my wife and i had a big arguement about how our son eats , he diden't like veggies so i started making him eat them first , no other food on his plate till he ate the veggies , I gave him several choices to choose from so he narrowed it down , the wife thinks it was cruel. She said well what if he doesen't eat any of them? I said then he goes to bed hungry !!
I think that alot of people are WAY to soft on their kids with their choices these days , "little jonny just won't eat vegitables" well if thats all he has got eventualy he will eat them especialy if he knows he can have his chicken strips after their gone. I'm not saying starve the kid but give him a healthy meal and if he doesn't eat it , wrap it up and save it then he will get hungry later and when he ask for a snack , offer him his dinner , eventualy he will eat it I promiss !!
I think that alot of people who have never had to do without in their lives don't respect what they have and how good they have it , very few people have ever been "hungry" because they just diden't have any food.
anyway , I feed my kids alot of dried fruits that I do myself and fresh fruits , we eat ALOT of eggs at our house at any point in time we have several dozen boiled.
I make a "dip" out of my chocolate whey , mix several cups of whey in a bowl and ad just enough watter to get it to thick pancake batter consistancy , then I'll add 8-10 oz of chocolate LBA's for (sweetness more than anything) and mix it in generaly I'll have to add several more scooops of whey to thicken it up but do this last as its a bitch to stir , lastly I'll drop in 5-6 tablespoons of "Naturaly More" peanut butter , this again thickens it and makes it a little bit less sticky otherwise its like thick glue.
the end result is a chocolaty "dip" that goes great on rice cakes , fresh apples , celery whatever and rather that be full of sugar or fat from peanut butter and jelly its full of protein , the amout of fat from the peanut butter is actualy very low considering the amout of protein in it. My 5 and 12yr old both love it and prefer it to most other things.
Unfortunatly my 12yr old girl doesn't live with me full time and her mom and step dad are anything but the workout type (mom is comming around) so her "diet" when she is not here is less than desireable but she is learing and starting to make her own food at home , it cost me alot more cause I give her cash directly to buy her own food or take her shopping but its well worth it.
Quaker makes some flavored rice cakes that are awsome and the "minis" are perfect little filling snacks