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Have you ever realized to what extent you have body dysmorphia?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2022
I think it’s safe to say we all currently or at some point had varying degrees of body dysmorphia, but the other day at my job I had an eye-opening moment

A girl who I had previously worked with years ago came in to my job and told me that I looked huge. Me being the idiot that I am was like “yaaa I’ve put on some weight I know” and she quickly corrected me and joked “if by weight you mean muscle”. I was then talking to one of my coworkers about it and asked if he thought I looked bigger since when I started(I’ve been working my current job about a year and a half) and he said if I don’t think I’ve put on muscle then I’m blind.

I know I’m bigger then the average person but when we constantly compare ourselves to professional bodybuilders, fitness gurus, and with the rise of social media it can be hard to differentiate personal growth vs. what we perceive as the perfect physique. Even if you think body dysmorphia isn’t real, I’d be willing to bet there have been days you’ve looked in the mirror and even though you look insane you personally aren’t nearly satisfied with what you see and think you look awful.

At any point during your life have you had a moment that made you sit back and really evaluate what you see vs. what other people see? And if you think you have body dysmorphia, is there anything that you do to help combat it? Personally I always train with a hoodie/long sleeve on and try to look at my physique as little as possible so I don’t become over obsessive with the way I look
Oh I know for a fact I have body dysmorphia, I've lost over 100lbs of fat, everyone tells me I look great, but when I look in the mirror all I see is fat 🤷🏼

Try my best not to let it bother me and take compliments as compliments.

I do think the more muscle I build and the lower my BF% goes, the more body dysmorphia I get 😭😂
For me it seems like its a switch......it will turn on then off. I typically strength train earlier AM....6:30 and for the most part I'm the youngest guy in the gym at 50+ so....and I'm not trying to be egotistical here....but I am usually the biggest dude in there. At times I will have to alter my gym schedule by going in the early afternoon or evening when its a freaking zoo. This time a day usually has many 'younger' gym goers including some high schoolers. This is when I start ta feel a little bit of body dysmorphia setting in. It gives me a different mindset when I'm there. I am more conscience of my reps, I tend to slow it down, less weight but higher reps....in a way keeps me more humble. Then on occasion I will have some of these 'kids' ask me for tips on training.
Ahh, yeah I tend to prefer my morning workout where there are definitely bigger and badder guys in the gym, fuels my determination.

My lunch workout is in a smaller gym filled with veterans and other older people. I enjoy it but not with as much hype.

My dysmorphia really only hits me in front of the mirror.
Had it. Knew I had it. Knew it could be a problem. I had couple of injuries that took me out of lifting for around a year(2022-2023). Maybe longer. Lost about 20lbs of muscle, which was devastating. That said, it close to cured me of that perspective and the identity as a bodybuilder. I am thinking about competing again in 2025, probably to my detriment. My last show was 2010.
is there anything that you do to help combat it?
we all have it to some extent. And for most it’s not an issue because it’s not a severe case that interferes with living a normal life.

I can tell you what’ll help you get along better w friends and family. Despite how you THINK you look, even if you’re right, just shut that shit up around friends and family unless theyre on the exact same page bodybuilding wise. Nobody wants to hear the guy that looks bigger and leaner than they are, talk about how fat and small he is. Don‘t be self deprecating in the face of compliments.
I think it’s safe to say we all currently or at some point had varying degrees of body dysmorphia, but the other day at my job I had an eye-opening moment

A girl who I had previously worked with years ago came in to my job and told me that I looked huge. Me being the idiot that I am was like “yaaa I’ve put on some weight I know” and she quickly corrected me and joked “if by weight you mean muscle”. I was then talking to one of my coworkers about it and asked if he thought I looked bigger since when I started(I’ve been working my current job about a year and a half) and he said if I don’t think I’ve put on muscle then I’m blind.

I know I’m bigger then the average person but when we constantly compare ourselves to professional bodybuilders, fitness gurus, and with the rise of social media it can be hard to differentiate personal growth vs. what we perceive as the perfect physique. Even if you think body dysmorphia isn’t real, I’d be willing to bet there have been days you’ve looked in the mirror and even though you look insane you personally aren’t nearly satisfied with what you see and think you look awful.

At any point during your life have you had a moment that made you sit back and really evaluate what you see vs. what other people see? And if you think you have body dysmorphia, is there anything that you do to help combat it? Personally I always train with a hoodie/long sleeve on and try to look at my physique as little as possible so I don’t become over obsessive with the way I look
This sport is learning how to channel it. If you ever believed you looked your best whether it be big enough or lean enough then what would drive you?

