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What’s the oldest /longest expired gear you have used?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
Would you use 7 year old testosterone? I was having a nose through some old boxes and found some alpha pharma expired 2015 amps?
I was told by a source that the compound will only weaken over time , but the carrier oil itself will go bad before the drug . Not the best answer but after so long I wouldn't want to find out the hard way
Back before the internet I was working in a veterinary office and found some test prop in an old storage closet that I’d swear was from the 60’s just by the looks of it. I don’t recall seeing any exp date on it.
I had never used anything and was hard up and wanting gear bad at the time with no source so it made it home with me. It was crashed but I heated it up and used it. My first time drinking anything and actually had pretty good results from just 2 shots a week.
I found some Geofman test amps in a my closet that are prone 10 years old. I’d still use them
usually ~ 4years is oldest id use. Mig840 takes longer to to expire than other oils.
Pull a little oil out, if the oil is rancid you should be able to smell/taste such, I know I can detect rancid oil very easily. That being said I used a 2/3 empty vial expired by 4 years from a TRT clinic that I lost and subsequently found years later. I did the rancid test and was good to go.
When people tall about shelf life of oil... They are talking about grocery store stuff. They aren't talking about sterile oil with alcohol preservative sealed in a vial stored in tempature controlled darkness. I have literally never seen nor heard of a pharma or properly prepared oil going "bad" or rancid. Molecule is super stable if stored right so decay rate (unless in sunlight as I've seen that data - crushes in a few months) is pretty close to neglible for practical purposes unless you wine cellar this shit. Hell I've seen 10+ year old oils numerous times. Hevi-head above probably used 30 year old oil (a bit much even for me, that's a collectible).
I used some recently that was 12 years old and manufactured locally. Results were what i expected.
Sho would!!! Got some 16’ test Iso raws that I still brew up. Lab work shows +4K total test so it’s just fine by me!

I couldn't tell you. I personally don't use expired gear because it's dirt cheap no reason to. Would rather have the piece of mind knowing it's 100 percent potent and legit. Same for a new supplier, I'm not the person who will give them a try, I want stuff that is known to be high quality.
I was shooting over 10 year oils didn't have a problem it was pretty thick compared to mct oil I use now.

Just keeping it for God knows what, but I switched it out for fresh gear this cycle
What about orals?I have a lot of anavar expired since 2020
What about orals?I have a lot of anavar expired since 2020
I've used 2-3+ year past expiration with UG anavar with no issues. Wife was even taking 10mg and saw no differene in usual effect
i have some stuff for about 5 years, but its good for sometime, the only concern is how rancid the oil might turn after some time and if it really could hurt you at some point, who knows how long that could take, many years
I don’t want to steal anybody’s thunder, but I recently started using some gear that I found that I’ve had for 15 years. I also have a diet coach, who was a top level amateur competitor. when I reached out to him he almost had a stroke. I’m not suggesting anyone else do this, but I had no issues.
i have some stuff for about 5 years, but its good for sometime, the only concern is how rancid the oil might turn after some time and if it really could hurt you at some point, who knows how long that could take, many years
See my post above in this thread. Will answer all your questions.

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