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Tren and Muscle gain


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Been cruising on 250mg test, upped it to 500mg the last 5 weeks. Next week I am going to add in tren a at 50mg ed for 4-6 weeks.

I read through a couple threads on here. I know everyone usually sees a big increase in strength and vascularity. Ive also read about people saying they didnt gain weight or get bigger.

What are your experiences with tren and gaining size? Are they saying this b/c they got leaner at the same time and didn't realize they gained weight, or do some people not gain a decent amount of muscle from tren.

Right now: 6' 205 9-10%. What can I realistically expect to get to with running tren for 4-5 weeks. Is 210-215 attainable?
Been cruising on 250mg test, upped it to 500mg the last 5 weeks. Next week I am going to add in tren a at 50mg ed for 4-6 weeks.

I read through a couple threads on here. I know everyone usually sees a big increase in strength and vascularity. Ive also read about people saying they didnt gain weight or get bigger.

What are your experiences with tren and gaining size? Are they saying this b/c they got leaner at the same time and didn't realize they gained weight, or do some people not gain a decent amount of muscle from tren.

Right now: 6' 205 9-10%. What can I realistically expect to get to with running tren for 4-5 weeks. Is 210-215 attainable?
seems like some gain great while others just dont. i feel if your going to try then up your cals significantly. just my 2 cents, works for me everytime
Over all I think people have good results more often than not. Hopefully i get mine soon. :D
i have always had gains with tren.....ive used tren a....tri tren as well as tren en...ive ran doses as low 350 to as high as 700mg/wk....im no powerlifter but got more strength gains off tren than anything else.....my body was pumped feeling all the time....at 700mg i started having severe leg cramps so bad i could not even cut two strips of grass before i had to sit down....anxiety at night so i was only able to sleep maybe 2-3 hours at a time....hair issues aswell as at that dose i was starting to have gyno issues...i am progesterone sensitive....i would definitely use it again but not higher than 525mg/wk...it really works for me
You can get good results on 200mg awk. no need for so much your just asking for more sides.
I thing the size gain has alot more to do with what your eating than the drug itself , like mentioned before. Your not going to gain nearly as much muscle if your in a calorie deficet

Tren is awsome to me for gaining strength and dropping some bodyfat , I have never been on a "bulking" cycle so I can't say how it works for that but i can see that woith alot of good food you would have potential to gain alot of good size.

400mg/wk is my max , I get realy "pissy" on anything over that
Ya I agree with gunsmith, anything over 400mg/wk I get a bit moody. But definitely a great product for lean mass and strength. Just up your calories and anyone can gain weight.
be careful of the tren cough....i thought i was going to die once....haven't done it since.
That's the problem with the guys that think they have to pound it hard to get anywhere, have you ever tried it.

if i hadn't tried it i wouldn't have made that comment! yes and i could gain off low doses like like over a decade ago
i have always had gains with tren.....ive used tren a....tri tren as well as tren en...ive ran doses as low 350 to as high as 700mg/wk....im no powerlifter but got more strength gains off tren than anything else.....my body was pumped feeling all the time....at 700mg i started having severe leg cramps so bad i could not even cut two strips of grass before i had to sit down....anxiety at night so i was only able to sleep maybe 2-3 hours at a time....hair issues aswell as at that dose i was starting to have gyno issues...i am progesterone sensitive....i would definitely use it again but not higher than 525mg/wk...it really works for me

This sounds like my bio. The anxiety, muscle cramps, hair, and sleep issues are very pronounced. There's no mistake about it either, if I cut out just the tren those sides go away.
My stats are close to yours, and I used Tren last year for a few months.

6'0" and I was 212 when I started and was around 11%, I was cutting at the time though. I used Test E at 600 a week, and Tren Ace 150 EOD. My strength went way up, and I was able to cut down to 205 and about 7% in about 6 weeks. I loved it. But I am sure if I ate more I would have put some good size on. I think its all up to your diet.
i used 75mg eod with great results. i did it once by itself and gained lean muscle,also tren does'nt mess with my libedo.
My next cycle is going to have tren in it. My question is how to avoid the dreaded tren cough and how to stop it if you do get it?????
My next cycle is going to have tren in it. My question is how to avoid the dreaded tren cough and how to stop it if you do get it?????
Make sure to aspirate.. the theory is when you inject it gets into your bloodstream real quickly and makes you cough. I've done probably 100 seperate tren ace injects and only 1 time did i get the "cough"... and yes it sucked. All you can do is wait it out.
Make sure to aspirate.. the theory is when you inject it gets into your bloodstream real quickly and makes you cough. I've done probably 100 seperate tren ace injects and only 1 time did i get the "cough"... and yes it sucked. All you can do is wait it out.

I just got this today and guess what, ive never used tren! Im running test prop, mast prop, npp ed. Shot my left quad today 1.75ml and right after i got this cough for a good 10min like i was gonna pass out! Coughed so bad, felt real hot, got sweaty, anxious, hard to breath, all the sides from the so called "tren cough". I must have just knicked a vein or something goin in cus i always aspirate and no blood. Happened once before as well just shooting 1ml of test enth so it's not compound related by any means. Probably if anything just when it happens with tren it's much more pronounced since tren is such a nasty compound on the body. Just my theory but this "tren cough" can happen with any compound is my point, not just tren.

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