Tren is hands down my favorite compound. My first experience was buying a cart of the pellets and grinding them up and mixing them dmso gel. I was running around 80-120mg a day and I was waking up about an hour early running that shit into my thigh and covering it with plastic and laying back down while it soaked in. It burned like a motherfucker, and made my breath smell so nasty I couldn't get too close when talking to anyone...but I fell in love with it. After that, home brewed ace at 100mg/ml...which is still my favorite tren. Ran the stealth supertren at 200mg a day once, made me crazier than a shit house rat....but my strength went through the roof(weights up 15-20+ pounds per movement each workout for weeks). Overall I love tren because my strength and density goes way up everytime i include it in a cycle. As far as side effects go, I have generally only got an alcohol taste in my mouth, a mild cough, and my bullshit meter is completely tacked out by 7am. During the supertren however I was a super asshole and had some serious auditory hallucinations rocking, but felt like I was unstoppable. The last tren I took was a tren/mast/prop mix and I stopped using it after I took a shot and collapsed with my pants still down unable to get a breath, sweating like crazy and thinking I was having a heart attack. It was over as soon as it began but it if that is what some people experience every shot then holy fuck.