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Store-Bought Steroid Scandal - CBS News Video


Feb 15, 2008
**broken link removed**

I laughed during most of this segment.

The saying "Knowledge is Power" is all that comes to mind when I think of these kids in the video.

If this isn't a case of some noob who doesn't want take AAS but wants to gain muscle, so they use something else "unbeknownst" to them it's a PH.

If I were the judge in their case, I'd dismiss the case.. with a HUGE SMILE:D

If there are new guys watching/reading this, please RESEARCH.. It's amazing how much information is on our site and internet. DO NOT end up like those soccer players.

Enjoy I know some of you will get a good laugh.
**broken link removed**

I laughed during most of this segment.

The saying "Knowledge is Power" is all that comes to mind when I think of these kids in the video.

If this isn't a case of some noob who doesn't want take AAS but wants to gain muscle, so they use something else "unbeknownst" to them it's a PH.

If I were the judge in their case, I'd dismiss the case.. with a HUGE SMILE:D

If there are new guys watching/reading this, please RESEARCH.. It's amazing how much information is on our site and internet. DO NOT end up like those soccer players.

Enjoy I know some of you will get a good laugh.

Well, the REPORT itself is 100% TRUE. Any kid can LEGALLY obtain ANABOLIC STEROIDS at their local nutritional store. This is the only problem that I have, because I have a little brother who asks me about these Prohormones and Designer Steroids all the time...

make no mistake about it, these products are actual ANABOLIC STEROIDS and should not be available for legal purchase.
lol...."these drugs cause you to die"

thanks for the post bro
ANY kid/body should have common sense to research what they put in their body. What happened to those guys was a result of lack of knowledge, I think PH are ridiculous to begin with. I use to work at GNC durning college and I would talk people out of buying them because they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. The saleman are trying to push the product for commision, but those sameones who do.. probably have no idea about the shit either.

I think this report is great for someone looking for the magic pill. Maybe now some people will learn to get their diet in check and realize how much muscle growth they can obtain naturally at that age.
ANY kid/body should have common sense to research what they put in their body. What happened to those guys was a result of lack of knowledge, I think PH are ridiculous to begin with. I use to work at GNC durning college and I would talk people out of buying them because they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. The saleman are trying to push the product for commision, but those sameones who do.. probably have no idea about the shit either.

I think this report is great for someone looking for the magic pill. Maybe now some people will learn to get their diet in check and realize how much muscle growth they can obtain naturally at that age.

Are you out of your mind? Most people simply CAN'T BELIEVE that there are ACTUAL ANABOLIC STEROIDS contained in nutritional supplements when I try to explain it to them, because the very idea is INSANE. It's insane that these companies were able to pull this off for so long...

These are DRUGS contained in NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS--plain and simple. There were also a handful of other nutritional supplements that were deliberately "SPIKED" with controlled pharmaceutical drugs, ranging from "sexual stimulants" containing VIAGRA, to "water pills" containing Bumetanide.

It is NOT the responsibility of a KID to scientifically investigate each and every individual constituent that is contained in his nutritional supplements, let alone be able to identify STEROID HORMONES that masquerade as NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. For most of these kids, if it's in a STORE, they believe it is LEGAL AND SAFE. However, both the former and the latter are untrue in this case.
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Wasn't it your company who tried to market PH's?

Nope, all of our products are NON-HORMONAL.

We thought about it, but realized that for the reasons I listed above, it simply shouldn't be done. I LOST MONEY in order to stay true to my morals..
Nope, all of our products are NON-HORMONAL.

We thought about it, but realized that for the reasons I listed above, it simply shouldn't be done. I LOST MONEY in order to stay true to my morals..

Morals? What morals? You don't have morals, bro. Haha. Just fuckin' with you. ;)
I would comment on this video but I don't even know where to start and it would be a complete waste of time. Unbelievable.
this shit is retarded. yeah they are anabolic steroids, but its theses dumb asses like these kids who give shit a bad name by going to the media and blaming everyone else for their fuck up.

and that doc haha... "these are drugs that can kill you, its not heroine but they can kill you. they go into your body and destroy your liver and kidney cells"
the shits probably less toxic to your liver and kidneys then Tylenol!
Are you out of your mind? Most people simply CAN'T BELIEVE that there are ACTUAL ANABOLIC STEROIDS contained in nutritional supplements when I try to explain it to them, because the very idea is INSANE. It's insane that these companies were able to pull this off for so long...

These are DRUGS contained in NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS--plain and simple. There were also a handful of other nutritional supplements that were deliberately "SPIKED" with controlled pharmaceutical drugs, ranging from "sexual stimulants" containing VIAGRA, to "water pills" containing Bumetanide.

It is NOT the responsibility of a KID to scientifically investigate each and every individual constituent that is contained in his nutritional supplements, let alone be able to identify STEROID HORMONES that masquerade as NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. For most of these kids, if it's in a STORE, they believe it is LEGAL AND SAFE. However, both the former and the latter are untrue in this case.

