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Stem Cells and Bodybuilding- My Take and Experience

Thanks for sharing this experience. This is way out of my price range though, hope it will became an affordable treatment in the future, because it sounds really promising. My beat up joints, ligaments and muscles could use that for sure.
Do you know from an MRI etc what the issues were with your shoulder etc. that was causing the issues?
Do you know from an MRI etc what the issues were with your shoulder etc. that was causing the issues?
I have a full write up report from the doctor in my files. But left shoulder is rotator cuff- a lot of inflammation and scar tissue around it- he said do NOT do surgery. I also had a minor labyrinth tear on that side and some inflammation at the top of the bicep tendon.

Right side I didn’t think I had any issues with. In the previous two weeks I had a small sharp pain in the top of the shoulder but didn’t think anything of it. It was a labyrinth tear which was worse than the left as he showed me on the imaging. No joke- 24 hours after the injection the pain on the right side was erased and can’t find it no matter how hard I train.

Today was chest and bi’s after a late flight home from California, slept 5 hours, up at 4am and did check ins with AJ then hit the gym after meal one.

We are doing heavy low volume training now with DC methods and I couldn’t find pain in either side or shoulder which is rare as I was pushing some weight.

I did a widow maker set to finish off biceps with preacher curls- not a thing in my left bicep.

Maybe this will last, maybe it won’t. Either way I’m impressed so far. I always have zero expectations.
It was just at $30k all in yes. I did the math at 240 million stem cells and they came in cheaper than CPI. Again the trick is to get in with one thing down there (I learned this after I got there), then add on the other treatments and stem cells as the price is 60-70% less in clinic. So pay the $17,500 base fee, get there and then add the rest. Do NOT map it all out with their US rep.

TBH either way- $30k in the grand scheme of things to have no pain, be able to train 100% again and feel like I’m 15 years younger is a bargain.

Are they making insane profits as a US based company paying all their staff Colombian minimum wage- hell yes. But I said I would leave morals out of this.

I told my wife flying home we needed to look at opening a clinic there or in Mexico. 😂
At least that money was well spent as you got what was advertised. I was kind of leery about these sorts of treatments that are done out of the country due to the potential dangers but at least you did this with your eyes open. Would be nice to see the price someday come down to a more reasonable level as that's out of my range, but can consider $10-15K though would be the sweet spot for something like this.
Wife and I both him BioxCellerator in 2021. Cannot recommend them enough.

I purely did IV and she did IV + right knee. Absolutely fantastic time and a very professional crew.

Not to distract but stateside the only clinic I would recommend is ways2well either in Houston or Austin (I prefer the Austin location). I do both knees and shoulders approximately every 18 months. It has made a sincere quality of life difference for myself.


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Wife and I both him BioxCellerator in 2021. Cannot recommend them enough.

I purely did IV and she did IV + right knee. Absolutely fantastic time and a very professional crew.

Not to distract but stateside the only clinic I would recommend is ways2well either in Houston or Austin (I prefer the Austin location). I do both knees and shoulders approximately every 18 months. It has made a sincere quality of life difference for myself.
Agreed on Ways2Well as I spoke to their team after committing to Bioxelleretor. They are a solid option in the US and use Wharton’s Jelly from what I understand which has its own set of benefits.

Can you explain the difference between the two @Performance Based as you likely can do it much better than I can. 😊
At least that money was well spent as you got what was advertised. I was kind of leery about these sorts of treatments that are done out of the country due to the potential dangers but at least you did this with your eyes open. Would be nice to see the price someday come down to a more reasonable level as that's out of my range, but can consider $10-15K though would be the sweet spot for something like this.
As of now I don’t regret it one bit. I do well (not as well probably as our troll ChinaMan), but $30k is a lot of money for most. All my cars are worth more than this so saw it as a no brainer.

Most guys blow their money on things and brand crap. I personally spend it on my body.

I 💯 agree someone needs to disrupt the market with an affordable clinic, but it’s not Dream Body or the others who don’t control the entire process.
They had so many pro athlete jerseys signed all over their office along with the endless celebrities and people who had been there. The current Ms. Olympia (bodybuilding) was arriving as I was finishing up.

