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Tell us about something stupid you have done regarding bodybuilding šŸ˜©


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2017
I did something stupid last week. Last Monday I ran out of proviron and reached into my storage unit to get another box. I started taking it and by Thursday of last week my sex drive had all but disappeared. I told my wife about it and she asked, ā€œis it possible you started a new bottle of test or Trestolone and itā€™s watered down?ā€ I said, no because Iā€™m still about half way from using both bottles and my sex drive has been good. So I got to thinking maybe my estrogen is too high and I should try taking 0.5 mgs of Armidex twice a week. Iā€™m always reading about guys having problems controlling their estrogen while using Trestolone/Ment. Now keep in mind I convert very little estrogen so I never use arimidex unless itā€™s a few weeks from a show. I searched for my arimidex and couldnā€™t find it. I figured I must have used all of it while prepping for my last show. The next morning I get up as usual to take my 25 mg proviron tablet and notice the box says arimidex. All of a sudden a light bulb in my brain clicked on. I had been taking 1mg of arimidex for the past 7 days instead of proviron.šŸ˜© My wife was like,ā€how did you do that?ā€ I showed her the boxes the proviron and armidex came in and how they looked almost identical because they were made by the same company. Then, she understood. Well, itā€™s my fourth day off the armidex and back on the proviron and my estrogen is still tanked. šŸ¤Ø I hope that my sex drive will be back to normal by this weekend. Saturday will give it 7 days to get out of my system. Armidex has an active life of 6 days. Iā€™m going to start paying closer attention to labels. Iā€™m blaming it on the pine pollen blurring my vision. šŸ™ƒ
Was pinning DHB thinking it was my test. Damn did I have some sick pumps, vascularity and fullness going on. šŸ¤£ I havenā€™t used the compound since.
Dumbest thing I've done was high dose tren cycles in college. Not even going to mention the dose.

The results were incredible, the sides... not so much. Probably did a number on my lipids

Wouldn't dare go over 525/week now. Not worth it
- measured my slin wrong being used to pulling the plunger back to 2 ticks because that's what I use for gh (ended up taking 30iu).
- put too much emphasis on AAS when diet training improvements were what was actually needed
- gave a shit what others or people online think of my physique/goals
- worried too much about the little things chasing "optimal"
Sounds painful. šŸ¤£
I got about 2 weeks before I caught it. My test had a little bite ant the time and PIP so started thinking ā€œdamn this shit has a lot more biteā€. šŸ¤£

My glutes were steel after those two weeks as I obviously pin a lot of test.

I donā€™t recommend anyone trying it. LOL
Accidents took 2 doses of clen. Got to the gym, didn't feel good and got on the bike, before I even peddled I checked my heart rate on that bike and it said 163, hell I use to have a hard time getting my HR up to 130 on that bike. Called my wife and told her what happened and that I'm coming home, I felt like death for about 5 hours.
Dumbest thing I've done was high dose tren cycles in college. Not even going to mention the dose.

The results were incredible, the sides... not so much. Probably did a number on my lipids

