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How do I increase my sex drive and fix my dick?


Mar 4, 2004
49yr old male, 6’ 250lbs 34.53 BMI(obese)

Used steroids since I was 19. Been on TRT since age 36.

Used anti depressants, SSRIs, SNRIs, anti anxiety medication, and adderall for 20 years.

I went off for a few weeks and this was was blood work:

Sex Hrm Bnd Glb 73 nmol (high)
Testosterone 274 ng/dl (low)
Free test Calc 29 pg/ml (low)
Free testosterone 1.1% (low)

My dick is a complete mess currently. Can’t maintain erection. Difficult to ejaculate. Lucky if I ejaculate at all. Retrograde ejaculation.

Currently just went back on this week. Had been off all gear for 3 months:

200 mg test cyp a week
1mg arimidex once a week
50mg clomid ed (want boys to still work)
Cabergoline once a week
500iu hcg twice a week (want boys to still work)

Also taking:
Lotrel 40/5
Propranolol 40mg x 2
Adderall 40mg 4 times a week
5mg diazepam ed (stopping in 30 days)
150mg Wellbutrin xl ed

Cialis and viagra help, but not like they used to. Can I increase dosage of ed meds?

Would proviron help with sex drive and ejaculation?

Want to increase sperm count also.

Would like to be horny and want to fuck, get hard, stay hard and ejaculate?

I’d like to stay on test. Don’t want to completely shrink and feel horrible.

Any advice to fix my junk would be appreciated.

It used to be just test would do the trick. A year ago I upped test to 600mgs and got crazy hard ons and felt like I was going to piss.

Been on the board since 2004. I’m really out of the loop.

Thank you

Without spending two hours on this post you may want to see if you can get into a urologist prior to you using or continue using all using this stuff. I think all but one of your prescribed drugs may be working against you with wellbutrin probably being the main cause. Also if you just came off a bunch of drugs your body may need time to adjust to the new paradigm. Though yes you can up your V and C. And if you can get away with that for awhile to give your body time that really is a good option with the best going to a Dr. Also your 49 age.can be a factor as well. Lol a lot can be a factor. I also have tried Levitra and Avanafil with success as well. hope this helps
49yr old male, 6’ 250lbs 34.53 BMI(obese)

Used steroids since I was 19. Been on TRT since age 36.

Used anti depressants, SSRIs, SNRIs, anti anxiety medication, and adderall for 20 years.

I went off for a few weeks and this was was blood work:

Sex Hrm Bnd Glb 73 nmol (high)
Testosterone 274 ng/dl (low)
Free test Calc 29 pg/ml (low)
Free testosterone 1.1% (low)

My dick is a complete mess currently. Can’t maintain erection. Difficult to ejaculate. Lucky if I ejaculate at all. Retrograde ejaculation.

Currently just went back on this week. Had been off all gear for 3 months:

200 mg test cyp a week
1mg arimidex once a week
50mg clomid ed (want boys to still work)
Cabergoline once a week
500iu hcg twice a week (want boys to still work)

Also taking:
Lotrel 40/5
Propranolol 40mg x 2
Adderall 40mg 4 times a week
5mg diazepam ed (stopping in 30 days)
150mg Wellbutrin xl ed

Cialis and viagra help, but not like they used to. Can I increase dosage of ed meds?

Would proviron help with sex drive and ejaculation?

Want to increase sperm count also.

Would like to be horny and want to fuck, get hard, stay hard and ejaculate?

I’d like to stay on test. Don’t want to completely shrink and feel horrible.

Any advice to fix my junk would be appreciated.

It used to be just test would do the trick. A year ago I upped test to 600mgs and got crazy hard ons and felt like I was going to piss.

Been on the board since 2004. I’m really out of the loop.

Thank you

Imho your issue is Clomid, remove it and in some time you will feel better, it's not something made to be used for long periods on a man.

Next thing I would check are E2 levels, maybe you are using too much Arimidex.

Cabergoline tbh is not needed at all.

And btw if you are on HRT I see that difficult to keep also good fertility levels. You have to choose between the two..
I know Wellbutrin and caber could have some interactions for your nervous system. Honestly I’d go to the urologist at this point and tell him what’s up. You’re on a lot of meds and some may be interacting poorly with each other.

If you’re looking for a temp solution you can try pt141 at 1.5-2mg an hour before sex.
there is a whole lot going on that maybe causing your issues but propranolol will cause ed. it causes vasoconstriction at the blood vessel level.
Adderall is an interesting compound. It gets me horny as fuck, but if I take too much, it definitely fucks with my ability to get hard and stay hard, despite the powerful libido.

40mgs is a lot of adderall, especially if you are taking it later in the day closer to sex time.
49yr old male, 6’ 250lbs 34.53 BMI(obese)

Used steroids since I was 19. Been on TRT since age 36.

Used anti depressants, SSRIs, SNRIs, anti anxiety medication, and adderall for 20 years.

I went off for a few weeks and this was was blood work:

Sex Hrm Bnd Glb 73 nmol (high)
Testosterone 274 ng/dl (low)
Free test Calc 29 pg/ml (low)
Free testosterone 1.1% (low)

My dick is a complete mess currently. Can’t maintain erection. Difficult to ejaculate. Lucky if I ejaculate at all. Retrograde ejaculation.

Currently just went back on this week. Had been off all gear for 3 months:

200 mg test cyp a week
1mg arimidex once a week
50mg clomid ed (want boys to still work)
Cabergoline once a week
500iu hcg twice a week (want boys to still work)

Also taking:
Lotrel 40/5
Propranolol 40mg x 2
Adderall 40mg 4 times a week
5mg diazepam ed (stopping in 30 days)
150mg Wellbutrin xl ed

Cialis and viagra help, but not like they used to. Can I increase dosage of ed meds?

