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Tren no Test

Tren is about the only compound that I haven't added on top of HRT. I've used pretty much everything else (besides Trest and orals) with HRT over the years (ie 200 Test/100 primo, 200 Test/150 EQ, 200 Test/100 Mast, 200 Test/100 Deca).

I find that 100 Primo will knock my E2 too low with the Test at 200mg/week.

Im more curious than anything with the Tren since I haven't tried it. Also, the idea of 150 Test/80 Trest intrigues me a bit as well.
Drop in 100mg a week and see how you feel on it. It’s all about finding what works best for you.

As long as you’ve got test as your foundation covered then the other compounds come down to personal preference and goals.
I was listening to a podcast from evolutionary and their talking about stacking tren with Var with no test. Like test is not necessary. Has anyone actually ran tren without a test base? How was it?
I ran tren ace solo for 2 years. Great results but felt toxic a lot of the time. Let’s be honest. Tren, in my body anyway, is like nothing else for muscle growth. If you are going to use tren, a compound that was made for cattle weighing 1,000-4,000 pounds, use low doses and don’t stay on very long. It wasn’t designed for human use. It’s way too powerful! That being said, it’s the one injectable that has the ability to change the way my body looks from day to day with the right training and diet. I never had erection issues the two straight years on tren. Quite the opposite really. I took 1 ml daily for the most part. But, I felt shitty most of the time. Intelligent tren use in my opinion is 50mg 3 times a week for two months. I was young and dumb; well younger anyway.
I will never understand why anyone would want to avoid some sort of test base. With orals only, I get that it’s because the person is too much of a pussy to inject but otherwise, it makes no sense.
I agree. But I feel like years ago like 2000 alot of people were liking a small dose dbol between cycles. Say a blast, then cruise on 10-20 mg dbol Ed. I forget the logic behind it.
I agree. But I feel like years ago like 2000 alot of people were liking a small dose dbol between cycles. Say a blast, then cruise on 10-20 mg dbol Ed. I forget the logic behind it.
I believe it was duchaine who pushed this. Taken in the morning the dose is enough to promote/maintain size. But not enough to supress the HPTA as your natural levels recover.
Just my understanding of the article.
Or maybe it was pushed on MFW. Either way it was something popularized by Duchaine
I ran tren ace solo for 2 years. Great results but felt toxic a lot of the time. Let’s be honest. Tren, in my body anyway, is like nothing else for muscle growth. If you are going to use tren, a compound that was made for cattle weighing 1,000-4,000 pounds, use low doses and don’t stay on very long. It wasn’t designed for human use. It’s way too powerful! That being said, it’s the one injectable that has the ability to change the way my body looks from day to day with the right training and diet. I never had erection issues the two straight years on tren. Quite the opposite really. I took 1 ml daily for the most part. But, I felt shitty most of the time. Intelligent tren use in my opinion is 50mg 3 times a week for two months. I was young and dumb; well younger anyway.
Bruh :D Tren for 2 years straight ? Do you have a log or anything on that run ?
Bruh :D Tren for 2 years straight ? Do you have a log or anything on that run ?
No. This was around 2008 and 2009. It was before I was a member here and my only access to gear was USA fina cattle implants that I converted into tren ace. I would have loved to do winstrol, test, and deca as well but I had no access. Thank Big A for this awesome forum which gave me access to everything a growing boy needs. 😀
I believe it was duchaine who pushed this. Taken in the morning the dose is enough to promote/maintain size. But not enough to supress the HPTA as your natural levels recover.
Just my understanding of the article.
Or maybe it was pushed on MFW. Either way it was something popularized by Duchaine
I think your right, guys trying to bridge with dbol lol
You can do alot of things.. it doesn't mean they will be optimal.. where will the estrogen come from ? Estro is needed to maintain health and muscle growth.. that is why cattle given tren in many cases are also given estrogen.. where will your dht come from..? I'd always run test in even just trt amounts.
Yep I agree with you. Although I was surprised how well I felt, grew and performed in everyday life without testosterone.

When I got estradiol valerate injectable I played around with a ton of combinations. But nothing was able to replace the strength I got from testosterone which I suspect was through DHT. So this in and of itself is massively beneficial for growth by just being stronger.

What did surprise me was how otherwise normal I was during everyday life with probably very low DHT levels when not using test for several months in a row outside of test suspension/ testosterone gel that I applied a handful of times during that 4-5
Month period without testosterone.

As long as I kept my e2 up in the 30-60 range where I like it, I was surprised how little I noticed it.

The lack of DHT was most pronounced when I took like 5 pumps of test gel and applied to my groin/scrotum area which has high density of 5 alpha reductase enzymes. The strength boost was stronger than any oral I’ve ever taken pre workout.
Depending on the type and amount of AAS, it is possible (less probable) to keep fertility high enough to make little meatheads while on TRT, or low dose non-aromatizg drugs such as Anavar or masteron.

Also your testes don’t just produce testosterone. Progesterone, DHEA, Androstenedione, Pregnenolone Are also produced. Running test mono therapy you can miss out on these hormones. Some feel mentally better with a little HCG on board. YMMV type of thing.
Yeah I use hcg for long term protection of my nuts to some degree, losing significant size for long spans on time has been linked to fibrosis in the testicles.

