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Training on an empty stomach


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 26, 2008
Been thinking about this lately. Training on an empty stomach a couple days a week as a form of cardio/fatburn. what i mean is first thing in the morning take some creatine, BCAA's and drink some water and hit the gym on an empty stomach. Anyone do this with any fat loss results?
This is the only way to train in my book. I don't get stomach cramps, I can deadlift, squat, whatever with maximum effort without getting sick, light headed maybe but I know I won't puke.

Plus I always take a handful of aminos before, during and after training. I couldn't do this with food in my stomach. I see no advantage to eating 1-2 hours prior to lifting. I'm an Anabolic Diet user too, so this just helps keep the body fat percentage in check along with any calorie restriction I may be subjecting myself to.

I think it really comes down to personal preference of course. I just don't feel comfortable having anything in the stomach before training. It holds me back from exerting maximum effort on big lifts. Some doctors believe it increases anabolic hormone levels also, a nice bonus if you're natural.
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YEA I've done it

but all I lost was muscle.:(
i train all the time like that-wake up drink a whey isolate protein shake and hit the gym-i have definitely lost fat and very little if any muscle-just make sure you eat a hearty meal after your work out!!!
but all I lost was muscle.:(
Are you on a carb dominate diet? Do you use aminos and glucose polymers during workouts?
i do it when ever i don't work, it works great for me, the only thing i have before is coffee, if you have a shake; then you are not on an empty stomach are you?
I personally like to keep my weights work to damage and build muscle and my diet and cardio to burn the fat.
I NEVER train on a totally empty stomach. I always have a solid meal approx 2 hours prior with a whey and wax maize shake 30 min prior to workout.

Only do card on empty stomach.
LOVE that waxy maize!
Empty stomach is the way I do it. My reasoning is that cardio or weights, you are drawing on fat stores for the energy. Also, the the few times that I did not weight train on an empty stomach, I got nauseated.
Empty stomach is the way I do it. My reasoning is that cardio or weights, you are drawing on fat stores for the energy. Also, the the few times that I did not weight train on an empty stomach, I got nauseated.

You will draw on fat stores at the tune of 90-95% if you are fat adapted. If you are primarily a carb burner after about twenty minutes of exercise you will begin to burn both muscle and fat at the rate of 50%, respectfully.
You will draw on fat stores at the tune of 90-95% if you are fat adapted. If you are primarily a carb burner after about twenty minutes of exercise you will begin to burn both muscle and fat at the rate of 50%, respectfully.

Where did you get this from?

At a rate of 50% - I'm calling out BS.

Not calling you out, just that comment.

Are you on a carb dominate diet? Do you use aminos and glucose polymers during workouts?

it's been years and can't remember, but yea i was probably eating more carbs then for sure. i have a very fast metabolism though and have to eat a lot just to maintain, like I can lose weight just by eating a so called 3 squares a day "normal " diet. :mad: I do use Bcaa's now but didnt then.
Where did you get this from?

At a rate of 50% - I'm calling out BS.

Not calling you out, just that comment.

You should be calling me out. I would. Why do you think AAS are so effective at reducing catabolism? They help shift this ratio in favor of limiting muscle burning during exercise.

I learned this back in 1990 from OTS. I'll be damned if it isn't true. Do you think you have an endless supply of blood glucose and liver glycogen to burn while you lift? You don't unless you are sipping a carb drink during training.

Does anyone remember Critical Mass carb and amino supplement OTS was selling back in '95? I know Phil does. That was one of the best anti-catabolic supplements I've ever used simply because it addressed this muscle burning issue with all the bases covered.

My experience has been that I gained muscle much easier when I had the carb drink with training and aminos immediately after. Now it's a whole new ballgame for me. No more carb dominate diet. Yes, I'm a nonuser.
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i have been doing this on and off for a year now. i wouldn't do it any other way. make sure you take in your BCAA's before during and after.

(this is only when i am dieting. if i were on a bulking mission i would train with macros in me)
Losing muscle while training on an empty stomach ?? Not sure about that
one. From what I understand your natural growth Hormone levels increase
more while training this way.....
I cannot imagine how you lost a noticeable amount of muscle tissue just from not eating something before you went to the gym. That just reeks of broscience. Like the people who are terrified to walk for over 15 consecutive minutes because they don't want to lose all their muscles.
Losing muscle while training on an empty stomach ?? Not sure about that
one. From what I understand your natural growth Hormone levels increase
more while training this way.....

Yes. This is what I learned too.
it would be nice if we could put an end to these stupid myths, think about it, all the anabolic hormones start to raise when you go to sleep, and peak at some point during the night, so they [the anabolic hormones] are at their peak when you wake up, as the day goes on your a h start to decline and the catabolic ones start to go up. so your gh, igf1, and test are highest, and your cortisol, catecholamines, and any other catabolic hormone is lowest, in the morning. so why is your body going to use muscle as fuel and not fat? as far as glycogen is concerned we store plenty in our muscles and liver, if that was not the case why do most people store fat so easily when they eat carbs/sugars in excess?
If you are primarily a carb burner after about twenty minutes of exercise you will begin to burn both muscle and fat at the rate of 50%, respectfully.

It takes a lot longer than a standard workout session (even a really intense one) to get your body breaking down protein at the rate you wrote.

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