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Training Chest/back on same day results if tried?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
hi all that will be reading this
i recently started on monday training my chest/back together on the same
day supersettting the excercises together.
ive read that people have read phenomonal results and some say they achieved little,
just curious as to whos tried it, what results they got if any?
and what excercise did you include in the work out?
I've found my best gains have been when I've trained back and chest on separate days...but when I plateaued recently, I switched to a 4x10 workout with chest and back on the same day, making some new gains. This included 3 or 4 sets of the following.

Incline Dumbbell Press
Cable Crossover
Flat Bench Press
Cable Flyes (2 different angles)

Wide Grip Pulldowns
Dumbbell Pullovers
Undergrip Cable Rows
Machine Rows
Bent-arm Bent-over Laterals
I prefer training chest and back together rather than on separate days, I get an incredible pump training the two together
I train chest shoulders triceps and back on the same day as part of the two way DC.
works well for me.
When y'all train back and chest together, does that include heavy weight deadlifts?
I like to switch up my splits about every 2-3 months to keep workouts from getting stale. I do enjoy doing a push/pull (chest/back) workout, like someone said you feel incredible pumps from them. I would suggest trying it out for a few weeks at least to see what you think, you want to separate that training day from your shoulders/arms routine by at least a couple of days to get the most on both days. so maybe something like.

Day 1: Chest/Back
Day 2: rest
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: rest
Day 5: Shoulders/arms
Day 6: rest
Day 7: abs/cardio
hi all that will be reading this
i recently started on monday training my chest/back together on the same
day supersettting the excercises together.
ive read that people have read phenomonal results and some say they achieved little,
just curious as to whos tried it, what results they got if any?
and what excercise did you include in the work out?

I've been doing chest/back together for at least past 6 months. Results have more to do with the overall structure of your program, volume, and frequency.

But trainng them together works well.

Good luck.
My advice-

Higher Volume (as in lots of exercises per bodypart, high amount of WORKING sets, high amount of reps) - split up chest and back on separate days. some people may also use the chest/biceps on one day and back/tricep on another.

Low volume ( as in lower working sets, less exercises per bodypart)- you're fine putting chest and back on same day. DC and other routines use this method.

i made great gains doing it both ways. i personally prefer a lower volume approach as long as I am not deadlifting. If I am incorporating deadlifting in my routine I like to put back into it's own day because I can't do heavy chest and triceps, work on back width and THEN work on deadlifts. I would be completely shattered by the end of the workout and I wouldn't be able to lift weights that I would normally be able to.
a certain trainer on here has me doing chest and back the same day....and im seeing great results. To each is own
i do it routinely as part of my 2way DC split. I do heavy deadlifts as part of my back thickness piece. (granted, that is heavy being relative and all)
I basically HAVE to do chest and back together (and go from a chest to a back ex continuously) with two fried shoulders.

Doing just chest completely kills my shoulder joint.
I superset chest and back on chest day then i superset soulders and back on shoulder day. I find back can take 2 weeky workouts easily.
I work in push and pull method training 3 times a year for an entire month
works for me. chest/back bis/tris quads/hams
this also allows shoulders to rest by not having a dedicated shoulder routine.
During this I do squats every other week
No deads in your program? Seems interesting. I usually do chest/tris, back/bi's type of routine. ( push / pull method)
I superset chest and back on chest day then i superset soulders and back on shoulder day. I find back can take 2 weeky workouts easily.

"Chest" is just one muscle . . maybe two if you count upper chest, whatever.

"Shoulders" is just three small delt muscles.

"Back" has erector spinae, lats, upper back/traps . . and alllll that other stuff like rhomboids, teres major . . . "Back day" is like doing chest, upper chest, front delts and abs all as one muscle group.

Do you do horizontal back (rows) on chest day and vertical back (chins) on shoulder day?

As for what somebody asked about deadlifts . . . you can put more volume on back day and do deadlifts at the end of leg day. That's one way to skin the cat, at least.

I change my workouts frequently, but recently went back to this split:


Days off vary, but I get a good pump from alternating chest 4 sets, back 4 sets, repeat. Same thing with arms, great pumps and good results too...
Im in a wheelchair so i just train one muscle group eod with the exception of abs il do them every day
i've already tried to train back and chest on the same day, but never in the same training, only for instance chest in the morning, back in the afternoon

i felt like working pushing movements before my back improved my pulls
(on a medium period of time, i wouldn't recommend it as a several months routine)
i like to do it once in a while, its a great pump, nothing like it, but when i try to make a routine out of it the pump seems to dissapear

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