Sorry to digress a bit from the direction of your thread, but Helle Trevino is in Mexico to receive stem cells.

It amazes me that women bodybuilders, who traditionally barely survive, are spending so much money on these treatments. OK, Helle has won Rixing Phoenix twice which gives a prize of 100,000, Andrea has also won that show like 3 or 4 times, and the Olympia which gives 50,000, but it still catches my attention.

By the way, we have to keep an eye on Ramy and if the treatment solved his lower back problem. If anyone has ilimited funds, it's him and his team.
Sorry to digress a bit from the direction of your thread, but Helle Trevino is in Mexico to receive stem cells.

It amazes me that women bodybuilders, who traditionally barely survive, are spending so much money on these treatments. OK, Helle has won Rixing Phoenix twice which gives a prize of 100,000, Andrea has also won that show like 3 or 4 times, and the Olympia which gives 50,000, but it still catches my attention.

By the way, we have to keep an eye on Ramy and if the treatment solved his lower back problem. If anyone has ilimited funds, it's him and his team.
I don’t know where Ramy is going and didn’t dig for that reason. Lol

Iris Kyle is going where Ronnie does and they are milking her just as much as they are him. I’ll say it again- NOT cool. And told their “owner” that as he was not the expert at all in stem cells.

Flex Lewis has gone to BioXellerator and hasn’t been back which is how it should be as he is retired. I also know several WWE guys and other pro athletes that I spoke to beforehand.

This is NOT something you should cut corners on. It’s cells going into your body to code. Source matters!
Isn’t this where Matt Hughes went after he got his brain trauma?
It’d be nice if the upfront cost included a return trip w/ follow up MRI’s to have a look see if the specific injuries have truly healed.

It’d be nice if the upfront cost included a return trip w/ follow up MRI’s to have a look see if the specific injuries have truly healed.

I’m all about transparency- that was CPI’s selling point which was good I might add.

You could come back in 6 months for free MRI’s of the areas and get up to 50 million additional stem cells as part of the package.

My question was- if it’s so good why would I need that… they were honest and said that it often took multiple treatments on severe injuries. I spoke to the owner, Ed Clay who was a former UFC guy and is an owner of the research hospital down there.

BioXellerator’s stance is “your family” so they lock you into clinic pricing and if you need future care you get it at the discounted rates which are extremely cheap and less than CPI dollar to dollar.
This makes me so glad I haven't had any serious injuries or even smaller things that bug me long-term.

I get that quality medical care is expensive but $30,000 for a treatment that's dubious in results is crazy. If I pay $30,000 I want them to pull out all my bones and joints and replace it all with adamantium.
This makes me so glad I haven't had any serious injuries or even smaller things that bug me long-term.

I get that quality medical care is expensive but $30,000 for a treatment that's dubious in results is crazy. If I pay $30,000 I want them to pull out all my bones and joints and replace it all with adamantium.
I was half joking when I got there, but told them “I’m paying $30k so expect to walk out of here a new man or robot.”

Now in all fairness- a heart cath or stent is billed up to $75k or more here in the US.

Average hip replacement is $39,000.

I have money and means because I’m cheap or responsible. BUT, $30k is still $30k. A lot of thought, time and research went into this. As well, some trust or faith that this will last- that’s why I had not made a thread. I’ll be impressed 6-12 months from now if it last. It’s easy to erase pain for a month or two.
Great thread, insight, and experience. I'll be watching with interest. Im the same as you with money.

I will never be the guy to drop the money on a ferrari but I will absolutely find the cash for this if it's necessary even if the results are not guaranteed. Would love a trip Columbia too.

I was half joking when I got there, but told them “I’m paying $30k so expect to walk out of here a new man or robot.”

Now in all fairness- a heart cath or stent is billed up to $75k or more here in the US.

Average hip replacement is $39,000.

