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What’s the oldest /longest expired gear you have used?

Brand new MREs ain’t exactly good either but you aren’t injecting them either.

Had some of my grandfather's morphine syrettes from WW2. Def wouldn't use those, lol. They looked sort of like little Krazy Glu containers.
Had some of my grandfather's morphine syrettes from WW2. Def wouldn't use those, lol. They looked sort of like little Krazy Glu containers.
Yea I wouldn’t use 85 year old morphine though the dust might still work. Pretty awesome you have those my fathers dad I have his medals my mothers father was Navy at IWO and me joining the Corps was no good never spoke of it and no idea where his medals are, keep that shit forever.
Pulled some Gaul’s from who knows when out and some Geno tren from 2015. I tried the tren last year and even only 20mg gave me side effects so I put it back. I think the Gaul’s is either test prop or cyp. A3E0F31C-201E-4CAC-A349-D2C14FA9DB70.jpeg
I personally never look at expiration date as I don’t care.
I was gonna run a cycle with primo and test 300, just realized that the test expired in 21' , so im hesitant , so i searched the forum for input. the stuff look brand new and theyve been stored fine.
I was gonna run a cycle with primo and test 300, just realized that the test expired in 21' , so im hesitant , so i searched the forum for input. the stuff look brand new and theyve been stored fine.
Crazy you bumped this, I just looked it up yesterday when thinking if I should go with some npp exp 2022. I'm just naturally paranoid, good to see guys have used 10 plus year old gear with success
I don't bother with expiration dates, as long as it looks good, ie: no floaters, discoloration, exposure to light and heat. I keep everything in a dark room that stays in the 50's year-round, keeping gear at a constant temperature and in a dry cool place is key to keeping it fresh.
I don't bother with expiration dates, as long as it looks good, ie: no floaters, discoloration, exposure to light and heat. I keep everything in a dark room that stays in the 50's year-round, keeping gear at a constant temperature and in a dry cool place is key to keeping it fresh.
What is normally considered cool for storage? My place is usually between 68-70 degrees.
What is normally considered cool for storage? My place is usually between 68-70 degrees.
Good question, I'm not sure what is considered cool by pharmacological standards. Room temp is the norm on labels, but I have a room that stays in the 50's year-round so I keep it in there. My thought is that keeping it between room temp and 32 degrees is ideal. My thinking is the cooler temps slows down the degradation of the compound without it freezing. I've used gear that has been around for years with no problems, no PIP or infections, clean with the desired effect. I refuse to be caught with my pants down during a run with no gear, so like most, I keep a small stash around of compounds I regularly use so I don't run out, but it could be around for a while before I need it. Now a days it's "HRT" levels so gear can last awhile for me.
What is normally considered cool for storage? My place is usually between 68-70 degrees.
That’s just fine the real drug killer is UV light. Keep your gear in a dark place old or brand new.
Just a quick bump For anyone interested my brother used a load of the alpha amps with 2017 expiry and he said they worked fine And still using now
Just a quick bump For anyone interested my brother used a load of the alpha amps with 2017 expiry and he said they worked fine And still using now
If they were kept cool and out of sunlight I would expect no less.
Cartier oil will go rancid over time. You don’t want to inject rotten oil. The solvent will evaporate/breakdown over time and will no longer keep it sterile. And the hormone itself will decay and lose potency. Why be a cheap ass and risk it. If it’s old throw it out and get more.
Cartier oil will go rancid over time. You don’t want to inject rotten oil. The solvent will evaporate/breakdown over time and will no longer keep it sterile. And the hormone itself will decay and lose potency. Why be a cheap ass and risk it. If it’s old throw it out and get more.
I get what your saying but I don’t know a solid single glass amp would degrade in any way. I see glass a bit like an unopened tin. I do get it with a vial that has a rubber stopper etc which could break down but unless the glass is cracked I don’t see how anything can change.
I get what your saying but I don’t know a solid single glass amp would degrade in any way. I see glass a bit like an unopened tin. I do get it with a vial that has a rubber stopper etc which could break down but unless the glass is cracked I don’t see how anything can change.
No one hardly has any glass amps I wasn’t really reffering to them but ya your probably right they are actually 100% sealed
No one hardly has any glass amps I wasn’t really reffering to them but ya your probably right they are actually 100% sealed
Yea that’s why I said time wasn’t relevant aside from extreme heat or UV affecting sealed amps, but even a sealed bottle stored well 5 years after Expy date proly ok. I know we were using amps of parabolan that expired in the early 90s in the mid 2000s with great success. Oddly glass amps are not that hard to fabricate once you have the equipment it can be done in a small house.

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