Would proviron help with sex drive and ejaculation?

Want to increase sperm count also.

Would like to be horny and want to fuck, get hard, stay hard and ejaculate?

I’d like to stay on test. Don’t want to completely shrink and feel horrible.

Any advice to fix my junk would be appreciated.

It used to be just test would do the trick. A year ago I upped test to 600mgs and got crazy hard ons and felt like I was going to piss.

Been on the board since 2004. I’m really out of the loop.

Thank you

What the hell? What kind of condition do you have? Why are you taking adderal and wellbutrin, and diazepam? That would kille anybody's dick! Is it absolutely necessary to use those meds?
Without spending two hours on this post you may want to see if you can get into a urologist prior to you using or continue using all using this stuff. I think all but one of your prescribed drugs may be working against you with wellbutrin probably being the main cause. Also if you just came off a bunch of drugs your body may need time to adjust to the new paradigm. Though yes you can up your V and C. And if you can get away with that for awhile to give your body time that really is a good option with the best going to a Dr. Also your 49 age.can be a factor as well. Lol a lot can be a factor. I also have tried Levitra and Avanafil with success as well. hope this helps
Yes, I’ll see a urologist. I just need a temporary fix for 5 weeks when I travel to Philippines.

60mg Cialis is highest dose I’ve seen.

200mg viagra

I did some research on Wellbutrin helping with anorgasmia, along with low dose buspar.

I’ll scale back to 100mg test, 500iu hcg MWF with 25mg clomid on MWF

I’m going to cut my propranolol dose in half.

Get off diazepam asap

Lose weight



What the hell? What kind of condition do you have? Why are you taking adderal and wellbutrin, and diazepam? That would kille anybody's dick! Is it absolutely necessary to use those meds?
I do think Adderall effects me poorly.

The diazepam definitely hurts.

Never read a bad thing about Wellbutrin and sexual dysfunction?
Adderall is an interesting compound. It gets me horny as fuck, but if I take too much, it definitely fucks with my ability to get hard and stay hard, despite the powerful libido.

40mgs is a lot of adderall, especially if you are taking it later in the day closer to sex time.
Initial reaction for most is Adderall makes one horny. 40mgs is max dose for children. I’m sure it hurts.

I’m curious how long I have to be off Adderall for.

I work nights tho so modafanil may be another option
there is a whole lot going on that maybe causing your issues but propranolol will cause ed. it causes vasoconstriction at the blood vessel level.
Thank you. I’m going to cut my dose in half and lose 20 lbs
Low dose trest give me a great sex drive and just an overall feeling of well being but not sure about it with all the other stuff you have been on
Switch to a cardio selective beta blocker and get your Testosterone levels up.

IMO you need to decide if you want to be “off” or do you want to be “on” gear and Test.
Initial reaction for most is Adderall makes one horny. 40mgs is max dose for children. I’m sure it hurts.

I’m curious how long I have to be off Adderall for.

I work nights tho so modafanil may be another option
This makes sense, do you still get an erection at night? Still working nights and taking so many drugs makes for the right recipe for ed, maybe you just need a break, which I know may not be possible, best wishes man, I wish I could help!
First thing that stands out all the medications you take...meds have sides.

Second your BMI. When I lost a lot of weight just focused on being lean vs the scale, zero libido issues. Just don't get too lean then it goes away too.
49yr old male, 6’ 250lbs 34.53 BMI(obese)

Used steroids since I was 19. Been on TRT since age 36.

Used anti depressants, SSRIs, SNRIs, anti anxiety medication, and adderall for 20 years.

I went off for a few weeks and this was was blood work:

Sex Hrm Bnd Glb 73 nmol (high)
Testosterone 274 ng/dl (low)
Free test Calc 29 pg/ml (low)
Free testosterone 1.1% (low)

My dick is a complete mess currently. Can’t maintain erection. Difficult to ejaculate. Lucky if I ejaculate at all. Retrograde ejaculation.

Currently just went back on this week. Had been off all gear for 3 months:

200 mg test cyp a week
1mg arimidex once a week
50mg clomid ed (want boys to still work)
Cabergoline once a week
500iu hcg twice a week (want boys to still work)

Also taking:
Lotrel 40/5
Propranolol 40mg x 2
Adderall 40mg 4 times a week
5mg diazepam ed (stopping in 30 days)
150mg Wellbutrin xl ed

Cialis and viagra help, but not like they used to. Can I increase dosage of ed meds?

Would proviron help with sex drive and ejaculation?

Want to increase sperm count also.

Would like to be horny and want to fuck, get hard, stay hard and ejaculate?

I’d like to stay on test. Don’t want to completely shrink and feel horrible.

Any advice to fix my junk would be appreciated.

It used to be just test would do the trick. A year ago I upped test to 600mgs and got crazy hard ons and felt like I was going to piss.

Been on the board since 2004. I’m really out of the loop.

Thank you

If you allow me to send you a PM I might be able to help.
Yes, I’ll see a urologist. I just need a temporary fix for 5 weeks when I travel to Philippines.

60mg Cialis is highest dose I’ve seen.

200mg viagra

I did some research on Wellbutrin helping with anorgasmia, along with low dose buspar.

I’ll scale back to 100mg test, 500iu hcg MWF with 25mg clomid on MWF

I’m going to cut my propranolol dose in half.

Get off diazepam asap

Lose weight



Why are you using 1mg of Arimadex on 200mg Test plus Caber?

It sounds like you are just trying to get your health in order so you can bang hooks in the Philippines. Why not sit this trip out on the sidelines and enjoy the beach our something and then focus the next year or 2 in dropping a bunch of weight and getting your overall health in order?

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