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In my experience you won’t benefit much from it if you don’t use the larger doses. Like 3ml or more per muscle head. Using only 1/2ml or 1ml won’t amount to much. The soreness will eventually set in and you’ll need a day or two break, but it will swell up the muscle! Also you need to keep up with the maintenance phase as well in order to keep what you gained.


I agree and disagree. Sure if guys are putting in 1/2ml they aren't going to notice much of anything. Loads of guys also think they can inject their arms with 1-2ml every few days and they will explode which is way off. Most have to put a large amount in to get incredible results. Although for some they can get really impressive results using fairly low doses. Mr arms have changed a lot using 1-2ml per muscle head for example. That has happened when doing bi-cep only or both my tri-ceps and bi-ceps. I always inject both bi-cep heads and usually 2 out of 3 tri-cep heads. I 100% agree with the extended maintenance protocol as well.
Might want to scroll down the page here...There is a video of Phil Hernon posing (RIP), and that dude admitted openly many times to using Syntherol and was at one point sponsored by Synthetek.

Probably wanna come back and edit your comment after that because I am pretty fucking sure you don't and never will come close to looking as good as that 'oiled-up, horrible looking' man did:rolleyes::cautious:

Guess that's why it says gym-rat as your handle instead of bb'er, and why it says 'newbie' under that:sleep::cool:

edit: I'll just post a link to that '94 posing video here:
^Does that look "horrible" to you...Just from off the top of my head I remember he said arms and some quads at the miminum?!
If he used synthol during that prep or off season etc it must have been very well detailed and precise and minimal IMO I was looking at his tie ins and it all looked pretty legit from that video anyway I’m curious w synthol if you piss a lot of that biproduct out or maybe as similar as tren w the darker urine while taking I’m too afraid to take that shit but I wouldn’t do it unless I was 100 percent complete w a lacking muscle and a small one at that maybe rear delt yeah it just seems dangerous IMO which means nothing lol I have no clue, happy trails out there meat heads 🥩

Just read this:
Well of course the company stands behind there product and has scientific info that alledgedly backs it up…..IMO. maybe I’m just old school but if you can push and dig past that burn and get those extra reps and really push the food to another level and take the right compounds you should grow if I was going to do anything like that I would rather pull a Valentino and inject 10ml bottles of test into my lagging parts and that’s probably BS.. it’s a free world guys just be safe and mindful ✌️❤️💪🙏
My memory being less than perfect . . . I think Phil only tried it in his arms.
Don't recall if he used it when he was competing or after to see how well it
worked. I believe there are some after fotos of his arms buried here somewhere.
My memory being less than perfect . . . I think Phil only tried it in his arms.
Don't recall if he used it when he was competing or after to see how well it
worked. I believe there are some after fotos of his arms buried here somewhere.
Hi did after stopping competing for many years, during his competition years he did not used any.
Well of course the company stands behind there product and has scientific info that alledgedly backs it up…..IMO.
Nothing alleged. It's factual. That is part of the paperwork submitted to various agencies around the world to allow the product to be legally imported. If there was anything in there that was not factual, it would have been rejected.
Well of course the company stands behind there product and has scientific info that alledgedly backs it up…..IMO. maybe I’m just old school but if you can push and dig past that burn and get those extra reps and really push the food to another level and take the right compounds you should grow if I was going to do anything like that I would rather pull a Valentino and inject 10ml bottles of test into my lagging parts and that’s probably BS.. it’s a free world guys just be safe and mindful ✌️❤️💪🙏

You don't think the 100's of pro's who have used this stuff didn't dig past that burn and get those extra reps and push the food to another level? You would rather inject 10ml bottles of test into your body... inflammation comes to mind. Guys have no idea. Not everyone who uses seo has giant fake looking muscles. One of the top physique guys now who has a beautiful/aesthetic physique has been using this stuff for years. The guys with giant fake looking muscles are literally injecting massive amounts daily/weekly to get like that. Guys who have never used it have no idea and it's often why many are disappointed when they finally try it and don't have 22 inch arms from their 2 weekly 2ml injections.
I agree and disagree. Sure if guys are putting in 1/2ml they aren't going to notice much of anything. Loads of guys also think they can inject their arms with 1-2ml every few days and they will explode which is way off. Most have to put a large amount in to get incredible results. Although for some they can get really impressive results using fairly low doses. Mr arms have changed a lot using 1-2ml per muscle head for example. That has happened when doing bi-cep only or both my tri-ceps and bi-ceps. I always inject both bi-cep heads and usually 2 out of 3 tri-cep heads. I 100% agree with the extended maintenance protocol as well.
After I get my gyno surgery I may try some. A close buddy of mine has gotten great results with synthol in his arms and he doesn’t even use much.

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