i ran 10 weeks @ 450 week.
i gained about 10 pds. im not saying you will only gain 10pds.
stress and diet limited my gains.
first inject hurts like hell, but it seems that your body gets more
used to it with every one.
i ran a cycle with it and just started my second cycle with it as well. i run 450g on monday and 450g on thursday and the only time i get any pain with it is in the quads which really isnt that bad. i feel no discomfort whatsoever in the glutes.
im a bigger guy so i guess thats why i dont feel any pain with it. i shot the teardrop one time and it hurt like hell but i guess due to my big ass i cant even feel the glute shots even if i do like 1.5 ml at a time.
Shot in the ass witha musket ball. Thats the best way I can describe it!!! LOL... Well maybe not that bad but I wont use it again. No need for such a hi mg for me.
Shot in the ass witha musket ball. Thats the best way I can describe it!!! LOL... Well maybe not that bad but I wont use it again. No need for such a hi mg for me.