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The greatest challange with gaining size

animal eater

Active member
May 20, 2008
Regardless of how heavy you lift, how intense the session, what cocktail of gear you take, the biggest challange for gaining size comes down to the amount of food you take. Take a guy who trains his ass off, is on an enormous cycle, etc. if he can't slam the calories in, he limits the growth. For me personally this is always the greatest challange. Now this thread clearly pertains to those who are natural as well as assisted. Many out there have food allergies such as myself. I don't do well with wheat based, corn or egg products and am always fighting a way to increase calories despite this.

OK the question at hand is what tips can you give to both keep appetite high and digestion in good shape. And this goes for everybody. I am hoping to see replies that go beyond, just take 600mg of EQ a week and you will be hungry.

So in short how does everyone keep appetite high and digest lots of calories. I look forward to the replies. Sorry for all members that are currently cutting:mad:
I believe in doing some form of cardio in the offseason...When I do cardio Im always hungry...Also, staying pretty lean in the offseason helps to...When your lean (well pretty lean) I seem to want to eat more...
B-12 dots & a few sugars(for Me a few oz of OJ or powerade) in the AM & PWO always make Me hungry
DC's approach of morning cardio. Staying away from stimulants on non-lifting days. Eating clean and rarely cheating helps a ton too. The only time I feel full for more than an hour or so is when I eat like shit. If all I eat all day is chicken rice and veggies I could conceivable eat upwards of 8 meals daily, when I throw a cheat meal in the mix that will cut it down to 5.

Regardless of how heavy you lift, how intense the session, what cocktail of gear you take, the biggest challange for gaining size comes down to the amount of food you take. Take a guy who trains his ass off, is on an enormous cycle, etc. if he can't slam the calories in, he limits the growth. For me personally this is always the greatest challange. Now this thread clearly pertains to those who are natural as well as assisted. Many out there have food allergies such as myself. I don't do well with wheat based, corn or egg products and am always fighting a way to increase calories despite this.

OK the question at hand is what tips can you give to both keep appetite high and digestion in good shape. And this goes for everybody. I am hoping to see replies that go beyond, just take 600mg of EQ a week and you will be hungry.

So in short how does everyone keep appetite high and digest lots of calories. I look forward to the replies. Sorry for all members that are currently cutting:mad:

I could almost always eat more( every day) but just don't have time and can't stuff myself at each sitting because I am in construction and have to move around constantly. That is the #1 reason for me not being bigger I believe . As far as appetite I am with Chris on this one, I do cardio every morn upon awakening, wash down 6 grams BCAAs with my morning java and on to the stairstepper for 45 minutes, that alone is an appetitie booster and also have one shake every day with lots of metamucil in it, I eat yogurt daily and use digestive enzymes with the bigger meals and everything flows smoothly, BUT I just wish I had a desk job and could eat much MORE food.:(
Sorry for not replying with advice but I have none. I could never understand how a person has difficulty eating enough to gain weight.
Thanks for the replies. I agree that a little cardio stimulates appetite. For me it isn't so much a challange getting myself to eat, it's dealing with the after effects. Running a very busy training studio working close with clients all day is a challange when you feel bloated and might need to take a run to the toilet at anytime. Probiotics and digestive aids help but damn I wish I was one of those lucky bastards who could eat everything under the sun and still take one perfectly well timed dump a day.

I have found that increasing healthy fats such as extra virgen cocunut oil, olive oil is helpfull in that it adds plenty of calories without as much gas and bloat. Sorry for the descriptive info.
digestive enzymes help a lot for me.

also, sounds wierd, but having MIXED meals instead of just Pro/Cho Or Pro/Fat fills me up more, like when i diet, and am doing just Pro/Cho or Pro/Fat I am hungry like every hour
my best day of eating i ate when hungry and ate 11 chicken breasts and a watermelon.
i realized if i could keep that up i would be a BEAST! but instead i am just "big" :( once i committ to that much food day in and day out i think i can reach my goals.
digestive enzymes help a lot for me.

also, sounds wierd, but having MIXED meals instead of just Pro/Cho Or Pro/Fat fills me up more, like when i diet, and am doing just Pro/Cho or Pro/Fat I am hungry like every hour

I think there is definately something to this. I think this is part of the DC eating protol. One one hand you might not take in as many calories in one hit but on the other hand you eat more frequently with perhaps better digestion. Good point dalvare1.
I believe in doing some form of cardio in the offseason...When I do cardio Im always hungry...Also, staying pretty lean in the offseason helps to...When your lean (well pretty lean) I seem to want to eat more...

Totally agree with you this...cardio always makes me hungrier.
I could almost always eat more( every day) but just don't have time and can't stuff myself at each sitting because I am in construction and have to move around constantly. That is the #1 reason for me not being bigger I believe . As far as appetite I am with Chris on this one, I do cardio every morn upon awakening, wash down 6 grams BCAAs with my morning java and on to the stairstepper for 45 minutes, that alone is an appetitie booster and also have one shake every day with lots of metamucil in it, I eat yogurt daily and use digestive enzymes with the bigger meals and everything flows smoothly, BUT I just wish I had a desk job and could eat much MORE food.:(

Funny how physical work has it's advantages and disadvantages. One hand it definately keeps you leaner as you are constantly using energy. Flip side is it batters the body a bit and well it burns too many damn calories.
DOGGCRAP- Do you have any recent insights on the topic at hand? Thoughts would be appreciated.
I think there is definately something to this. I think this is part of the DC eating protol. One one hand you might not take in as many calories in one hit but on the other hand you eat more frequently with perhaps better digestion. Good point dalvare1.

Morning cardio to keep metabolism high and keep you hungry throughout the day. Diet during the day consists of protein and carbs, diet at night consists of protein and fats. Been following these guidelines and all I can say is I wish I would have read into DC training and diet earlier.
more healthy fats in your diet = more calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories
B-boy, how are you mate? Definately a fan of healthy fats. Plenty of healthy oils and nuts in my diet. Do you have any general digestive tricks up your sleeve to keep the stomache happy when putting away copious amounts of calories?
What everyone has said here works, and works well. But I know this next coming offseason, I will be using ghrp to make things a little easier. That stuff will make you want to eat everything in site...doesn't hurt to get a little gh release aswell.
more healthy fats in your diet = more calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

1 gram of coal = 9000 calories (burning)
1 gram of uranium-235 = 20 billion calories (fission)
1 gram of hydrogen-1 undegoing complete fusion = 620 billion calories
1 gram of annihilated (1/2 grammatter 1/2 gram antimatter) = 21,510,000,000,000 calories, thats 21 trillion 510 billion calories
1 gram of coal = 9000 calories (burning)
1 gram of uranium-235 = 20 billion calories (fission)
1 gram of hydrogen-1 undegoing complete fusion = 620 billion calories
1 gram of annihilated (1/2 grammatter 1/2 gram antimatter) = 21,510,000,000,000 calories, thats 21 trillion 510 billion calories

will this pass through a 23G needle?

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