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This gets on my last nerve


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
yesterday i went to philly to train with a friend. we were at an LA Fitness just outside the city. we head over to the dumbells to do some rows when all i can hear is these 3 guys all verry out of shape with no strength talking about the heavy cycles theyre on in detail and loud enouogh to hear them at the target across the parkinglot. How stupid can you be! i swear at this point in human history you think natural selection would have weeded out anyone with an IQ lower than 13. what they didnt know was that my friend is a narcotics detective, that is until he "let" his badge fall out of his gym bag on the floor next to them. those guys have no idea how lucky they are, even though we were out of his jurisdiction it would have been no problem for him to call local cops and make the next few years of theyre life miserable. if it was me doing something like that id hope someone would come up and tell me what a moron i was.
you're cop friend couldnt have done a damn thing unless they had gear in their posesseion at the time.
yesterday i went to philly to train with a friend. we were at an LA Fitness just outside the city. we head over to the dumbells to do some rows when all i can hear is these 3 guys all verry out of shape with no strength talking about the heavy cycles theyre on in detail and loud enouogh to hear them at the target across the parkinglot. How stupid can you be! i swear at this point in human history you think natural selection would have weeded out anyone with an IQ lower than 13. what they didnt know was that my friend is a narcotics detective, that is until he "let" his badge fall out of his gym bag on the floor next to them. those guys have no idea how lucky they are, even though we were out of his jurisdiction it would have been no problem for him to call local cops and make the next few years of theyre life miserable. if it was me doing something like that id hope someone would come up and tell me what a moron i was.

I am never really "shocked" or amazed when I read one of these rants at this point in my life.
Yet still I do always wonder just how unfocused some people can be while working out.
I've trained in gyms all over the southwest and my own state. I've seen n heard it all. It does not concern me. I dont let it affect my training or enter my mind until later when I have time to reflect. Then I have time to get pissed or bothered or whatever but while I'm there, I could care less.
mind your own...

well not really. overhearing the conversation gives reasonable cause for a search warrant to be issued.

unless you have your child training with you who really gives a F**K! and that is why i dislike cops... they flash their badge like they are king SH*T! if your cop does not like big guys...and juice tell him to go to the library.... or watch Sesame Street!:D
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unless you have your child training with you who really gives a F**K! and that is why i hate PIGS... they flash their badge like they are king SH*T! if your cop does not like big guys...and juice tell him to go to the library.... or watch Sesame Street!:D

first of all "my cop" is 270lbs so dont go talking about doesnt like big guys when you have no idea what your talking about, but thats not the point.

the whole point of my rant is im there trying to lift and i have 3 idiots in my way doing nothing but taking up space. maybe i should have clarified that they were physically right in my way. i mean come on who likes doing dumbell rows with someones ass in your face. anyone whose been to that particular LAfitness can tell you how insanely crowded it can get, and most of the people in there are working realy hard and minding theyre own business. but anyway im rambling on here so back to my point. first of all it was stupid for them to talk about that openly in public especially when your talking about yourself, and secondly i didnt want an ass in my face.
Personally I can't stand it when I can hear blow-hards at the gym talking about the gear they use. If you don't want your ass busted keep you dang mouth shut! For one it give people the idea that EVERYONE that lifts is as stupid as they are. I get bugged with loud mouths in general, "HEY BIG DEREK, THROW ME A 45 WOULD YA! I NEED TO SLAP THAT BABY ON MY BAR!" Then proceeds to squat 225 a grand total of 2 inches and gets out from under it like he's king of the world. :rolleyes:
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Personally I can't stand it when I can hear blow-hards at the gym talking about the gear they use. If you don't want your ass busted keep you dang mouth shut! For one it give people the idea that EVERYONE that lifts is as stupid as they are.

THANK YOU! first amendment my ass...its illegal and they're lucky that cop didnt bust them. all he had to do was call the local authorities and give a tip.

who gives a F**K? WE DO. people who hate the bad name AAS gets from assholes like these guys. in the current situation no one needs to be that ridiculously arrogant and stupid. thats just retarded. if that was someone in my gym id tell them to shut the f*ck up. its not something that needs to be broadcasted to the whole damn gym.

first of all "my cop" is 270lbs so dont go talking about doesnt like big guys when you have no idea what your talking about, but thats not the point.

the whole point of my rant is im there trying to lift and i have 3 idiots in my way doing nothing but taking up space. maybe i should have clarified that they were physically right in my way. i mean come on who likes doing dumbell rows with someones ass in your face. anyone whose been to that particular LAfitness can tell you how insanely crowded it can get, and most of the people in there are working realy hard and minding theyre own business. but anyway im rambling on here so back to my point. first of all it was stupid for them to talk about that openly in public especially when your talking about yourself, and secondly i didnt want an ass in my face.

