Yuo might consider doing a 4 day routine of Powerlifting-type training. This would work the big muscles in compound exercises (vs isolation such as dumbell concentration curls), using as much weight as possible.
For example, I see people doing cable cross-overs for pecs. This is virtually an identical movement to a wider-grip dip. Now, which do yuo think will work yuor pecs better - 50 lbs on each side of the cross-over, or yuor bodyweight with additional weight strapped around yuor waist?
Just some food for thought perhaps...
Thats a good idea. I've never thought of going on a 4 day routine. The idea of only working out that many times a week always put me down because i'm a bit of a workout addict.
. And i'm guilty of the cable cross-overs but its mainly because i HAVE to get blood flow into my pecs before i start working them. If i don't then i will most definitely fail during my chest workout because of my body wanting to involve my shoulders soo much during the pressing later on. My dad has the same problem so i know that its a genetic thing. Also, i've never really tried doing a lot of compound exercises. I've always been more of an isolationist, but that does sound like a good thing to try. I may add in a few more compound workouts into my routine.
Your diet and training schedule look on point, post up your routines so we can give you advice on the training if need be.
I am just curious, though, why are you inquiring about cycle info if you are 3 years out?
Three years out? Do you mean 3 years out from my body getting out of the "youngin" growth stage? Well the reason is (if you're talking about me being young but asking about it) something that would be pretty off of what the thread is talking about and i know as soon as i post it the posts thereafter will probably go more towards that comment. But i would say that every bodybuilder out there can vouch that it is impossible to get a pro-card without taking anabolics, am i correct? And if i am correct, then (ignore the fact that they are genetic freaks) why are there bodybuilders out there getting the envied pro-card in their early to mid 20's?? I know they're freaks and all, but i find it extremely hard to believe that they are drug free and i see it as being impossible considering the older guys that are always going for the cards that arent as gifted as they are, who are obviously doing everything they can to achieve their lifelong goals. But thats why i'm asking/curious and trying to find loopholes for myself. I hope that me saying that wont spark anything and throw the thread off subject.
Anyways, here is my general workout routine. I, more often than not, train more by feel. But it will generally follow these exercises unless i start it and feel like i'm losing the pump. I tend to have a slight habit of finding something i love to do, and sticking with it for too long.
1st day (back, bi's):
warmup: cable lat pulldown 3 sets around 12-18 reps
bent over rows 3-4 sets 10-16 reps (first set or 2) then 10-12 reps
single armed DB rows (standing, or kneeling on a bench. it varies) 3 sets 8-10 reps
various hammer strength machine (rows mostly) 8-12 reps for 3 sets
seated cable row 2 sets straight bar then 2 sets using 2 D handles, 10-14 reps
reverse cable crossovers 4-5 sets 12-16 reps
isolation, single arm, cable curls. 12-20 reps 2-3 sets
seated or inclined DB curls 10-15 reps 3 sets
preacher (either single armed DB or cambered bar) curls 8-12 (cambered) 8-14 (single)
and depending on feel i may add in another bicep movement. usually a free weight movement because i dont quite like cables or machines for my arms. i have a problem with my brachioradialis, radialis, and other forearm muscles getting a much better pump than my biceps. something i have to fight off all the time when im trying to work my bi's. its difficult for me to get a good bicep pump/ soreness because of this. but i know as soon as i can grow a better mind/muscle connection, they will grow like weeds.
2nd day (shoulders, calves):
cable lateral raises 6 reps (in front) 6 reps (behind back) with very short breaks (20 seconds or so) 2-4 sets
military press (in front of face of course) 4 sets 8-12 reps
upright rows 3 sets 8-14 reps
leaning DB lateral raises (holding onto a bar or machine) 8-10 reps 3 sets
smith machine military press (moderately light weight, explosive reps. steady on the way down, and a controlled explosion back up) 3-5 sets 8-14 reps. no less than 8 reps, and if i cant get 8, its til failure
donkey calf raises (seated machine) 2-3 sets 12-18 reps
single leg (using leg press machine) calf raises 3-4 sets 12-15 reps
seated calf raises 3 sets 10-14 reps
3rd day (rest or arms. if i do arms, then the excercises wont differ too much from the days i work them with the larger muscle groups)
4th day Quads and Hams: In general i work my legs pretty light because i have been blessed with awesome quads and calves and over the years they have outgrown my upper body. Mainly because i love to work them sooo much
So i generally stick with machines to get some slight growth. I'm trying to stay away from any major quad growth right now until i get my proportioning up a bit. But dont worry, i cant stop these guys from growing. lol. my hams however are a different story, not definitely not satisfied with them. They're too flat.
warmup: bike for 5 minutes or elliptical for 2 or 3
leg extensions 2-3 sets 10-16 reps
single leg ham machine (in between sets of extensions for quads) 2-3 sets 12-18 reps
swinging squat machine (kinda hard to describe, but i love it!) 3-4 sets 12-16 reps
leg press, hack squats, or both (one then the other after i'm done with the previous 3 sets. not super sets) 3 sets 12-16 reps
single leg ham curl machine 3-4 sets 12-14 reps
seated ham machine 3 sets 10-14 reps
lying leg curl 3-4 sets 10-16 reps
5th day (chest and tri's):
warmup: cable cross overs (i change it up between the machine crossover, and the cable "towers", as i'll choose to call them, for a different stimulation) 3-5 sets 14-16 reps
incline bench 3-4 sets 8-14 reps
flatline (i put the bench half way flat, half way incline so its kinda inbetween. hence the "flatline" name) DB press 3 sets 8-12 reps
(sometimes) flat bench 3-4 sets 8-14 reps
seated press (like a reverse literal row. think boat paddles) machine 4 sets 8-14 reps
a chest pressing machine (varies depending on what i feel would be best at the time) 3-4 sets 8-14 reps
Rope pulldown 3-4 sets 12-16 reps
single arm (cross chest) cable pulldowns (i like to do these on the end "tower" and practice doing a side tri' in the mirror) 4 sets 12-14 reps
skull crushers 3-4 sets 8-12 reps
and i might add in DB behind the head presses (single arm) 3-4 sets 8-14 reps
6th day (rest)
Wow thats one multi subject, long ass post.