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Test & Deca cycle


New member
Sep 11, 2017
I had been using the 200Test and 100 Deca cycle for 8 weeks but was not happy so I started a new 9 week cycle using 250 Test and 200 Deca. I am much happier with the results.
The next cycle I was told to be on was 500 Test and 300 deca but I am not sure I am ready to go that far yet,
Can I increase the Test to 350 and keep the Deca at 200? Will that have any effect or should I just go right to the 500 Test? My body cannot tolerate huge doses so I split them up to a few days. Or should I do them all on one day but use 3 different injection sites?
This newbie thanks y'all in advance.
Everyone should try a test only cycle and maybe a deca only as well before jumping on combos...

But 350 test and 200 deca is good if you're not already very big. Diet will dictate your success, mostly.
Are you going up in dose because you think that's what you're supposed to do or because you hit a plateau with the last cycle? You'll have to list your macros too because they may need some fine tuning before an increase in gear is necessary!
Good Advice

Are you going up in dose because you think that's what you're supposed to do or because you hit a plateau with the last cycle? You'll have to list your macros too because they may need some fine tuning before an increase in gear is necessary!

I have to second this, he is completely right with this. More is not always the answer!
My body cannot tolerate huge doses so I split them up to a few days. Or should I do them all on one day but use 3 different injection sites?
This newbie thanks y'all in advance.

What do you mean by that? About the amount of oil? Or you get more side-effects?
Test & Deca cycles

Good answers all. Thank you.
My stats: 183 lbs., 6 ft 2 inches, 12 1.2 biceps, 43 chest, gym every day, eat 5 times daily-carb meal before & after gym. About 50 carbs per meal. Just upped that to 70 carbs per meal. VERY strict about diet. Mostly chicken, greek yogurt, eggs, oatmeal, very lean beef, whey supplement powder.
The only other supplement I use is Creatine.
I gained 18 lbs of muscle in the past 2 months. I gained 1 inch on my biceps in about 1 1/2 months.
Y'all are right. More is not always better. Just wondering if increasing Test to 350cc would help my gains.

The issue I have with large dose injections is that I have trouble walking for the next few days [I inject Test into thigh]. My Deca injects in gluts are fine. No other side effects at all! If I split up the dose to every other day, I am fine walking. I do have an artificial hip, so I do not inject on that side to prevent cross infection if any.

Theses cycles were given to me by my personal trainer [reluctantly] and I verified on the internet.
I am not using any macros.
The issue I have with large dose injections is that I have trouble walking for the next few days [I inject Test into thigh]. My Deca injects in gluts are fine.

Quads are the worse... Don't understand why people do it...

Glutes and delts only. 3ml max on glutes, 1.5ml max on delts... Never ever a problem.
Good answers all. Thank you.
My stats: 183 lbs., 6 ft 2 inches, 12 1.2 biceps, 43 chest, gym every day, eat 5 times daily-carb meal before & after gym. About 50 carbs per meal. Just upped that to 70 carbs per meal. VERY strict about diet. Mostly chicken, greek yogurt, eggs, oatmeal, very lean beef, whey supplement powder.
The only other supplement I use is Creatine.
I gained 18 lbs of muscle in the past 2 months. I gained 1 inch on my biceps in about 1 1/2 months.
Y'all are right. More is not always better. Just wondering if increasing Test to 350cc would help my gains.

The issue I have with large dose injections is that I have trouble walking for the next few days [I inject Test into thigh]. My Deca injects in gluts are fine. No other side effects at all! If I split up the dose to every other day, I am fine walking. I do have an artificial hip, so I do not inject on that side to prevent cross infection if any.

Theses cycles were given to me by my personal trainer [reluctantly] and I verified on the internet.
I am not using any macros.

Starting to sound like a troll. How old are you? If you have a trainer, why are you here? If you don't know what macro nutrition is, then you should talk to your trainer.
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Not a troll, just a newbie

I am NOT a troll. Just trying to get information as I am a beginner.
My sometime Trainer does NOT support steroids so he gives me only a little info. He prefers to stay out of it. Also, I live in 2 states each year. my trainer is in the other state where I am NOT currently at.

