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Test Prop & EQ Gyno Flare Up!?


Apr 13, 2006
I've been on Test Prop 100mg EOD & 400mg EQ for exactly three weeks. About 3 days ago I noticed my left nip getting pussy, sore and a tingling sensation.
Could it be the Test all of a sudden giving me a problem or maybe my EQ is bogus and is just Test E or something like that?

I've been hitting Arimdex for 3 days now and it hasn't done a thing. All products are from Mr. Satchet.

I should be getting some liquid Fem. tomorrow. I haven't taken a shot of Test Prop since Sunday because of the flare up so it should be almost out of my system by now but gyno flare up still is getting worse.

Pretty disappointed because this cycle was kicking ass!

Any suggestions??

Buy your supps from board sponsors, that way you know they are the real deal.

Already have, got an order on the way. This was some stuff I got a little while ago?

What should I do? Count on the femara taking care of things when I get it tomorrow or scrap the cycle?
whoa wtf.. you are lactating, that leads me to believe your gyno would be prolactin related..

EQ+prop shouldn't be doing that..

Personally I would scrap the cycle. If arimidex isn't doing anything, something's up.. I feel .25 mg arimidex the next morning in my joints, so I'm suspecting some bogus shit.. maybe they put deca in your EQ.. i'm not sure.

If you are going to keep on cycle, maybe try dropping the "eq" and see if just the "prop" gives you this lactation.

i am highly curious what brand of sachets you used, however.. a good friend of mine used alin (not trying to break rules) and his were legit.. either way, sachets SUCK.
I used the Advanced variety.
Good point on sticking with just the Prop. I might try that.

If it were a Testosterone issue it should be getting better not worse since I stopped the Test Prop on Sunday.
I used the Advanced variety.
Good point on sticking with just the Prop. I might try that.

If it were a Testosterone issue it should be getting better not worse since I stopped the Test Prop on Sunday.

let us know if it gets better on just the prop. i doubt you're getting fake prop, at least. .

i've also never heard of lactation from test only
let us know if it gets better on just the prop. i doubt you're getting fake prop, at least. .

i've also never heard of lactation from test only

Never said I was lactating bro.
This left nip is driving me nuts.
Starting femara tonight and prolactin blocker on Monday.
Here is the funny part:
What is supposed to be Test Prop is almost painless when shot on it's own, but when I mixed with what is supposed to be EQ, it hurts like hell
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if you're lactating from your nipple, you may have prolactin based gyno.

EQ is not a progestin, so you may have Tren or Deca (prob deca).

Use pramipaxole for prolactin and letrozole for gyno.

I am not prone to gyno, so i can't give you personal feedback on how much to take.
Never said I was lactating bro.
This left nip is driving me nuts.
Starting femara tonight and prolactin blocker on Monday.
Here is the funny part:
What is supposed to be Test Prop is almost painless when shot on it's own, but when I mixed with what is supposed to be EQ, it hurts like hell

Forgot to read this post, but (from what i've read and heard) prop is usually painful and EQ painless.
Well I received my liquid letro on Friday night and by the morning the flare up had subsided.

I think I have it figured out:

(i) My liquid arimidex was bunk
(ii) The EQ was really a long esther Test
(iii) The EQ (long test) and prop were mislabeled because when I shot them both together it hurt like hell but when I shot what I thought was prop on its own there was almost no pain.

So by the time the long acting Test kicked in (2.5 weeks) I was on about 900mg of test per week. This caused nasty estrogen reaction which the letro put right back in its place.

Have stopped those items and started some legit Tren and legit Prop.

No more stealth for me.

i suggest definitly findin another source,stop what u r taking,but take adex,or nolvadex,see what happens,but dont start again till u find a legit source

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