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Test ratio with PRIMO/MAST/DHB

iron lifter

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2021
i was told to run a 2 to 1 ratio to start to see how these compounds affect estrogen. with test being twice as high.

which of these would reduce estrogen the MOST if one was to pair them in a 2:1 ratio?

i feel on test/masteron i go flat, little less flat on DHB, and primo fills me out a bit more.
Whatever You like...
I run mast 60-200mg(depending weather on or trt) test 200-600...recently ran 400t/60mast...next run will be 600/100
I haven't done primo in forever, DHB too painful
Based on your description, I’d probably be pursuing primo.

Some people say primo needs to be blasted in high amounts, but I found even 300-400mg or legit primo to do a very good job.

In my own body chemistry, EQ acts much the same with its effects to reduce estrogen. It makes me fuller compared to other compounds, however.
DHB didn’t lower my estrogen like primo did. Mast I don’t have blood work to say….

250-300 DHB is a nice addition to any base cycle. DHb is strong as fuck. It feels like baby tren to me a
Usually i leave 200-250mg between Test and Primo/DHB/EQ/Mast and it seems doing its job as ai.

So for example when cutting i was using 750 Sust 600 Primo, E2 were a tad lower but when cutting it was fine.
Now that i am growing i run 1250 Sust 1000 Primo (as soon as I will finish it will switch for 900 EQ+100 DHB).
Note: i think that EQ is ideal to reduce pip from Dhb.

The only thing that you can do is start low and increase the dosage or add a certain AAS,. remember that EQ is very slow and you need time to see it's effects completely.
I find that talking half as much mast as my test doses keep my estrogen levels under control , at least until I get to the 600+mg Test range.

I've never run DHB long enough to see any effect or side effects.
Some bloods I did last primo cycle (E2 numbers are rough but proportionally correct)

Test 500
Deca 200
Primo 600

E2 was 60 (top of male range 59ish by memory but close), same stack no primo E2 was 120ish. I arromatize a good amount especially when deca is in the mix for whatever reason. Repeated close to same in previous cycle that included mast but this is cleaner with/without. I'd feel comfortable trying 800 primo 500 test just for me. E2 probably 20s which is where I like for hrt. Can't offer Eq or DHB example.
primo crushed my e2, id recommend trying test 2:1 primo
400 Primo worked for Me"
All summer 750T, 300D and 400 P
Dropped the Primo 2 weeks back and Estro Spiked!!!
Usually i leave 200-250mg between Test and Primo/DHB/EQ/Mast and it seems doing its job as ai.

So for example when cutting i was using 750 Sust 600 Primo, E2 were a tad lower but when cutting it was fine.
Now that i am growing i run 1250 Sust 1000 Primo (as soon as I will finish it will switch for 900 EQ+100 DHB).
Note: i think that EQ is ideal to reduce pip from Dhb.

The only thing that you can do is start low and increase the dosage or add a certain AAS,. remember that EQ is very slow and you need time to see it's effects completely.
why take 100mg dhb at all...? because you will not feel it in any way or make any difference
why take 100mg dhb at all...? because you will not feel it in any way or make any difference
Because i have a 250ml bottle of that and i can't inject more than 1-2ml a week 😂
Because i have a 250ml bottle of that and i can't inject more than 1-2ml a week 😂
That's funny as hell. We will find a way/use for most anything and sounds like you brewed a decent batch as a trial only to find mega PIP. I had a ton of masteron for a while because reading posts I thought it was going to be injectable long estered winstrol (not even fricking close - I love winny). Bunch of 2nd cycle 170lbs kids. Anyway it's nice for feels and don't drying or E2 impact but winny absolutely curb stomps mast. Ended up in tons of cycles just because.
Thing is that atm i am using Primo at 200mg/ml, but mixing it with DHB doesn't fit that well because after 4/5 injections it starts hurting. Primo alone doesn't give me any issues. It's always that freaking DHB.

EQ on other hand is liquid as raw, you can brew it almost without solvents and you can use it to make DHB pip less. Sometimes i think that people includes EQ in high doses cycle because it dilutes other AAS....

I have also read from another thread on another forum that DHB has 0 pip at 2% BA 27% BB, maybe i will give it a go.

There's also a big BUT....
If Jay Cutler got huge on test EQ Anadrol HGH insulin, OK he is a genetic elite, why i am even bothering with DHB? Hehehe

Anyway i am using those 3rd steroids just to control E2, using EQ in the end is the most convenient thing or using AIs.
Once you have HGH, Insulina periwo, high Test TREN/Nandro, maybe an oral if you tolerate those well, your cycle is set.
Primo/EQ/Mast won't do that much compared to the other players.
Primo CRUSHED my Estro and HDL. I started at 400mg. Dropped to 200mg. Got very little gains but got a huge hit on lipids. Estro and HDL are both cardio protective....primo kills those. And the gains were....meh (albeit a low dose).
That's funny as hell. We will find a way/use for most anything and sounds like you brewed a decent batch as a trial only to find mega PIP. I had a ton of masteron for a while because reading posts I thought it was going to be injectable long estered winstrol (not even fricking close - I love winny). Bunch of 2nd cycle 170lbs kids. Anyway it's nice for feels and don't drying or E2 impact but winny absolutely curb stomps mast. Ended up in tons of cycles just because.
What are u saying about winny ?

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