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T3 and T4 dosing “sweet spot”

could use some direction on my thyroid results:

Tsh 1.34 (0.35-5)
T3 5.1 (3.9-5.4)
T4 10 (11-23)

Taking 3.5iu gh, working up to 5iu

I have t4 and t3 on the way. My plan was 100mcg t4 and monitor but I could use some help

Wrong labs, you need Free T4 and Free T3.

That T4 is definitely hypo, however, you are using GH which will drop your T4, but it's likely your thyroid was sluggish to being with. Most docs/nurses will say you are fine because your TSH is normal, which is false.

Before you start any type of replacement, get the proper tests done. Free T4 and Free T3. Anytime between 6-9 AM ideally. What time were these labs drawn?

There are A LOT of hypothyroid people walking around who's doctors tell them they are fine and have no issues because they only look at TSH.

Imagine diagnosing and treating low testosterone by ignoring total testosterone levels and instead looking at LH/FSH. This is what most doctors are trained to do with thyroid issues.
Wrong labs, you need Free T4 and Free T3.

That T4 is definitely hypo, however, you are using GH which will drop your T4, but it's likely your thyroid was sluggish to being with. Most docs/nurses will say you are fine because your TSH is normal, which is false.

Before you start any type of replacement, get the proper tests done. Free T4 and Free T3. Anytime between 6-9 AM ideally. What time were these labs drawn?

There are A LOT of hypothyroid people walking around who's doctors tell them they are fine and have no issues because they only look at TSH.

Imagine diagnosing and treating low testosterone by ignoring total testosterone levels and instead looking at LH/FSH. This is what most doctors are trained to do with thyroid issues.
Sorry my results are free t3 and free t4 I should’ve included that
That's very low Free T4, Do you have symptoms like feeling cold easily, lethargy, brain fog, puffy face? Anything like that?
Slight fatigue, I’ve chalked it up as being a business owner. Nothing else
jan 2023 not on GH my tests were:

tsh - 1.7
free t3 - 4.6
free t4 - 17

That looks better, if you feel overall fine, then you could leave it like that. The numbers look worse from the GH which is expected.
On the 19/04/2024 did bloods and had these results:
Here i was on a bottle of QSC HGH a day + 100mcg T4 (Eutirox) daily.

Since then i added 25mcg T3 (Tiromel).
So atm i am on 25mcg T3 (first thing am) 100 T4 (before bed).
Next week will do bloods and hope to see some better values.....

In your experience guys is that correct to add T3, or in that case it was better to take more T4?
On the 19/04/2024 did bloods and had these results:
View attachment 198525
Here i was on a bottle of QSC HGH a day + 100mcg T4 (Eutirox) daily.

Since then i added 25mcg T3 (Tiromel).
So atm i am on 25mcg T3 (first thing am) 100 T4 (before bed).
Next week will do bloods and hope to see some better values.....

In your experience guys is that correct to add T3, or in that case it was better to take more T4?
are you fasted before bed?
T3 not so much but T4 has to be taken on an empty stomach for optimal absorption
On the 19/04/2024 did bloods and had these results:
View attachment 198525
Here i was on a bottle of QSC HGH a day + 100mcg T4 (Eutirox) daily.

Since then i added 25mcg T3 (Tiromel).
So atm i am on 25mcg T3 (first thing am) 100 T4 (before bed).
Next week will do bloods and hope to see some better values.....

In your experience guys is that correct to add T3, or in that case it was better to take more T4?
that's likely going to drop your Free T4 further.

Adding T4 only will raise both Free T4 AND Free T3. You likely need closer to 150-200 mcg, how do you actually feel or perform though?
that's likely going to drop your Free T4 further.

Adding T4 only will raise both Free T4 AND Free T3. You likely need closer to 150-200 mcg, how do you actually feel or perform though?
With just 100 T4 i felt really good.... incredible but true.
So you're feeling worse since adding T3?
In general no, i feel quite better.
Digestion improved even more but it's hard to say what did what....

Atm i am curing an infection from Helicobacter pylori so it's hard for me to evaluate, had to take 2 oral antibiotics for 10 days and it's not the best feeling.
This bacteria caused me a ton of different sides and had it for at least 2years.

I need another month to really understand how I really feel... Meanwhile I will fix my thyroid and cruise on gear. The only thing I keep high is HGH, 10iu daily
Did bloods after 3 months on 25 T3 100 T4 and 10iu HGH generics
t3 t4.jpg
Had these results, on the left you can see the old ones....
T3 is in the middle of the reference range so i guess it's fine like that.
At this point i think i will add 50 T4 to stay on FT4 range. So -> 25 T3 - 150 T4
TSH is zero but i think that's normal since i am on T3 med.

@luki7788 @bbxtreme @danieltx what do you guys think?
Did bloods after 3 months on 25 T3 100 T4 and 10iu HGH generics
View attachment 202603
Had these results, on the left you can see the old ones....
T3 is in the middle of the reference range so i guess it's fine like that.
At this point i think i will add 50 T4 to stay on FT4 range. So -> 25 T3 - 150 T4
TSH is zero but i think that's normal since i am on T3 med.

@luki7788 @bbxtreme @danieltx what do you guys think?
I personally would rather use more T4 if you’re in a progressive phase and consider supplementing with selenium.

Others will disagree and have their take, but to me I would try this approach first.

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