It takes alot of energy to squat and pull on the same day, not to mention a long workout. Many, myself included have done well, with a setup like this:
day 1,
squat heavy- singles in gear
speed pulls 6-9 singles
rack pulls up to 5 rep max
day 2,
lighter squats for reps
Stiff leg DL
i have also done well with alternateing heavy squat and dl every week.
week 1 day 1:
heavy squats for reps
speed pulls
sometimes rack pulls up to max 5
always ghr 3-4 sets of 15
week 2 day 1:
heavy DL up to single and back down to 80% for reps for 2-3 sets
Squats; 80% for 6 sets of 2, no belt
ghr 3-4 sets 15
day 2 every week:
Squats at 65% max for 8 sets of 2, or 3 sets of 5
stiff legs 3 sets of 10
leg ext 3 sets of 15
sometime ghr if i have anything left.
first workout i used for squat suit, but can be done without.second, i used for raw, no suit briefs, knee wraps or belt, but will work for both. hope this helps ya.