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SUPP's / PEDS to help with mid grade HIP arthritis??

iron lifter

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2021
i am 35, and just recently got diagnosed with hip arthritis. its mid grade my doctor said. i am going in for my cortisone shot, but just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and what supplements and PEDS, peptides will help with actual bone hip issues. he said its not ligament and tendon but just wear and tear mechanically to the hip .

i also have mild trochanter bursitis. was thinking of Dante's, Joint flex and maybe omega 3 for anti-inflammatory. i doubt bpc/tb500 would be helpful in my case?

thanks guys.
There's nothing that's going to do the job as well as spending 10-15 min a day and putting some PT work into it at home. And ideally get hooked up with a good PT that "understands" bodybuilders and get in every week or 2.

Check out Bob and Brad on YouTube. Search "Bob and Brad hips". You'll find plenty of stuff to work on at home. They are cheesy but their stuff is good.

I have had PRP and maybe at some point I will get stem cells but when my hips get achy at night while I sleep I start doing some daily hip work and it quells it.

Also stay away from he NSAIDs!!!
I busted up my hip a few years ago. 300 deca per week provides allot of relief. Not on my hip but on other injuries GH felt great.
Agree with @Reno911 , get to a good PT and put in the work. It definitely helped with my shoulder and elbow issues. PRP worked better than cortisone for me, but i had to pay out of pocket for it and its a little pricy. Not stem cell pricy. Like $400-500 when I did it.

Your still young and can learn to manage it. My advice would be don't turn to drugs or peptides until you absolutely have too.

Good luck.
I’m got nothing out of cortisone shots but the hyaline shot helped me out. Had to do cortisone first, then insurance would pay for hyaline.
There's nothing that's going to do the job as well as spending 10-15 min a day and putting some PT work into it at home. And ideally get hooked up with a good PT that "understands" bodybuilders and get in every week or 2.

Check out Bob and Brad on YouTube. Search "Bob and Brad hips". You'll find plenty of stuff to work on at home. They are cheesy but their stuff is good.

I have had PRP and maybe at some point I will get stem cells but when my hips get achy at night while I sleep I start doing some daily hip work and it quells it.

Also stay away from he NSAIDs!!!
Agree with this. Physical therapy may help the bursitis. It has healed every injury I ever had torn labrum (not heal but avoid surgery), quad tendon tear post surgery, muscle strains, etc. to me the key is finding an actual good or that works with athletes vs ambulance chasers. I'd look into local college, pro, sports teams and see who they go to.
There's nothing that's going to do the job as well as spending 10-15 min a day and putting some PT work into it at home. And ideally get hooked up with a good PT that "understands" bodybuilders and get in every week or 2.

Check out Bob and Brad on YouTube. Search "Bob and Brad hips". You'll find plenty of stuff to work on at home. They are cheesy but their stuff is good.

I have had PRP and maybe at some point I will get stem cells but when my hips get achy at night while I sleep I start doing some daily hip work and it quells it.

Also stay away from he NSAIDs!!!
I love Bob and Brad too! Such nerds but they are helpful good guys
Man Cortisone really helped with my shoulder pain! My Dr. for a bit prescribed me Somas 350mg and those really helped, just one at night. My dr. Won't prescribe them anymore but I know some sponsors carry them. I.don't know if they help with arthritis as I have a partially torn tendon. Can't they scope out the arthritis? Is that even possible?

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