Do any of you guys use Uni-liver tabs? Can you tell me your positive and negative experiences with them? How many do you take a day? and lastly...Do i need to worry about the large amount of iron in them? I was under the impression that too much Iron in men was a bad thing. Thanks fellas.
This is a repost of something I posted 6-7 years ago at This is an old post. And I just decided to post it exactly as I did back when. So keep in mind that some of the attitude may be over the top.
According to Vince Gironda, the "Iron Guru", desiccated liver contains nucleic acids for proper amino-acid utilization, a growth factor and an anti-estrogen factor, which keeps testosterone levels high, and it is also a great anti-toxin.
"... liver tablets are one of the most potent training aids for the bodybuilder. The formula is an extract which contains only trace amounts of fat and cholesterol, but forty-five times the nutritional value of whole beef liver, yet with all the nutrients and enzymes of raw liver."
"...being very high in useable bodybuilding protein of the highest quality (it contains all the essential amino acids). It's a strong blood builder supplying heme iron. It is a very rich source of B vitamins, especially riboflavin, niacin, B-12, and the lipotropics choline and inositol. It's a good source of vitamins A, C, and D and other micro-nutrients and very rich in minerals such as the anti oxidant selenium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, and GTF chromium (insulin regulator). In addition to these known nutrients, there are substances present in liver shown to have a beneficial effect on health, fitness, and endurance such as cytochrome P-450 and others that have yet to be officially identified. "
"In a classic experiment, Dr. B. H. Ershoff demonstrated that liver extract was able to boost strength, endurance, performance, and resistance to stress and disease. In a nutshell here's how this occurred:
Dr. Ershoff took three groups of rats and fed them controlled diets for a twelve week period. Group one ate a basic diet fortified with vitamins and minerals. Group two ate as much as they wanted of the same diet plus B vitamins and brewer's yeast. Group three ate the basic diet but had 10% desiccated liver added to their rations.
Then the doctor placed the rats one by one into a drum of water, out of which they could not climb. Therefore, it was either swim or drown. The group one rats swam an average of 13.2 minutes before they all drowned. Group two, an average of 13.4 minutes. Group three, however, were still swimming at the end of two hours, at which time the experiment was concluded. Now either the group three rats had watched the fate of their counterparts very closely and really became proficient at swimming, or the desiccated liver had something to do with them swimming almost 10 times as long. As far as we know, no other supplement has even come close to liver in improving performace under stress."
PS: (**I know we're not rats. But the supplement industry of today does even less testing than this to back up their products and tells us they're good for us. And then there are the ads in the muscle mags that are just straight bull. They will tell you anything you want to hear.)