to leave the house!! I can take setraline and thet takes 90% of that away. The other 10% I need bezos for or i'll be in a panic attack. I get Ritalin for adhd totally different when on then off. I think a lot of folks who take stims for ADHD do not react to stims the way most people do. I know I don't I have tried illegal stims and have been like what's this stuff suppose to do, it does nothing. The benzo at night is usually used to stop racing thoughts. I have done tons of NLP, meditation and psychological help. I call what psychiatrists do "selective addiction". They talk about how they don't want me getting addicted to benzodiazepines but I ask why aren't you worried about the setraline which is worse.for you. Its not like I can just stop taking any medicine I take.

Just like anyone with any sort of disease you have to consider it and try to make ones life as best as possible, this is where meds come into play. You need to male compromises when dealing with them. Most folks who take " head meds" would really rather not in my experience. There is no cookie cutter person so there is no cookie cutter option. I don't understand how.could even propose one??
Sounds like you’ve been through the wringer with it. NLP is very effective for most who are willing to try it so props that you’ve explored so many options.

Docs are so lax on SSRI’s compared to benzo’s. I was always taught to never go over 2mg on benzo’s as the dependency increases, but honestly any amount over long periods makes one dependent.

I’ve watched my father fall into this decline slowly since his mid 40’s and now he lives life on all these meds as a shell of what he once was. But have watched him try to come off them as well and it’s not pretty.

These meds serve a purpose without doubt. But the number of people or doctors who rush to them as a first line treatment instead of a last resort is just astonishing to me.
How much cardio are you doing? Get off half the shit you're on. And get healthy. Don't need to quit gear. But if you need BP meds and Adderall you're fucking your self.
Are you talking about the combination of BP meds and adderall? Adderall does not increase my blood pressure.
Yea dude I was in a state of constant panic all day. Like wake up and instant panick. Too scared to leave the house!! I can take setraline and thet takes 90% of that away. The other 10% I need bezos for or i'll be in a panic attack. I get Ritalin for adhd totally different when on then off. I think a lot of folks who take stims for ADHD do not react to stims the way most people do. I know I don't I have tried illegal stims and have been like what's this stuff suppose to do, it does nothing. The benzo at night is usually used to stop racing thoughts. I have done tons of NLP, meditation and psychological help. I call what psychiatrists do "selective addiction". They talk about how they don't want me getting addicted to benzodiazepines but I ask why aren't you worried about the setraline which is worse.for you. Its not like I can just stop taking any medicine I take.

Just like anyone with any sort of disease you have to consider it and try to make ones life as best as possible, this is where meds come into play. You need to male compromises when dealing with them. Most folks who take " head meds" would really rather not in my experience. There is no cookie cutter person so there is no cookie cutter option. I don't understand how.could even propose one??
I didn’t even list what I was on prior 4 months ago. Was taking Effexor and seroquel for sleep and racing thoughts. The Effexor was the worst thing to happen to me. I can for sure pinpoint that drug.

We shall see if I can get off the diazepam. I’m afraid of those nights where 1000 emotions flood my brain at once and my bedroom feels like I’m in a coffin.

Adderall is 3 to 4 times a week and the dose is pretty basic. I know guys taking 30mg 4 times a day.

I have clinical depression. Severe anxiety disorder, PTSD, agoraphobia without panic attacks, add, Insomnia and so on.

I understand needing lifestyle changes but it’s not that easy.

Unless you know someone’s medical history and mental health I try not to be quick with telling that person they don’t need meds. It just adds to the stigma and is part of the reason why 105 men commit suicide everyday. We kill ourselves more often than woman. Why? Because, we can’t express our feelings and if you do you get dismissed.

My mom was a big Dr. Oz fan. I could never talk to her. My mom would tell me I need to walk. My ex. She’d tell me I needed more sun. Yes, the above are true but along with medication.

I’ve gotten past my PTSD but only because I took the medication, got the therapy and did everything required.

Still curious why people have mentioned Wellbutrin being a problem? It’s generally prescribed to off set sexual dysfunction from ssris? Buspar is also prescribed to fix you up as it clears D2 and D3 receptors (whatever that means)
Ok dude if you just have a period of 5 weeks and then take the time to fix this I would Google Olympia labs that will find a Dr and script you a product called trimix. You inject it into the side of your dick with some slin pins and its instant erection. You have a script for it for peace of mind when traveling but just dropping all this stuff is dangerous as others have stated. You can't just drop 5mg of valium, I would not cut any dose in half that is prescribed by your Dr. without them telling you first.

