I'm no chemist. Hell, I'm not even certain I just spelled chemist right! However, I was theorizing that the "cream" (apparently some testosterone based transdermal drug) was used to help combat sexual sides from the "clear". lol. I get tickled shitless every time I think of these crazy ass names for this stuff.
The "clear" or THG is more or less a modified version of tren, right? Well, we all know what that does for the ol' libido. Can't have Barry striking out in the sack, right? lol. I figured the "cream" would supply just enough test to keep the slugger hitting those home runs with the honeys. But, it wouldn't be enough to cause supra-physiologic levels of test to appear in his steroid tests. You know, keep lil' Barry solid while on the THG without sending T:E ratios off the charts. That was my theory anyway. I thought THG was undetectable anyhow. I remember tested p-lifters used to use epi-test to beat the whiz quiz. However, the labs nowadays know to sniff that out right?
I never really had to deal with testing issues. Thus, I may not be too up-to-date on things regarding that. That's why I'm asking.