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Too much at one time sicknesss


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Feb 9, 2008
I’ve always heard you can get “sick” if you take too much gear at once, you’re body isn’t used to it.

What kind of sick? Puking? The shits?
I’ve always heard you can get “sick” if you take too much gear at once, you’re body isn’t used to it.

What kind of sick? Puking? The shits?
Like "Test flu"...people will argue back and forth that it's a myth. No puking or shits at least for me....a general feeling of being run down, flu like symptoms for a week or 2 until the body adjusts. Or are you asking if you shoot 3g at once lol?
Usually split up my shots 2x per week. This week took everything on first day because I didn’t think I’d be able to take it where I was headed. Woke up the next morning with stomach flu symptoms so was wondering if it was related. This was a total of 1.3 g’s
I tried to pin a lot in one place once before and it sure hurts but also got that dreaded cough that lasts like 5-10 minutes...not fun. Splitting it made sense.
Me and my buddy got sick from some brovel test from Mexico. Like I had the flu. Feverish and achy for a few days after I took the first shot. Only time in over 20 years it happened. Other than a tri mix eq blend from Europe I got mid 2000s from Retdomestic. Stuff looked fluorescent green. Took a shot at work at lunch. Shit burned like a mofo going in. Wishing a few hours my thigh swole up Rick hard and beet red and I could no longer even stand on my leg had to leave work. Got home ended up on the floor shaking like a leaf sweating for several hours. My gf had my head in her lap thinking she’s thinking I’m dying and I tell her “babe I’m fucking starving” lol few hours later it passed and that was that. Same buddy got sick from the eq exactly the same as me too.
I remember probably 15 years ago dan kote had a lab called Bangor labs.
this is when guiaicol first surfaced on the scene in brewing

this dude was using way too much, I remember a few of us , we had all started juicing together recently, and would pin 1ml of the TNE and would within 5 minutes we would get sick, throw up, flush red, etc etc. it was gnarly , too much guaiacol i think he said it was

I am sure the "too much, feel sick" is just an extension of what it feels like to be on too much tren lol minus perhaps some moodswing intensities but in general i imagine it to be similar. i have pinned 3cc for months and months everyday at times in my 20s and felt sick but I noticed DIFF lasting effects , bad ones like scar tissue....tons of scar tissue.
this dude was using way too much, I remember a few of us , we had all started juicing together recently, and would pin 1ml of the TNE and would within 5 minutes we would get sick, throw up, flush red, etc etc. it was gnarly , too much guaiacol i think he said it was
I found out the hard way myself. My body despises that stuff. I'm super sensitive and tried a little TrNE.... instantly got sick... violent coughing and hacking, turned red like a beet, felt like total crap...my body hurt until that poison was out of me.... never again. Just the smell of it makes me want to vomit.
I’ve always heard you can get “sick” if you take too much gear at once, you’re body isn’t used to it.

What kind of sick? Puking? The shits?

Of course and it's very common. As others have posted if you take too much your body may react badly. That reaction could be many different things especially if you are allergic to one of the ingredients. The solvents in gear are one of the main reasons people feel sick. The reaction could range from anything from feeling ill, stomach ache, skin rash, anxiety or flu like symptoms. I have never puked or had diarrhea from taking gear.
whats too much gear at once?
where does that threshold start?
when on 2gm test a week i shot... i can barely remember... guessing 2-3cc's of test 250mg at a time in glutes. rest i put in my quads.
so at most i guess ive shot 750mg test and i dont remember anything adverse. just leaner and bigger lol
I’ve always heard you can get “sick” if you take too much gear at once, you’re body isn’t used to it.

What kind of sick? Puking? The shits?
I’ve had minor test flu. But if you actually get “sick” from gear , puking shitting a lot etc. you may need to switch to a different brand. That would concern me a little tbh.
I’ve had minor test flu. But if you actually get “sick” from gear , puking shitting a lot etc. you may need to switch to a different brand. That would concern me a little tbh.
Getting reactions to carriers is real and for example my body really hates Mig80 with a passion as I get a bad reaction akin to an infection which takes a good while for it to subside. Because of that I pitched out the Mig80 brew (forgot what lab it was). Asked my doc about it (he's a lifter and uses gear) and he told me that's true people can get allergic reactions to various carrier oils.
Like "Test flu"...people will argue back and forth that it's a myth. No puking or shits at least for me....a general feeling of being run down, flu like symptoms for a week or 2 until the body adjusts. Or are you asking if you shoot 3g at once lol?
Bro Test Flu is real as fuck and it’s miserable. Happened to me the first time I ran Sus. I was a fucking mess for weeks. You don’t want to get out of bed. Terrible.
I only got very minor symptoms ( lil achy, slight fatigue).. nothing like what some of y’all experienced. To the OP I’ve been firing 500mg daily of various compounds. I feel fantastic! Test/Tren/NPP

Getting reactions to carriers is real and for example my body really hates Mig80 with a passion as I get a bad reaction akin to an infection which takes a good while for it to subside. Because of that I pitched out the Mig80 brew (forgot what lab it was). Asked my doc about it (he's a lifter and uses gear) and he told me that's true people can get allergic reactions to various carrier oils.
Oh yea I wasn’t even thinking about allergic reactions to carrier oils. You’re definitely right brother.
Bro Test Flu is real as fuck and it’s miserable. Happened to me the first time I ran Sus. I was a fucking mess for weeks. You don’t want to get out of bed. Terrible.
Oh I know it's real...exactly the same happened back around '93 when I first started...took my 1st pin of Organon Sus, sick for about 7 days, not to mention could barely get in and out of the car from the Prop. Just kept saying to myself "Think big" ha ha

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