I have money and means because I’m cheap or responsible. BUT, $30k is still $30k. A lot of thought, time and research went into this. As well, some trust or faith that this will last- that’s why I had not made a thread. I’ll be impressed 6-12 months from now if it last. It’s easy to erase pain for a month or two.
Great thread, insight, and experience. I'll be watching with interest. Im the same as you with money.

I will never be the guy to drop the money on a ferrari but I will absolutely find the cash for this if it's necessary even if the results are not guaranteed. Would love a trip Columbia too.
I drive some pretty high end cars 😂, but def agree and on the same page.

If I bump this thread in 6 months then we know it’s a success!
I drive some pretty high end cars 😂, but def agree and on the same page.

If I bump this thread in 6 months then we know it’s a success!
Keep us posted if this really works and fixes all what ails you. Time will certainly tell.
Agreed on Ways2Well as I spoke to their team after committing to Bioxelleretor. They are a solid option in the US and use Wharton’s Jelly from what I understand which has its own set of benefits.

Can you explain the difference between the two @Performance Based as you likely can do it much better than I can. 😊
You flatter me with your kind words mate, keep this up and… 🤩

In all sincerity I like to be upfront and honest I have a decent understanding of quite a bit but at and eighth grade level.

I have utilized the following

Regenexx (PRP only, 4x)
ConciergeMD (Los Angeles)
Dallas Center for Pain Management (Fort Worth Location)
Texas Orthopedics Association (Exosomes 6 administrations)
Ways2Well (both the Houston and Austin locations)

Regenexx did nothing for me. ConciergeMD and BioXcellerator I only did IV administration and to be honest I didn’t notice anything really. My wife had fantastic results with her knee from Bio.

TOA - all I’m going to say is don’t waste your money on Exosomes.

Best success I have had is with intra-articulat injections. Pain management center literally saved me a fairly massive surgery. I’ve done Ways2Well now 2x in the past 12 months at both locations and did one IV administration and the second time I did both knees and both shoulders. I can officially say I can leave the gym after a leg day and actually walk down the stairs with no pain.

Ways2Well is usually 3,500 per joint or 5,000 for bi-lateral joints.

From my understanding and I may be wrong here - so please do chime in everyone. The major difference is that in the states they cannot expand the cells (culture them and grow more) but the use of whartons jelly is completely ok?
You flatter me with your kind words mate, keep this up and… 🤩

In all sincerity I like to be upfront and honest I have a decent understanding of quite a bit but at and eighth grade level.

I have utilized the following

Regenexx (PRP only, 4x)
ConciergeMD (Los Angeles)
Dallas Center for Pain Management (Fort Worth Location)
Texas Orthopedics Association (Exosomes 6 administrations)
Ways2Well (both the Houston and Austin locations)

Regenexx did nothing for me. ConciergeMD and BioXcellerator I only did IV administration and to be honest I didn’t notice anything really. My wife had fantastic results with her knee from Bio.

TOA - all I’m going to say is don’t waste your money on Exosomes.

Best success I have had is with intra-articulat injections. Pain management center literally saved me a fairly massive surgery. I’ve done Ways2Well now 2x in the past 12 months at both locations and did one IV administration and the second time I did both knees and both shoulders. I can officially say I can leave the gym after a leg day and actually walk down the stairs with no pain.

Ways2Well is usually 3,500 per joint or 5,000 for bi-lateral joints.

From my understanding and I may be wrong here - so please do chime in everyone. The major difference is that in the states they cannot expand the cells (culture them and grow more) but the use of whartons jelly is completely ok?

My favorite 4 words as I’ve shared on here are- “I told you so”

But my second and in my business and and as someone with education who works in the field are- “I Don’t Know”.

Far many doctors and people in health professional roles pretend to know something or far more than they do which just ends up making them look foolish.

I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not and am the first to admit when I don’t know something as I’m a student of my own work.

Thanks for sharing your experience as that’s why I created this thread. This is all uncharted territory in terms of stem cells and bodybuilding.

My only hope is that it last, becomes more affordable and that guys like us have access to it.

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