There are sponsors here that sell a product called pge-1 that is in Trimix and I have just given them a shot but it seems to be a single use vial. Like when its reconstituted you use what you need to immediately and then discard the rest as it degrades pretty quickly, at least that's what I have found refrigerated or not but that is a route you could go as you have time to get it. I tried some from India and they come premixed in ethanol and you add 4ml of sodium chloride to the bottle but that's still %20 alcohol and you don't want to inject that. Ask me how I know?? lol please don't

I actually am in a very similar boat as your self, I am 46 5'11" working on getting my weight under control and that's actually been going pretty well, on ssri's, benzo's, beta blockers, I don't get off everytime I have sex, or even jerk off, my libido is poor but its either that or crippling anxiety for me. I mean you are on these drugs for a reason and if you just stop all of them you don't know where your gonna wind up but I guarantee its not going to be in the spot you want in 5 weeks. You probably can't even get in to see a urologist in 5 weeks. I will say I ran some tren/mast/sus/prop and that turned me into a sex addict. Which was a nice change. Also other have mentioned products to use as well, I am not an expert but if I could just take some ment and boom libido, I would.

In short you need these medications, and I posted this to focus on getting past the vacation and then see if a urologist can do anything for you. You are not the only one to experience this, its actually pretty common. You DO NOT want to drop all these meds in 5 weeks and then just be somewhere where you don't even know if there is a support system in place to help you should you have some sort of break from reality. Fucking crazy in the Philippines is not what you want and I am guessing you are traveling alone?? DUDE THAT IS A HUGE NO, DO NOT DO THAT!

Also if you need this stuff you need this stuff so maybe your only option are additional bandaids, It sucks but it is life. I would still see a urologist when you return! And keep us posted. Hope this helps.
I agree 100% with this. Thanks for the post. I did some research on Wellbutrin and I’m going to continue 150mgs. I just feel happier and I’m not seeing the correlation with sexual dysfunction in studies I’ve seen. I’m also adding the buspar.

What will be huge is stopping the quetipine before bed. Just doing that and I’ll drop 20lbs.

I use diazepam specifically due to its long half life and ability to come off of easier. I would never touch anything stronger. I’ve already experienced a seizure from clonezapam withdrawal, so I’m lucky I’m still on earth.

4 months ago I stopped the Effexor week two in the Philippines and that was a mistake. I was just so frustrated with my inability to ejaculate. It definitely became a mental thing and the 21yr old girl I was with had an absolutely mint body. That made things even more frustrating. At one point during sex she told me “that’s good, you can stop now” I said “oh, thank god”. Amazing experience though with this girl. She would use her hands and wipe all the sweat off my chest and back and then take her hands and run them through my buzzed head. But, that’s another thread.
I'm nobody from nowhere so take this for whatever it's worth to you. Im sure you might have one or two people concerned about specific medications. What I am seeing others express by and large is the cocktail of drugs you are taking that are pulling you every direction. You add all that together plus the depression, ptsd, ssris, gear, adderall, and I think the consensus is that is why you are having the sex drive issues.

No one here can tell you how to fix it and the best we can do is anecdotal evidence but there are some very good replies so far.

Im not sure more drugs are the answer but again, Im not a medical professional. I think the answer would be less is more but only you can be the judge of whats best for you.

good luck.

I didn’t even list what I was on prior 4 months ago. Was taking Effexor and seroquel for sleep and racing thoughts. The Effexor was the worst thing to happen to me. I can for sure pinpoint that drug.

We shall see if I can get off the diazepam. I’m afraid of those nights where 1000 emotions flood my brain at once and my bedroom feels like I’m in a coffin.

Adderall is 3 to 4 times a week and the dose is pretty basic. I know guys taking 30mg 4 times a day.

I have clinical depression. Severe anxiety disorder, PTSD, agoraphobia without panic attacks, add, Insomnia and so on.

I understand needing lifestyle changes but it’s not that easy.

Unless you know someone’s medical history and mental health I try not to be quick with telling that person they don’t need meds. It just adds to the stigma and is part of the reason why 105 men commit suicide everyday. We kill ourselves more often than woman. Why? Because, we can’t express our feelings and if you do you get dismissed.

My mom was a big Dr. Oz fan. I could never talk to her. My mom would tell me I need to walk. My ex. She’d tell me I needed more sun. Yes, the above are true but along with medication.