Wouldn't dare go over 525/week now. Not worth it
I went up to 100 mgs of Tren ace daily for 4 weeks one time before a show. Thatā€™s 700 mgs of Tren per week. I won my division, but Iā€™ll never do it again. I developed a terrible headache the morning of the show and I was struggling to breathe and my heart rate shy rocketed while posing on stage. It scared me. NEVER AGAIN! I could have won using only 200 mgs of Tren weekly. Lesson learned.
I did something stupid last week. Last Monday I ran out of proviron and reached into my storage unit to get another box. I started taking it and by Thursday of last week my sex drive had all but disappeared. I told my wife about it and she asked, ā€œis it possible you started a new bottle of test or Trestolone and itā€™s watered down?ā€ I said, no because Iā€™m still about half way from using both bottles and my sex drive has been good. So I got to thinking maybe my estrogen is too high and I should try taking 0.5 mgs of Armidex twice a week. Iā€™m always reading about guys having problems controlling their estrogen while using Trestolone/Ment. Now keep in mind I convert very little estrogen so I never use arimidex unless itā€™s a few weeks from a show. I searched for my arimidex and couldnā€™t find it. I figured I must have used all of it while prepping for my last show. The next morning I get up as usual to take my 25 mg proviron tablet and notice the box says arimidex. All of a sudden a light bulb in my brain clicked on. I had been taking 1mg of arimidex for the past 7 days instead of proviron.šŸ˜© My wife was like,ā€how did you do that?ā€ I showed her the boxes the proviron and armidex came in and how they looked almost identical because they were made by the same company. Then, she understood. Well, itā€™s my fourth day off the armidex and back on the proviron and my estrogen is still tanked. šŸ¤Ø I hope that my sex drive will be back to normal by this weekend. Saturday will give it 7 days to get out of my system. Armidex has an active life of 6 days. Iā€™m going to start paying closer attention to labels. Iā€™m blaming it on the pine pollen blurring my vision. šŸ™ƒ
Back in 2013, I was taking 250mg of DNP thinking it was Vitamin C. I probably did this for two weeks and had no idea. I was so sweaty and it was the middle of winter. I am convinced the girl I was dating at the time broke up with me because I was always soaked in sweat.

She is now married with kids with the very next guy she dated after me.
Accidents took 2 doses of clen. Got to the gym, didn't feel good and got on the bike, before I even peddled I checked my heart rate on that bike and it said 163, hell I use to have a hard time getting my HR up to 130 on that bike. Called my wife and told her what happened and that I'm coming home, I felt like death for about 5 hours.
Iā€™ve known of several people ( both male and female) who ended up in the ER from accidentally taking too much liquid clen. Itā€™s easy to over dose using a dropper.
G i lied to myself and believed I would be just increasing GH in my body and that 4 hours of sleep was enough. I am really lucky I didn't kill myself or anyone else, If anyone in my circle came to me with that shit, I would tell them to take that home and if you're going to be around that I don't know you and your number is blocked from my phone. Or they can poor it out right now.
Forced feed food to gain weight
Yes I get you might need some of this involved but when I was younger I took it to an extreme

Use to many force reps.
I stayed way way too lean in the off season as a natural thanks to raging body dysmorphia. Tanked hormones, sabotaged gains, cost relationships butt fucked any sense of normalcy I had around what a healthy normal level of body fat is, and also how to eat like a normal person. All because I was tying my self worth to walking around carved out of granite. It is bodybuilding, you know, it is like I love it, but godamn if I also don't fucking hate it too
I've always have had a sensitive stomach. Several things in the past have been a no go for me, even some otc/GNC stuff.

About 20-some years ago I remember a friend giving me some anadrol. The good stuff, anapolon 50's. I got three days into it and could barely eat. Friend tried to get me to go a week but after day 5 I was done. No appetite and horrible nausea. My scalp also broke out bad. Thankfully it was only my scalp. Oh, and that was my attempt at my first and an oral only cycle.

Hahaha. Never again.
I stayed way way too lean in the off season as a natural thanks to raging body dysmorphia. Tanked hormones, sabotaged gains, cost relationships butt fucked any sense of normalcy I had around what a healthy normal level of body fat is, and also how to eat like a normal person. All because I was tying my self worth to walking around carved out of granite. It is bodybuilding, you know, it is like I love it, but godamn if I also don't fucking hate it too
I did exactly the same at one point as a natty. Wasnā€™t worth it.
Forced feed food to gain weight
Yes I get you might need some of this involved but when I was younger I took it to an extreme

Use to many force reps.
Been there and done that. Never again! The scales donā€™t mean a thing if most of the weight you gain is fat and water. And too many forced reps in my teen years did permanent damage to my joints/tendons. Forced reps on the flat bench press hurt both my shoulders and elbows.

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