More notes on the testing you had.
T3 Uptake: This test is mentioned only as a warning not to use it. In fact, it does not measure T3 levels at all – the name is misleading. It is an old test designed with a purpose of indirectly measuring T4! It was developed before we were able to accurately measure T4 levels. The assumption was that if the patient had a high T4 level, the blood proteins would be saturated with it. Therefore when mixed with T3 (which is easier to measure), the blood proteins would take up very little T3. Thus a low T3 uptake implies elevated T4 levels and vice versa. Thus the T3 Uptake test is actually an antiquated, inaccurate way to measure T4 levels.
Free Thyroxine Index: This test uses T3 Uptake as one of its factors and therefore is as useless as the T3 Uptake. Again, I list it here only as a warning to not throw your money away on this and save it for a meaningful test.
T4 is pretty much worthless IMO and AR should be shot for suggesting people use it, many have problems converting it and tons of things interfere with it. T4 also has a very long half life.
If you really want to cut to the chase just use T3, 15-25 mcgs twice a day. Relatively short half life, and it's potent. If your T3 is high it's gonna shut down the TSH release from the pituatary as your body senses it has enough thyroid and stops releasing TSH. Synthetic T4 was the worst drug ever invented. It has had many problems with correct dosing from the manufacturer, as well as storage and temp effects it's potency many things interfere with it's conversion, and it should be take on an empty stomach several hours before eating to even give it a chance to work.
If you cut to the chase with T3 there is no guess work what you will be getting. A natural thyroid prep is availalbe Armour which is dessicated pig thyroid and a mix of T4/T3, and there is also a synthetic mix of T4/T3 called Thyrolar again there could be a problem with conversion on the T4 although Armour does contain small amounts of T1 and T2 hormones which most endos consider worthless but they have some value.
From what your blood work suggests you haven't really been getting any extra T3, unless your free T3 tests would say otherwise.