As a reseller of brand name items, a reseller of your own private lable or developing and producing your own items which you resell, or a developing and producing your own items which resellers then sell for you?
As a reseller of brand name items, a reseller of your own private lable or developing and producing your own items which you resell, or a developing and producing your own items which resellers then sell for you?
as a reseller of your own produced produces.......This way I would take 100% of the profit...but then again it would be hard at first because you aren't established
as a reseller of your own produced produces.......This way I would take 100% of the profit...but then again it would be hard at first because you aren't established
In my opinion if you wanted to get going fairly quickly it would take quite a large amount of money for development, research, testing, production, marketing, advertising, order completion etc etc.