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Training Volume

So the last week of the H.V group did 9 sets of squats, 9 sets of leg press, 8 sets of leg extensions or similar….TWICE a week.

What did the MRI of the patella look like? 😂

That is just absurd training volume. I mean what kind of force can you generate after 18 sets of squats and presses?

This doesn’t make sense in my brain. 27 sets in a WEEK would be approaching my limit even at RIR 2. I wish they had videos of the training sessions so see exactly wtf is going on
So the last week of the H.V group did 9 sets of squats, 9 sets of leg press, 8 sets of leg extensions or similar….TWICE a week.

What did the MRI of the patella look like? 😂

That is just absurd training volume. I mean what kind of force can you generate after 18 sets of squats and presses?

This doesn’t make sense in my brain. 27 sets in a WEEK would be approaching my limit even at RIR 2. I wish they had videos of the training sessions so see exactly wtf is going on
I'm currently pushing my volume limits just to see...as I never have before. Arms only back chest legs still low volume.

3x a week
Monday was a meadows type workout 12 sets bi and tri
We'd was 16 sets bi and tri (nubrets routine not as heavy)

So up to 30

Friday is day 3 of arms. Don't feel beat up yet. The plan is to go by feel maybe 6 sets each of pump work should put me at 36. Will see how things go lol
I’ve been experimenting with Seth Feroce’s very high volume and high intensity approach lately and have really enjoyed it so far. Lots of sets, lots of intensifiers.
I’ve been experimenting with Seth Feroce’s very high volume and high intensity approach lately and have really enjoyed it so far. Lots of sets, lots of intensifiers.
Could you please post your routine/split and sets/reps? I'm curious about this and always looking for ways to improve. Thanks Bro!
Imo, however much volume or intensity you use, if the muscle is weaker after sufficient rest, then your workout has reached the point where you should quit.
Could you please post your routine/split and sets/reps? I'm curious about this and always looking for ways to improve. Thanks Bro!
Yeah, I’ll get back to you shortly bro with more info sorry, busy at work currently. But it’s pretty simple, high volume bro split 20+ sets per body part with things like drop sets, rest pause etc.

Seth has lots of good training info and footage on his YouTube that I’m just going off of.
Yeah, I’ll get back to you shortly bro with more info sorry, busy at work currently. But it’s pretty simple, high volume bro split 20+ sets per body part with things like drop sets, rest pause etc.