This is sport is an endless pursuit to be better. But there’s a difference between knowing that vs playing the victim and thinking or telling everyone you’re something that you know you aren’t. Not saying you’re doing this. But some do because they need the attention.

A guy at the gym this morning told me my arms were bigger than his legs. And he wasn’t wrong. But I didn’t say “oh no, my arms suck and are small”. I keep that shit in my head.
Personally I always train with a hoodie/long sleeve on and try to look at my physique as little as possible so I don’t become over obsessive with the way I look

If you have a strategy, goals with a plan just follow it. Trust in the process, be patient. It will help take the obsessing out
lol yeah, mine is bad.

i work remotely and when i meet people in person that have only ever seen me on Zoom, they all tell me I’m huge/jacked and ask for workout tips.

Meanwhile I think I’m tiny and fat
In my mind im still the scrawny guy.

It throws me off when people mention something about my muscles, which happens most places. The interactions and things people say in public is so awkward it’s become comical.

I have to remind myself I’m no longer that 155lb skinny guy.
Every time I look in the mirror all I see is a fat piece of shit
everytime I look in the mirror I think of the mean shit my snitch vile ex said, about my chicken gizzard neck skin (mean but funny) and bald head. shit at least I wasn't a walking talking yeast factory YUCK. Finally I would say things like, your pussy smells like a homeless person encampment , and it would help if you wiped AWAY NOT UP you overgrown child.

solution 50iu gh daily and tattooed head to toe (JK)

I got teased for having freckles growing up until about 5 grade, got teased for having a ghetto booty now women prefer it go figure, got teased for curly hair now its a THING
At my gym the majority of the dudes really are fat pieces of shit but when they look into the mirror all they see is prime Schwarzenegger. What’s that condition called? It’s an awful awful disease but entertaining at times.
It’s almost like the opposite of body dysmorphia - adjacent to Dunning Kruger.

But I know exactly what you mean. I see these little 130lb jits doing front lat spreads in the mirror all the time - so comical…
It’s almost like the opposite of body dysmorphia - adjacent to Dunning Kruger.

But I know exactly what you mean. I see these little 130lb jits doing front lat spreads in the mirror all the time - so comical…
the Highschoolers if they are serious in the lifestyle/sport and goof while flexing but have muscle to flex that is a lot less bothersome than some moron fly by night on every bodybuilding.com STACK SUPP flexing every day and taking selfies daily in gym

I am a bigger and intimidating guy, I borrowed a few pointers from @bbxtreme how to flex my MIGHT without actually flexing, so far so good! "how many sets do you have?" "like 3-4" "cool Ill wait"

I don't mean to sound pretentious but I've yet to meet someone in my entire life who is going to tell me to go fuck myself especially in a situation like this, people get uncomfortable when they quickly (if they do) realize they are HOGGING and bsing on a phone, majority don't give a fuck and think its righteous, but some will be embarrassed and freeze up, there is a demon inside me that lives for these thrilling encounters and prays somebody will actually be disrespectful and agree to walk outside and catch a fade with me, since that has never happened I gave up that fantasy and just mind my distance and space

statisticaly that did not go in my favor at the UTC/la jolla 24 in 2022 when I got packed out by 3 bloods with a metal paintball barrel looking pipe, but 3 weeks before I got a fair one on one with the instigator and won lol

at this point in my life, fighting isn't worth it, and I purposely carry around 2 pair of gloves with me to offer anyone IMMEDIATE SPAR if they have a personal issue with me or conduct themself in a certain way toward me that is deplorable
we all have it to some extent. And for most it’s not an issue because it’s not a severe case that interferes with living a normal life.

I can tell you what’ll help you get along better w friends and family. Despite how you THINK you look, even if you’re right, just shut that shit up around friends and family unless theyre on the exact same page bodybuilding wise. Nobody wants to hear the guy that looks bigger and leaner than they are, talk about how fat and small he is. Don‘t be self deprecating in the face of compliments.

Beat me too it. You also need to realize when you talk about yourself just from a fitness perspective, people will interpret it through the lens of what they think you want to see in them.

For example if your are into a chick (who is not an OCD gym bunny) and then suddenly one day they are real self conscious about how they look and their discipline level, etc...I can guarantee that you rambled on about your body and they took your skewed perception of yourself and mirrored it onto themselves. This generally turns boring fast and is a trap I try to avoid like the plague, lol.

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