I’ve gotten past my PTSD but only because I took the medication, got the therapy and did everything required.

Still curious why people have mentioned Wellbutrin being a problem? It’s generally prescribed to off set sexual dysfunction from ssris? Buspar is also prescribed to fix you up as it clears D2 and D3 receptors (whatever that means)
I didn’t even list what I was on prior 4 months ago. Was taking Effexor and seroquel for sleep and racing thoughts. The Effexor was the worst thing to happen to me. I can for sure pinpoint that drug.

We shall see if I can get off the diazepam. I’m afraid of those nights where 1000 emotions flood my brain at once and my bedroom feels like I’m in a coffin.

Adderall is 3 to 4 times a week and the dose is pretty basic. I know guys taking 30mg 4 times a day.

I have clinical depression. Severe anxiety disorder, PTSD, agoraphobia without panic attacks, add, Insomnia and so on.

I understand needing lifestyle changes but it’s not that easy.

Unless you know someone’s medical history and mental health I try not to be quick with telling that person they don’t need meds. It just adds to the stigma and is part of the reason why 105 men commit suicide everyday. We kill ourselves more often than woman. Why? Because, we can’t express our feelings and if you do you get dismissed.

My mom was a big Dr. Oz fan. I could never talk to her. My mom would tell me I need to walk. My ex. She’d tell me I needed more sun. Yes, the above are true but along with medication.

I’ve gotten past my PTSD but only because I took the medication, got the therapy and did everything required.

Still curious why people have mentioned Wellbutrin being a problem? It’s generally prescribed to off set sexual dysfunction from ssris? Buspar is also prescribed to fix you up as it clears D2 and D3 receptors (whatever that means)

I think everyone here understands what you're saying.

The issue is you're asking for advice to fix your sexual problems with hormones.

Meanwhile, more than likely it's not the hormones causing the sexual issues.

Since it sounds like you have an awful lot going on medically it's probably not in your best interest to be searching out medical advice on an online message board. Stick to the physicians.
I agree 100% with this. Thanks for the post. I did some research on Wellbutrin and I’m going to continue 150mgs. I just feel happier and I’m not seeing the correlation with sexual dysfunction in studies I’ve seen. I’m also adding the buspar.

What will be huge is stopping the quetipine before bed. Just doing that and I’ll drop 20lbs.

I use diazepam specifically due to its long half life and ability to come off of easier. I would never touch anything stronger. I’ve already experienced a seizure from clonezapam withdrawal, so I’m lucky I’m still on earth.

4 months ago I stopped the Effexor week two in the Philippines and that was a mistake. I was just so frustrated with my inability to ejaculate. It definitely became a mental thing and the 21yr old girl I was with had an absolutely mint body. That made things even more frustrating. At one point during sex she told me “that’s good, you can stop now” I said “oh, thank god”. Amazing experience though with this girl. She would use her hands and wipe all the sweat off my chest and back and then take her hands and run them through my buzzed head. But, that’s another thread.
Dude I am being very serious when I tell you not to stop anything!! You want to stop quetiipine and valium in a 5 week period, when you have already had a seizure.stopping clonazapam. Bro get on everything your suppose to be on. Your going to wind up in a hospital the way you are going. Like psyche ward and I am not trying to be rude or make fun of you.. Get back on all your meds and get some sleep and lets talk tomorrow, feel free.to pm or chat here. You sound like your having a manic episode or something. GET ON ALL MEDS YOUR DR PRESCRIBES.
I’ve watched my father fall into this decline slowly since his mid 40’s and now he lives life on all these meds as a shell of what he once was. But have watched him try to come off them as well and it’s not pretty.

Honestly I could see me having a similar fate. All my friends in real life had start telling me that I just seemed to go to shit when I started taking sertraline...like all of them and they only asked.do to.had my father start seeing the repercussions of alcohol abuse in his early 50's until his death at 63.
One people often over look. Check your Iron and TIBC if these are elevated can have a significant impact
- Tired / Weak feeling
- joint pain
- change in skin color
- irregular heart rhythm
- decreased sex drive
- erectile dysfunction

Amongst other things. Been dealing with this for a bit and seen every specialist known to man. Personally think I finally diagnosed myself and am seeing a Hematologist
Just get you some PGE1. Problem solved. Just have to come to terms with using a slin pin to inject your limp shaft. Once your over than mental hurdle you’ll have instant hard on’s. It won’t change your libido, but you’ll have a rock hard appendage….


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