Seth has lots of good training info and footage on his YouTube that I’m just going off of.
I'm watching his arm training now, very good info... seems like a mind muscle high volume guy...his arm training is similar to John Meadows imo
I am firm believer that 3 days per week or traing eod is the best you can do to get big. Something smart like ppl or upper lower when body actually can properly recover and grow. Focusing on both: 10-15 reps and beating logbook.
do you guys go for the feel when training or is your goal just beating the logbook without necessarily feeling the stretch and contraction while doing the exercise?
Fuck beating the logbook. I see so much people training with shit form because they need to beat the logbook.
Fuck beating the logbook. I see so much people training with shit form because they need to beat the logbook.
Just beat the logbook with perfect form and let their ego turn their joints into dust as much as they wish.
I am firm believer that 3 days per week or traing eod is the best you can do to get big. Something smart like ppl or upper lower when body actually can properly recover and grow. Focusing on both: 10-15 reps and beating logbook.
I've trained every other day for over 40 years.. it made no sense to be to go into a debt recovery wise.. so I took the day off to eat and rest up.. the next day I'm a bit thrashed anyway.. now some can do it 5 days a week.. more power to them.. but is it optimal? Like Chris Rock said " ive seen a bear ride a tricycle but, that doesnt make it right ". But it obviously does work for many.. but not for me..
If you watch the training videos of many of the middle east competitor from ashkani to Abel they do alot of volume.. no failure .. just numerous exercises .. 10 to 15 reps.. 4to 6 sets a exercise and up to 6 to 7 exercises.. but it obviously works for them.. I talked to Abel once about his training and it's just what he likes and prefers to do.. so be it..
But for every volume trainer there is a low volume trainer.. for every ashkani there is a dorian.. but most are in the moderate range.. 10 to 12 sets for big muscle groups and 6 to 8 for small.. but we also have to remember that many count every set as a set.. even if the intensity was low.. so that 20 set guy might have alot of junk volume which is not contributing much to hypertrophy.
So what's right ? Who knows.. do what you like and can recover from.. pretty simple..
I've trained every other day for over 40 years.. it made no sense to be to go into a debt recovery wise.. so I took the day off to eat and rest up.. the next day I'm a bit thrashed anyway.. now some can do it 5 days a week.. more power to them.. but is it optimal? Like Chris Rock said " ive seen a bear ride a tricycle but, that doesnt make it right ". But it obviously does work for many.. but not for me..
If you watch the training videos of many of the middle east competitor from ashkani to Abel they do alot of volume.. no failure .. just numerous exercises .. 10 to 15 reps.. 4to 6 sets a exercise and up to 6 to 7 exercises.. but it obviously works for them.. I talked to Abel once about his training and it's just what he likes and prefers to do.. so be it..
But for every volume trainer there is a low volume trainer.. for every ashkani there is a dorian.. but most are in the moderate range.. 10 to 12 sets for big muscle groups and 6 to 8 for small.. but we also have to remember that many count every set as a set.. even if the intensity was low.. so that 20 set guy might have alot of junk volume which is not contributing much to hypertrophy.
So what's right ? Who knows.. do what you like and can recover from.. pretty simple..
Do most at the oxygen gym and middle east train extremely high volume like this? 30 sets in a workout for a part...damn!

I remember years ago I think his name was buselmo...talked about train over there, I recall it was very high volume. Like all the top guys. I don't follow bodybuilding but other posters commented that those guys just had a cleaner look to their phsuiqe more ",pop" than guys here.
Some of the strategies I used that worked over the years would probably get me laughed off the board.. so i will abstain. I was a high volume guy, and grappler, with a physical labor job, and all at once. I also did road work and I won medals at Nationals from time to time. So nothing I did that worked would make any sense here. People recover at different rates. The only thing I will add here is to figure out a way to map your recovery and time your training to that recovery rate. It's a moving target. Fighting for your life, or simulating such, increases your recovery ability as long as you allow recovery i.e. nutrition, sleep, naps, extra days off after a hard push etc etc. Recovery is maybe the biggest part of the whole thing.
If you didn't care about strength at all, only size, and you were at your prime age, what would your training volume look like? What kind of split would you have? Times per week? Would you train twice a day two muscle groups? Super high reps, forced reps, TUT, stretch, partials, band work? Would you be like RC and say, "Everyone wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights," or would you be like Arny and Platz doing 20, 30, 40 rep sets? Or maybe a specific style, JM, DC, Shelby, PPL, 5x5...etc

What would you do? (even if in an 'if I had it to do all over again' sorta way)
Prolly wouldn’t change I’ve always been a pump chasing volume guy with drops, giants, and GVT stuff, I’m also pretty much injury free and I think that’s why. The pump addiction is as real as a drug for me, that said I’ve spent a lot of time overtrained so there is that flip side.
Some of the strategies I used that worked over the years would probably get me laughed off the board.. so i will abstain. I was a high volume guy, and grappler, with a physical labor job, and all at once. I also did road work and I won medals at Nationals from time to time. So nothing I did that worked would make any sense here. People recover at different rates. The only thing I will add here is to figure out a way to map your recovery and time your training to that recovery rate. It's a moving target. Fighting for your life, or simulating such, increases your recovery ability as long as you allow recovery i.e. nutrition, sleep, naps, extra days off after a hard push etc etc. Recovery is maybe the biggest part of the whole thing.
I wish I started doing cold showers and ice baths a decade or 2 ago.
Do most at the oxygen gym and middle east train extremely high volume like this? 30 sets in a workout for a part...damn!

