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Tendonitis problem

Ring Steel

New member
May 3, 2003
I developed what I believe is tendonitis in my right forarm. The end of the top forearm muscle is really sore about a half inch below the elbow joint (on top of the forearm). It hurts to grip anything hard, and if I do grip something hard it hurts like hell as soon as I let it go.

I've tried resting it by just dropping all pulling movements in the gym for a week, just been doing pushing movements and legs; and taking ibuprofen 800mg 3X a day.

Any advice on how to get this to heal so I can get back to the gym productively?
I developed what I believe is tendonitis in my right forarm. The end of the top forearm muscle is really sore about a half inch below the elbow joint (on top of the forearm). It hurts to grip anything hard, and if I do grip something hard it hurts like hell as soon as I let it go.

I've tried resting it by just dropping all pulling movements in the gym for a week, just been doing pushing movements and legs; and taking ibuprofen 800mg 3X a day.

Any advice on how to get this to heal so I can get back to the gym productively?

Try using more machines that might not require you to use your grip as much. Do this until it heals up. Seems like when you use machines you grip doesnt get worked as hard because the movement is in a fixed plane. It seems to work ok for me.
Oh yea... I've had tendonitis in my shins and elbow before. Not fun... hurts like hell too. Save you a doctor bill... the doctor gave me 500 mg tables of naproxen sodium (or Aleve) to take 2x a day (1,000 mg a day). She said I could fill that or get Aleve over the counter. It comes in 220mg tablets... so take 2 in the morning and 3 at night. Also Ibuprofen (Advil) also helps with inflammation. If you can get some Celebrex, it works even better.

Take something for the inflammation and pain. You can also use ice or cold pack to help out with the inflammation. The doctor will also tell you to rest!. But if you are like the rest of us... hard-headed about missing workouts, then at least to back off your workouts and not go as heavy for awhile until it heals. Keep in mind that working out will make it take longer to heal. You may need to take a week off.

Good luck... hope it start feeling better soon.
sounds like tennis elbow my friend, Ice, rest and get a tennis elbow brace. I had the same thing it lasted about a month. I used the brace and it cut the pain down 10 fold!
Oh yeah
try Voltaren works great. A great anti inflamatory
sounds like tennis elbow my friend, Ice, rest and get a tennis elbow brace. I had the same thing it lasted about a month. I used the brace and it cut the pain down 10 fold!

This is dead on. I am currently dealing with this same thing but mine is barely there now. Since buying the brace, the pain was cut in half just by wearing it. Now its hardly there at all. I'm not a big fan of taking a bunch of OTC pain meds to mask the real issue.
Thanks for the advice. I have never heard of a tennis elbow brace, but I'll head to town to look for one.
Drwost/Awn what is the elbow brace??

Currently I wear a neoprene elbow sleeve but doesn't really help, is there a website, pictures, brand name etc...for this elbow brace. Thanks
ACE makes one and almost any drug store or even a grocery store will carry it. It goes around your forearm and mine has a little gel pack that puts pressure on the area and stablizes the muscles. It takes all the strain off of the tendons and it feels soooooo much better. I can do chins, deads, and even hammer curls and it wont get irritated. Those all were a thing of the past before the brace. Here is a link so you can see what one looks like. It will run you about 10-20 bucks but mine was a little bit more because of the gel insert.

**broken link removed**
Awn, Thanks!
aflutop is a solid option if it really is tendonitus. worked well for me!
yep, I got the same thing from doing straight bar curls. Screwed up my workout for weeks. My chiro did active release therapy on it for awhile. I wore a wrap around it but I had to stay away from moves that would irritate it. I ate lots of Motrin too.

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