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shoulder surgery


New member
Oct 16, 2009
i just had my first shoulder surgery today and it hurts like hell. i had to have 2 screws put in to fix my labrum, i had a superior and posterior taer. i was wondering if any of yall who had this surgery could tell me what to expect with recovery and how long it took yall to get back to 100%?
Nothing to your extreme but had both shoulders worked on due to rotator issues and bone spurs. One was scoped and the other cut open. I had full recovery of both shoulders in about 4 months (light lifting) and about 6 months for heavy lifting, but remember each person is different when it comes to healing. :)
how long did you wait to start lifting light again? the docs told me today no lifting at all for 3 months.
you're definitely going to have to wait a while man.

i had 2 screws put in my left shoulder due to a 360 degree labrum tear. i also have a bunch of wiring in there too. it seriously depends on your surgeon and what he did but mine definitely took time to get back into weight lifting. i lost most of my external rotation on my left shoulder (i have to wrap a wristwrap around the bar when i squat because i cant reach it with my left arm). i also developed osteoarthritis because of how tight my surgeon wired and screwed it down. he also had to go in and remove some bone spurs as well.

i would definitely say 4 months before any type of tough lifting. it took me about 4 months to bench 315 again but they also said i would never be able to do any heavy chest and shoulder work again.

good luck man
My Dr was a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon. Had his own practice taught at the State U and dealt with many collegiate and pro athletes. I had 2 rotator muscles reattached. And a ruptured biceps fixed. The Dr said it would be 18 months till the were fully graphed back on. Originally he said 3 months till I should start lifting with that arm. But he said to keep training the rest of the body. And training the good arm would keep the injured one from from atrophying as much and would keep the nerves functioning as well. 5 days after the surgery back in the gym. Only doing rehab work for the injured shoulder along with stretching several times a day. 8 week s later the Dr said I could start training the repaired arm(as he knew I was doing some stuff anyway) as I was healing much faster then normal. 8 months later my bench was at 96% of it's all time best.
you're definitely going to have to wait a while man.

(i have to wrap a wristwrap around the bar when i squat because i cant reach it with my left arm).
good luck man

Never saw anyone besides myself do that... Had open surgery on both mine, 4 years apart. The first was full thickness rotator cuff, horizontal tear. Used screws on that one. The second (left) was a linear rotator cuff tear, labrum tear, AC joint impingment, bone spurs, and a large chondral defect on the end of the humerus. I didn't lift anything for 4 months. I tried to work legs but couldn't even hold myself down in a leg press machine. Tried to squat ssideways in the Smith machine with the bar on my good shoulder... no go. It took a full year both times after surgery to get back up to a 225 military and 315 bench. Never went much heavier than that since the surgeries either. No real need. I'm many years past my powerlifting days.
Last year I had surgery for a completely torn labrum and tear to rotator cuff, took three months to lift heavy again. Two weeks ago I had my shoulder scoped again to remove scar tissue and to open up my ac joint. I'm already back to lifting except for heavy overhead movement. My surgeon has worked for the niners, cal berkely, and has done a few pro sx riders. She is very good and I think my recovery is attributed to that she had a fat waiting list but well worth it. Also on hgh therapy which I'm assuming helps. Goodluck man you will be back to it in no time just be patient first week is the worst.
I feel for you bro, I had a rotator cuff tear along with a bicept tear. Surgery was 2 years ago next week. The surgery was the worst surgery I have ever had as far as recouperation goes. I have complete recovery and movement is not limited at all. Back to 100%. However I had a fantastic Dr. which means a lot. I waited about 6 months to lift at all. I still go light on certain lifts such as militaries simply because of fear of reinjury. Listen to your Dr. follow his advice and go to therapy don't try and force yourself back. By the way I just had surgery for a torn triceps tendon in Feb just now trying to lift again from that. Elbow hurts like hell when i lift light. In my case I guess getting old is HELL. Good luck to you.
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all in all...shoulder injuries suck. it is the most flexible joint in the human body and when you wreck it, it is NEVER the same.

what kills me now is the arthritis i have. i still wake up some nights with my shoulder almost "locked" into a certain position. super painful
Had my left one done 2 times ...... It took good 3 months till I felt 50-75% better but will always have troubles with it..... True everyone I'd different..... My Dr. Told me to look at it this way..... It's like an investment ..... Take ur time with it.... Put a little into it each day don't go too fast and in the end big pay off will come...... Good luck too u bro!!!
thank yall for the replies. i think my plan for recovery is going to be about 10-12 weeks of not using the injured shoulder, then when i start lifting with it again just starting from scratch with a bare bar on everything and slowly working my way back up. im also thinking od taking a 2 year break from powerlifting to realy make sure my shoulder is at 100%, since im only 21 im not in a rush to push through recovery too fast and end up in the same posion again.
go to elitefts.com and rad Marc Bartley's log. he just had his shoulder repaired. He is very aggressive in his rehab.
I had the same operation....if You properly rehab it & don't rush things too, You will get almost all of the strength back 90+%(as long as You had a great ortho)...2yrs post, due to scar tissue, got pumps in My shoulder, during all upper body workouts
i just had my first shoulder surgery today and it hurts like hell. i had to have 2 screws put in to fix my labrum, i had a superior and posterior taer. i was wondering if any of yall who had this surgery could tell me what to expect with recovery and how long it took yall to get back to 100%?

What did you doctor say? I would guess 3-4 months for a full recovery. If you do proper therapy maybe sooner.
I had the same surgery last august and it sucked.I had 3 screws in mine.i was told complete recovery is about 1.5 years.I rehabed for 4 months and now allmost a year later my strength is back to normal.I still have pain in my shoulder on certain exercises.
my doc said 3-4 months till i can start lifting.
and i just today heard from a few different people that the ortho i had do my surgery is one of the worst in the area, so im kinda pissed/worried now.
Honestly,I had mine done at 1 one the best sports md clinics in the country.I waited 5 months to start back lifting then it was real light and i had alot of pain.I also did 4 months of theropy b4 i lifted.Its no fun and ive had 6 operations and this one hurts me the most.
6 week update

It's been 6 weeks since surgery and i finally don't need my sling anymore, turns out the doc had to put in more than just the 2 screws he planned on doing. he hed to put in 3 screws with sutures and wire. the pain is almost completely gone now but i still can't more my arm at all, doc said thats normal and as i go through therapy it will get better. I start therapy in a few days and will post again to let yall know how that goes.

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