True in every sense. Superdrol is 17methylated masteron. Period. End of discussion. Why people continue to argue over this fact is beyond me. ANY & ALL methylated oral AAS are gonna wreck your liver if you dose too high or for too long. I have had nothing but great results from Superdrol each & every time Ive run it. I dont exceed 20mgs a day and I dont exceed 30 days with at least 30 off. Therein lies the problem and therefore the health risk. People think if 20mgs will work then 40mgs is twice as good. They will stay on for 2-3 months straight as well. The only control we need over these supps is that you need to be 21 yrs of age to purchase them. Alcohol & tobacco are killing people on a daily basis but as long as your an adult over 21...............
I carried Tren Extreme at my store. Never sold to anyone under 21. Always explained potential side effect and risks before selling it. But i had parents coming and buying it for their kids all the time, even after exlaining to them side effect etc..they still buy it.
Had bunch of people takin double dosage thinking more is better.
In 2 years since tren was on the marked noone ever came and complained about it or about any side effect except loss of sex drive for some people.
Is it a good stuff? Yes it is if you know what you are doing.
So like I watch the video and almost every one of these soccer guys gets/got Gyno from Tren ?? Sounds like BS to me. Correct me if Im wrong here but when it comes to Tren it will not aromatize to estrogen or convert to DHT. Tren also is a non-methyl compound so it is light on your liver. Totally disproving that Quack Dr's statement. If you own a Pitbull its gonna kill the neighbors 5yr old kid and if you use steroids you are gonna suffer serious side effects and die from a heart attack. WTF is wrong with people? Doesnt any one have half a brain any more. Is this all some kind of governmental brain washing of the mindless masses? Its sad to think that there are people that believe all this crap because they saw it on t.v. It was on CBS so it has to be true. LOL. No wonder we have serious problems in this country. The general public are brain dead zombies buying the lies that they are being spoon fed each & every day.
Are you out of your mind? Most people simply CAN'T BELIEVE that there are ACTUAL ANABOLIC STEROIDS contained in nutritional supplements when I try to explain it to them, because the very idea is INSANE. It's insane that these companies were able to pull this off for so long...

These are DRUGS contained in NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS--plain and simple. There were also a handful of other nutritional supplements that were deliberately "SPIKED" with controlled pharmaceutical drugs, ranging from "sexual stimulants" containing VIAGRA, to "water pills" containing Bumetanide.

It is NOT the responsibility of a KID to scientifically investigate each and every individual constituent that is contained in his nutritional supplements, let alone be able to identify STEROID HORMONES that masquerade as NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. For most of these kids, if it's in a STORE, they believe it is LEGAL AND SAFE. However, both the former and the latter are untrue in this case.

Am I out of my mind about what? Researching a product, or company? If you say so brother..

No where did I mention to scientifically investigate? If a person is that incompetent to RESEARCH a product that's he/she's fault. By research I mean to investigate the product, find facts and it's applications.

After doing a little research on your company, I found out a lil dirt about your company. But we will not go there, bc I believe it's been beaten with a dead stick. I don't know, hopefully you're a decent guy, you seem knowledgeable and hopefully all the problems have been resolved and you're not stealing money with false claims like other supplement companies.
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So like I watch the video and almost every one of these soccer guys gets/got Gyno from Tren ?? Sounds like BS to me. Correct me if Im wrong here but when it comes to Tren it will not aromatize to estrogen or convert to DHT. Tren also is a non-methyl compound so it is light on your liver. Totally disproving that Quack Dr's statement. If you own a Pitbull its gonna kill the neighbors 5yr old kid and if you use steroids you are gonna suffer serious side effects and die from a heart attack. WTF is wrong with people? Doesnt any one have half a brain any more. Is this all some kind of governmental brain washing of the mindless masses? Its sad to think that there are people that believe all this crap because they saw it on t.v. It was on CBS so it has to be true. LOL. No wonder we have serious problems in this country. The general public are brain dead zombies buying the lies that they are being spoon fed each & every day.

That doctor is with the Doping Agency. Anything that comes out of his mouth is probably complete and utter BS.
They said their nipples hurt so bad that they had to wrap them with bandages. What a bunch of pussies.

Thank you! My thoughts exactly. I started using ph's (sdrol and phera) and even winny when I was 16, whatever side effects I encountered I would read up on and solve myself. I didn't cry like a little bitch. These kids need to read some up on Existentalism and take responsibility for their decisions.
WTF did they think was going to happen if they took that stuff? Those little fuckers tried to take a short cut and get an edge on everyone else on the soccer field and now they're bitching that their poor little nipples are sore.

And really... shouldnt that reporter be outside a playground or middle school exposing a real drug dealer instead of going in a supplement store and trying to make it looks like the shadiest place in America with their shaky hidden camera trick? Im done.
Well, it looks like this vids been de-bunked! *LOL*

Are you out of your mind? Most people simply CAN'T BELIEVE that there are ACTUAL ANABOLIC STEROIDS contained in nutritional supplements when I try to explain it to them, because the very idea is INSANE. It's insane that these companies were able to pull this off for so long...

These are DRUGS contained in NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS--plain and simple. There were also a handful of other nutritional supplements that were deliberately "SPIKED" with controlled pharmaceutical drugs, ranging from "sexual stimulants" containing VIAGRA, to "water pills" containing Bumetanide.

It is NOT the responsibility of a KID to scientifically investigate each and every individual constituent that is contained in his nutritional supplements, let alone be able to identify STEROID HORMONES that masquerade as NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. For most of these kids, if it's in a STORE, they believe it is LEGAL AND SAFE. However, both the former and the latter are untrue in this case.

It is completely the responsibility of anyone who decides to put anything into their body to thoroughly investigate and research all possible outcomes. Alcohol and cigarettes are IN A STORE, do you believe people think that is safe??? People MUST take responsibility for their own actions. That is what is fucked up with our world today, its always the fault of someone else. Based on this Logic we should all just walk into a store or visit a web site and arbitrarily purchase anything claiming to manipulate our body in some way, shape or fashion and just assume???? its safe????

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