I pretty much always snored a little, but it got really bad after I broke 200 or so. At 225 I started having apnea problems but it didn't get really bad until I was 240. At that weight I would stop sleeping, I didn't recover, I was depressed, no appetite, sexual problems, high blood pressure, you name it. I was also about 10% BF at 240, so I certainly wasn't fat by any means, which is the cause of most apnea. My doc said that it had to do more with neck circumference regardless of leanness.
I went to the local sleep clinic and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. They run tests on you while you spend the night there. In order to stop the apnea the choices were: lose weight (as in under 200 lbs), get a CPAP machine, or get the UPPP surgery. I tried a night in the sleep clinic with the CPAP machine and it was extremely horrible. I'm also quite young, currently 23, and did not want to wear a mask to sleep every night for obvious reasons.
I decided to go with the surgery. They basically cut out your uvula, tonsils, and a small portion of your soft palate. The recovery is two weeks of pure hell, and another two weeks of moderate discomfort. I lost 16 pounds in the first two weeks, as I had stitches in my throat and could not eat, and drinking was just enough not to get dehydrated. I immediately began sleeping better and still do not have a problem.
I know others that have had it done and say that it becomes less effective after a year or two, and I know one guy that has gone in three times to have a little extra soft palate removed as he kept gaining weight (he's like 275ish).
If you have any questions I'm sure I can help you out.