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So.. Here is my Story.. looking for advice


Aug 1, 2006
Currently i am 5"8, 226, 30% BF (not good, I know). I work out 5-6 days a week, usually the same routine. Run a mile before i work out, hit everybody part each week. Some weeks a train like a freak, others im sorta a bitch.

A year ago I was 207, did three weeks of dbol, i had enough for 5 weeks, but my lower back started killing me.... I was only doing 15-20mg per day, my kidneys didnt really appreciate it. The dbol was great, i went from 225 to 310 on my bench and 265 to 395 squates (yes i have week legs.. no laughing please :).

Anyway, a few weeks ago I got my hands on some Testabol 200, freaking $200 .... so way over priced, but no good sources around here... well not that i have found anway. I looked into some website like anabolpharma, but im not sure they are credable. Back to the story.... I decided i didnt like the side affects with the test... i didnt have an anti estro to take with it, so i wasnt going to risk it. So i gave it up to a friend (who by the way is strong a freaking Ox right now). I did the friend thing, i didnt charge him the $200 ( i would feel bad) besides, he lets me come over to watch UFC for free on paperview... so i took $100. Yes, i am a good guy.

So here is my deal. I need to get my diet back in place. I know what to do... not really that hard... just doing it is the bitch... will power will kill your dreams by the way, if you let it.... anyways, i want to know if anyone has any suggestions on what to take to help trim up the fat... I am wide as the come on large frame, i just need to cut this freaking fat off and build a bit of more muscle with it....

Any suggestions would be helpful...
Phendimetrazine. And it's a good drug that you can get by prescription at weight loss clinics. Include in it Syntheselen **broken link removed** and you can't go wrong if you bring your diet in order.

No carbs for the first 6 hours of waking and stay moderate for the rest of your meals. If you work out in the morn have an apple before workout to get you through it. Protein/Fat in your first 6 of waking. You'll burn it off like an oven.

SS - So you shouldn't have any carbs at all for six hours...? I've been doing cardio on empty. After, I'll have 15carbs of grits and 8 carbs in my drink (<--drink carbs unavoidable for me....)...
lilkoreangirl said:
SS - So you shouldn't have any carbs at all for six hours...? I've been doing cardio on empty. After, I'll have 15carbs of grits and 8 carbs in my drink (<--drink carbs unavoidable for me....)...

Hello lilkoreangirl... nice to meet you and *sigh* your eyes are stunning. It depends on a person's goal really. Me I stuff food like there's going to be a famine around the corner lol and worry about harding up after I reach goal weight. Now if a person wants to grow hard... one wakes up in fat burning mode in the morning... the idea is to prolong it as long as possible. In the lunch meal one would carb up or wait 'til dinner... but only enough carbs to replenish the liver and muscles... no spill over to fat. When I did this I woke up, had an apple, worked out, had a carb free protein shake with a table spoon of Flax Seed Oil with Omega 3 and just continued on food and shakes 'til dinner where I had protein/carb no fat. One could do that at lunch instead really. I grew so freaking hard I didn't recognize myself in the mirror... sculpted out of stone. I used ephedrine to stay off the lethergy.

But to modify it so that it's not so much like a harsh diet... just don't have carbs for 6 hours after waking cept for the apple before working out. Eat normal (NORMAL not pig out lol), the rest of the day and no snacks. No milk ever and never have fat/carbs together and keep them 4 hours apart. It's not so bad.

Likewise!! I appreciate your insight...right now I'm cycling my carbs. I go about 60 carbs Mon.-Wed. Up it to 200 "good" carbs on Th. Fri and Sat, back down to 60. Sunday I eat everything in sight (beginning at 12AM, lol). So, you're saying, drop the extra carbs in the morning and implement them into meals 3 and 4 (about 2pm and 5pm). I don't want to have them after that point though right? (unused carbs turn into fat yeah?) Again, I appreciate your thoughts.


Mr. Pump, didn't mean to barge in on your thread, hopefully you can get some good takeaways from this too...
lilkoreangirl said:
Likewise!! I appreciate your insight...right now I'm cycling my carbs. I go about 60 carbs Mon.-Wed. Up it to 200 "good" carbs on Th. Fri and Sat, back down to 60. Sunday I eat everything in sight (beginning at 12AM, lol). So, you're saying, drop the extra carbs in the morning and implement them into meals 3 and 4 (about 2pm and 5pm). I don't want to have them after that point though right? (unused carbs turn into fat yeah?) Again, I appreciate your thoughts.


Mr. Pump, didn't mean to barge in on your thread, hopefully you can get some good takeaways from this too...

yes.. drop the carbs til noon...doesn't have to be targeted. At this point you've gone all night and a great portion of the day in fat burning mode. Protein/carbs in the afternoon and protein/very little carbs at dinner. Your energy stores are primed to feed you all night 'til the next day. One can throw in a metobolic stimulator/appitite suppressent if they wish... I would. If you have to snack at night... fool your body... eat something empty of everything... popcorn popper with no butter or something w/crystal light drink. And I'll tell you OMG... that crystal light sure kills the sugar crave. Another thing that weight clinics are doing is giving our chromium tabs... seems when a person is having a carb craving and takes them it kills it off. That was a new one to me and saw it work great!

Hey Storm

Don't know if you'll get this...but I passed your advice on to a co-worker and he said he feels great. I can see that his face is much leaner...Thanks again.
lilkoreangirl said:
Don't know if you'll get this...but I passed your advice on to a co-worker and he said he feels great. I can see that his face is much leaner...Thanks again.

You're very welcome *wink*


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