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Using reduced amount in later cycles thoughts?


Oct 29, 2009
Say you completed a cycle at 750mg test or 1g test or whatever and you were still below your genetic potential. Say 200 pounds at 6ft 2.

THIS IS NOT ME HAHA. just curious quesiton.

And then in the next cycle you ran test at 500mg instead of 750mg would you still experience muscle growth at good rates? or because you ran that cycle of 750mg would the muscle growth be slowed?

similarly...say you start cruising and blasting when you are below your genetic potential, does that mean that even in cruising periods of 200mg of test or so would you be gaining?

just few thoughts i had that i was curious to what you guys think?
The more muscle you have, the harder it is to put more on.

Like say with superdrol, you get great gains at 20/day for 4 weeks. To get close to similar gains next cycle, you'd need 30 or maybe 40/day. Taking less would probably just give you sides and sh!t for gains.

Although 500 a week after 750 would still get you more than 0 a week :D
If you were on nothing before you would gain. Your diet and training are the most important factor of that. But you will not get any bigger at some point. Once a size is achieved you can maintain it with less gear but to push up further you normally have to push the doses up for a while also along with the food and training.
If you were on nothing before you would gain. Your diet and training are the most important factor of that. But you will not get any bigger at some point. Once a size is achieved you can maintain it with less gear but to push up further you normally have to push the doses up for a while also along with the food and training.


atm i am 5ft 8, 196 pounds at 10% bf.

I have run 2 cycles in the past. Aiming to hit around 220 pounds at 10% bf. Hoping to get there in around year and a half or so.

Going to be working with Alex so hopefully can get there sooner rather then later
Yes it can happen...esp if you train with Phil

You can get results with lower mgs provided that other factors fall in the right place. Here are a few things that may happen on when lowering mgs, however, Im not going to claim that this is anything defined scientifically as far as I can explain.

Here is a chain of events that might occur.

Lowering test to a level that is actually ideal for your body -> puts estrogen levels in and ideal range -> free and total test rise -> igf and LH levels rise -> progression in training -> rise in food/nutrient absorption = growth.

Need to have the perfect storm working and one hell of a trainer like Phil Hernon to help you dial it in.
You can get results with lower mgs provided that other factors fall in the right place. Here are a few things that may happen on when lowering mgs, however, Im not going to claim that this is anything defined scientifically as far as I can explain.

Here is a chain of events that might occur.

Lowering test to a level that is actually ideal for your body -> puts estrogen levels in and ideal range -> free and total test rise -> igf and LH levels rise -> progression in training -> rise in food/nutrient absorption = growth.

Need to have the perfect storm working and one hell of a trainer like Phil Hernon to help you dial it in.

very interesting

i feel i made the big mistake of jumping to high a dose too soon....and i want to make sure i can still gain on lighter doses so im not running grams soon.
With many people side effects get worse as they get older, therefore many guys lower doses & still make great gains
You aren't going to gain on lower doses like you would on higher doses for the most part. I will do higher doses for a while and then down to 300mg of test with a low dose anabolic and I'm able to gain albeit very slowly. Diet and all other factors need to be in line of course. I'm 5'9 and 262lbs.
It's possible to go down in the dose a bit and still gain, but I really think it depends on the diet too. More AAS to absorb more food. But if food intake is the same BW is nearly the same...then why a ton more AAS? Does 10-12 more lbs justify another 250mg rise in Test intake? (Honestly, this is not rhetorical, if anyone can shed some light on this for a dumbass like me, I'd like to know)

It seems a lot of guys are way overshooting the mark while keeping diet the same or not adjusting it upward enough...or their weight hasn't changed much but they up the dose anyway...

Clearly, more gear is needed for a bigger guy. But a guy is 200lbs and taking 300mg/T...he gains 10lbs, then jumps to 500mg or 750? For 10 more lbs? I dunno.

I'm no guru by any stretch, but the last thing I change is AAS intake. Diet, Rest, Training, then AAS if all else fails.

And, The Dude..5'9" 262...Respect!
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You aren't going to gain on lower doses like you would on higher doses for the most part. I will do higher doses for a while and then down to 300mg of test with a low dose anabolic and I'm able to gain albeit very slowly. Diet and all other factors need to be in line of course. I'm 5'9 and 262lbs.

Well Dude, thats a given...but You can still gain on lower doses
Use the lowest dosage possible to make steady gains in a healthy way. I am amazed at the dosages posted on here sometimes. Providing an anabolic environment with good receptor activity at low to moderate dosages while focusing on nutrition and rest will give you the best results. I think there are diminishing returns when doubling or tripling dosages while the risks and side effects increase quite a bit.

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