I guess I already DO already follow macronutrients. I count my protein grams, carbs, fat grams with every meal I eat, every day. I think I need to up my protein AND carbs. I read differing info on the internet which is why I am confused. It seems I should have 1 protein gram per pound of my body weight.
As for my gym routine. I alternate days. Upper body day:
Incline flyes, Incliine raises, flat bench flyes, flat bench raises, bicep dumbbell curls, tricep extensions-seated and laying, lat pull downs, cable rows, bicep pulldowns, pec dec, assisted pullups, preacher machine, flat bench press, incline bench press and more too many to mention.
For leg day I do dead lifts, seatedleg press machine, kettlebell raises and squats, calf raise machine, laying on stomach leg lifts, seated leg lift machine, inner thigh machine.
Every day, I do 300 crunches of various types. push ups, a few squats.

No need to be rude. I am juust trying to learn. I am sorry if that bothers you,

I do not add any other pills or supplements like some others do as well.
So, since No One really answered my question, should I increase my Test fro,250 to 350 pw?
Thank you Allex!

Quads are the worse... Don't understand why people do it...

Glutes and delts only. 3ml max on glutes, 1.5ml max on delts... Never ever a problem.

Thank you ALLEX for the info. I use the quads because that was where my LEGAL Dr showed me to do it. I think I will try the delts and see how that works out. I already inject the Deca into my glutes. Can I inject both on the same day?

How many cycles have you run in the past and what was your dosing protocol for those cycles?

Are you going up in dose because you think that's what you're supposed to do or because you hit a plateau with the last cycle? You'll have to list your macros too because they may need some fine tuning before an increase in gear is necessary!

I do adjust my macros. That is what I said although I use the term macronutrients. I stated I just uped from 50 p and 50 cars to 75 per meal. Now I am reading that is still not enough. That is why I am asking.

what is your BF% i see what you have listed for your stats, still curious what your cycle history is?
past cycles

I have had 2 past cycles. The first was 200 test & 100 Deca for 10 weeks.
The 2nd cycle was 250 Test and 200 Deca for 10 weeks. I am at the end of that cycle now.
Sadly, my BF% is 20%. I have lost fat poundage but gained muscle poundage. Am still working on it.
I have not hit a plateau. I am just being impatient. But I did add 1 1/2 inches on my biceps in the past 3 months or so.
Also, I am 55 yo and starting BB for the first real time in my life. Never really an athlete so starting from stratch which is why I don't know all the terminology. And the reason I am on this site is to get info from men who ARE BB and know this info and have the experience and some are willing to share and teach.
Thanks for asking Wisco2.
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I would say that running 2 cycles at your age that the dose you are wanting to run would be just fine and should notice good results. Do you have an AI on hand, you will more than likely need it with the higher dose of test and deca. Some guys are genetic freaks and don't need to ever take an AI but those cases are few and far between.
over training....

give us a day of training and eating...

As for my gym routine. I alternate days. Upper body day:
Incline flyes, Incliine raises, flat bench flyes, flat bench raises, bicep dumbbell curls, tricep extensions-seated and laying, lat pull downs, cable rows, bicep pulldowns, pec dec, assisted pullups, preacher machine, flat bench press, smith press, incline bench press and more too many to mention.
For leg day I do dead lifts, seatedleg press machine, kettlebell raises and squats, calf raise machine, laying on stomach leg lifts, seated leg lift machine, inner thigh machine.
Every day, I do 300 crunches of various types. push ups, a few squats.

I would say that running 2 cycles at your age that the dose you are wanting to run would be just fine and should notice good results. Do you have an AI on hand, you will more than likely need it with the higher dose of test and deca. Some guys are genetic freaks and don't need to ever take an AI but those cases are few and far between.

I am not taking an AI. I did have a bit of gynocomastia but they have lifted up and I am so happy that they are high and hard.
I hear your advice though. I have big 1 inch nipples so a bit of a saggy pec is not too bothersome to me.

over training....

give us a day of training and eating...

I eat a carb meal before & after the workout. Currently at 75 grams carbs but to be raised since I want to bulk up. 3 other high protein/ low carb meals the rest of the day. Again was at 50 protein but I am raising it to at least 75.

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