Also I feel better with hcg in the mix.

Dhea and Pregnenolone also work, but since hcg isn’t that crazy expensive I just use it. I’ll skip doses for like a full week and not realize every once in a while. But I dose it 3-4x per week for the most part at 800-900iu.
Dhea and Pregnenolone also work, but since hcg isn’t that crazy expensive I just use it. I’ll skip doses for like a full week and not realize every once in a while. But I dose it 3-4x per week for the most part at 800-900iu.

That’s quite a large weekly dose of HCG. You can save money and HCG by doing 250iu on MWF’s. It’ll provide you the same results.

That’s quite a large weekly dose of HCG. You can save money and HCG by doing 250iu on MWF’s. It’ll provide you the same results.


Thanks for the tip. I do lower the dose of hcg to around what you suggested when I’m just using test, or test with something else that isn’t a 19-nor. I find, and I’ve heard others experience the same, that when they’re using tren or Deca they need more hcg to maintain the same testicular volume, load volume etc lol.

At high doses of nandrolone, I’ve gotten to the point where I essentially can’t even notice any effect anymore from the hcg.

Last year, I was doing a n experimental cycle with no test, and was using Masteron 420mg, Winstrol Suspension 50mg per day(350mg per week), and Tren 400-700mg and using injectable estradiol to cover my e2 levels since I was on no aromatizing drugs.

However I was using hcg during this cycle of Mast, Tren, winny, estradiol, and even with the injectable estradiol, my e2 came back at only 20pg/ml, and my total T was 44ng/dl, even though I was using hcg. So basically I suspect because I was using Tren, the hcg was unable to meaningfully increase my total T level because progestins I think shut you down directly at the testicles, so even LH/Fsh exogenously no longer is effective. Progestins shut you down at the pituitary level as well as further down too directly as the testes.
1. I think a lot of guys use far more tren than they “think” they need which is issue number one. 100-200mg a week goes a long ways.

2. Tren does impact the liver so being on liver support is ideal.

3. As @danieltx said take a good probiotic. I like SBO probiotics but his looks great!

4. The biggest thing I’ve found this round that’s helped me knock out most of the issues- I’ve ramped Krill oil up to 4-5 grams per day and added Curcumin. Like magic- all the side effects dropped for the most part. I also take a nattokinase/Serrapeptase blend every AM as well.

But #1 is key. When does too much of a good thing become a bad thing. IMO more tren isn’t always better. It should be the last compound you add to the cycle or ramp up.
@bbxtreme how much curcumin do you use?
@bbxtreme how much curcumin do you use?
Currently I am only using 500mg per day. But most can benefit from 1000mg and more daily if on something that’s causing inflammation.

When I say those MG amounts I am referring to turmeric root which curcumin is found in.
I just tried that approach but with DHB and masteron.
About week 3-4 I was feeling very depressed. No motivation. Lethargic.
Was taking 2500-5000iu per week.
Couple weeks ago, I added 20mg per day of test prop. Everything back to normal. Energy. Random wood. Motivation.
That's a lot of hcg. Sounds like a dose they would use for fertility. I only ever used between 250 to 500mcg twice a week and it swelled my nuts up to nornal size and boosted libido. Curious if you had blood test when on that much. Some guys get crazy estrogen conversion from hcg.
Tren is about the only compound that I haven't added on top of HRT. I've used pretty much everything else (besides Trest and orals) with HRT over the years (ie 200 Test/100 primo, 200 Test/150 EQ, 200 Test/100 Mast, 200 Test/100 Deca).

I find that 100 Primo will knock my E2 too low with the Test at 200mg/week.

Im more curious than anything with the Tren since I haven't tried it. Also, the idea of 150 Test/80 Trest intrigues me a bit as well.
10 mgs trest ace a day plus trt will be far stronger then any combo at the doses you have listed. I get stronger in days not weeks. Keep ralox on hand because even 10mgs can cause gyno to flair on me. Other guys are lucky and can run twice that no problem. Also I'm pretty sure when it was researched as trt or contraceptive can't remember. The dose was super low. I want to say it was 0.8 mgs a day. So even 10 mgs is over ten times as much as what was researched. Ive heard Of guys takeing up to 50mgs a day but I can't see ever needing that much. Even for a very large guy I can't imagine needing more then 20mgs a day.
I did it twice, just for the sake of experimenting.

BUT, both times I used it alongside an aromatizing AAS (Dbol once and Trest right now actually).

Growth/strenght/fullness : very good (Trest has a slight edge here)
Mood/Libido : good (actually fantastic with Trest)
Tren/Dbol , on par with Tren/Test overall, maybe a bit less trensomnia. Long term definitely more toxic.
Tren/Trest , believe it or not, less sides than Tren/Test. I sleep great, zero moodiness, look is cartoon-ish. I do sweat too much.

Of course, YMMV. A lot.
This is the only way I'd do it unless trying to step on stage. These days I want to look and feel good.
Aren’t they now linking proton pump inhibitors to dementia now?

Might be worth looking into

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