Ok..now i see your point! I agree.... there is a time and a place. Do not get me wrong. I do not hang my dirty laundry out in public. So next time you guys ought to bring some tape and a ball and gag those F**ks! hehe:D
Just curious--is the 270 lb cop friend on, too, or does he just have great genetics?

Those other guys sound like real dumbasses. That would have been great if the cop really had busted them.
I am 100% positive that the officer is totally natural. Police don't use gear. Its illegal.:D
I hate dumbasses too, but

It's a shame you can't talk about useing a drug that hurts no one. (If abused it's a less of an evil than abusing alcohol) A cop at 270lbs? fat or aas. Shows he's not a hypocrite, by leaving them alone.
Just glad my doctor makes it legal for me.
Just curious--is the 270 lb cop friend on, too, or does he just have great genetics?

Those other guys sound like real dumbasses. That would have been great if the cop really had busted them.

i wouldnt say its great genetics, he's a power lifter and has just benn a huge person his whole life. trust me he isnt walking around at 8% bf or anything but he is one strong son of a bitch. i dont think he's on and since we have been best friends since grade school its kind of understood that he doesnt ask me and i dont ask him. the last thing i would want to do is put him in a situation that could jepordize his career and life. if i vever was cought with anything and it came to light that he had prior knowledge that would screw him over worse than me. but IMO he doesnt use anything. as a freshman in HS he was almost 6' and somewhere in the 225lb range.
Yeah, they are PIGS...until you need one.

unless you have your child training with you who really gives a F**K! and that is why i hate PIGS... they flash their badge like they are king SH*T! if your cop does not like big guys...and juice tell him to go to the library.... or watch Sesame Street!:D

My dad is a retired police officer.

When he risked his life over and over again helping people in trouble, I guess he was a PIG.

When friends got in car wrecks and he was the first one there giving cpr and stopping the bleeding, I guess he was a PIG.

When your house gets broken into and all your shit is stolen or fucked up and you need law enforcement those PIGS are sure handy to have around.

Maybe you got all fired up reading the post or maybe that is your true feeling on law enforcement officers. I don't know.

TKAV- I can't stand the loud steroid big mouth's in the gym either. Most of the time the biggest guys are training and don't need to draw attention to themselves with stupid behavior like that. They let their bodies do the talking.
I am never really "shocked" or amazed when I read one of these rants at this point in my life.
Yet still I do always wonder just how unfocused some people can be while working out.
I've trained in gyms all over the southwest and my own state. I've seen n heard it all. It does not concern me. I dont let it affect my training or enter my mind until later when I have time to reflect. Then I have time to get pissed or bothered or whatever but while I'm there, I could care less.

Great advice, and everyone should be more like you are in the gym.

when I read these posts and remember back to my days of public gyms....


NO changing the volume or musical selections I choose.
NO hogging equipment that I want to use
NO unidentified sweat puddles on my bench somebody "forgot" to wipe
NO ball sitting classes for anything new from lame ass fitness mags
NO ass in my face (unless I want it)

I bought a Weider set of metric plates and an AMC bench with leg ext/curl
when I was 16. I joined gyms in College and when I got back home and settled I started getting different pieces and then...
I could never go back.

Besides....I can get all the good advice and ideas from you guys here on PM
There's your "association with others in the same field of endeavor":)

Thanks for the clarification, Oswlsj, got your pm.

Ok..now i see your point! I agree.... there is a time and a place. Do not get me wrong. I do not hang my dirty laundry out in public. So next time you guys ought to bring some tape and a ball and gag those F**ks! hehe:D

I get it. ;)
well not really. overhearing the conversation gives reasonable cause for a search warrant to be issued.

Okay, me being a pig and all, I'll say this. A conversation between three people does NOT give anyone reasonable cause to do a search warrant, much less make an arrest. In fact, one needs PROBABLE cause which is more than reasonable suspicion. When the facts, information and circumstances would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is being committed......there's your definition of probable cause. Merely talking about gear usage is not a crime nor does it amount to anything. I can run my mouth all day long about doing something illegal but unless there is evidence or information by a credible person that I am in fact doing something illegal and it can be proven then no judge is gonna listen to my story about being at the gym and hearing three idiots talking about using gear.

In the end, so what, there are morons everywhere, if you let em get to you on a continual basis, you'll be where I am..........on a nice amount of BP medicine.:D

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