I remember years ago I think his name was buselmo...talked about train over there, I recall it was very high volume. Like all the top guys. I don't follow bodybuilding but other posters commented that those guys just had a cleaner look to their phsuiqe more ",pop" than guys here.
It appears so.. many of the American and European competitors who have gone there to train talk about the higher volume they were made to train with.. but again they are not hitting failure.. they are stopping short..
So I'd rather train to failure and limit my sets.. ive tried high volume briefly and honestly it bored the hell out of me.. the mental aspect is very important in training in regards to personality.. I know I've discussed this many times here but your training needs to match your lifestyle and personality/drive.. I train a guy who is very laid back.. not a ton of drive.. is not going to show up if you push him to train to failure.. so we do a higher volume to compensate.. he enjoys that.. he will show up consistently to train like that.. but try and push him in regards to higher intensities and he will find excuses to not train.. does he have a great physique? Yep.. id rather do 5 to 6 sets a bodypart and hit failure and be done.. im good for long rest periods and 1 hour tops training..he wouldnt.. he has good genetics and can do this ..

I've talked numerous times about seeing Dillet train.. lazy.. even Charles glass would roll his eyes while training him.. I witnessed dillet grab a straight bar with 95 pounds on it and start doing wide grip upright rows.. he did around 12 reps.. Charles bent over to put another ten on the side and Paul said " no.. im good right there".. glass started to state his case and Paul just pit a towel over his head and act like he was listening.. but he did set after set with that..
I'm not saying Paul couldn't be strong.. he used heavy weights at times but not to failure or with a ton of intensity.. but right next to massive Paul was massive Tom prince doing ridiculous weight and to failure.. two different men and two different styles..
It appears so.. many of the American and European competitors who have gone there to train talk about the higher volume they were made to train with.. but again they are not hitting failure.. they are stopping short..
So I'd rather train to failure and limit my sets.. ive tried high volume briefly and honestly it bored the hell out of me.. the mental aspect is very important in training in regards to personality.. I know I've discussed this many times here but your training needs to match your lifestyle and personality/drive.. I train a guy who is very laid back.. not a ton of drive.. is not going to show up if you push him to train to failure.. so we do a higher volume to compensate.. he enjoys that.. he will show up consistently to train like that.. but try and push him in regards to higher intensities and he will find excuses to not train.. does he have a great physique? Yep.. id rather do 5 to 6 sets a bodypart and hit failure and be done.. im good for long rest periods and 1 hour tops training..he wouldnt.. he has good genetics and can do this ..

I've talked numerous times about seeing Dillet train.. lazy.. even Charles glass would roll his eyes while training him.. I witnessed dillet grab a straight bar with 95 pounds on it and start doing wide grip upright rows.. he did around 12 reps.. Charles bent over to put another ten on the side and Paul said " no.. im good right there".. glass started to state his case and Paul just pit a towel over his head and act like he was listening.. but he did set after set with that..
I'm not saying Paul couldn't be strong.. he used heavy weights at times but not to failure or with a ton of intensity.. but right next to massive Paul was massive Tom prince doing ridiculous weight and to failure.. two different men and two different styles..
Good points I do volume but only say 40% of my sets hit true (the weight goes the wrong way) failure but I wonder if that crazy heavy PLUS volume affected TP’s BP/kidney issues. Also the mental diff tween the 2 Tom was All In BBing and Paul was all in for what being a BBer got him. Prince would’ve trained for free and Paul there was always a non gym motive I noticed.
I wonder if that crazy heavy PLUS volume affected TP’s BP/kidney issues.
Yeah it must have been that, not the 8-10 Advil tablets a day every damn day for years on top of the massive PEDs use. Right.
Yeah it must have been that, not the 8-10 Advil tablets a day every damn day for years on top of the massive PEDs use. Right.
Man, that burn a hole right through my stomach. Unfortunately, when climbing mountains with a 60lb pack and 6lbs of water, Vitamin I (ibuprofen) is a necessity. But must take it with food.

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