I started working out for football at 15, my first summer i made really nice gains, that was in 97 I believe. I enjoyed working out very much and really put everything I had into it. After some time, the bigger guys in the gym(all juiced) took me under their wing w/ the training and diet and really helped me to progress along. Never once did they mention juice, never pushed it on me, at the time, i didn't know they did, but I was 16, so they exercised appropriate behavior. My gym owner hosts a BB contest every year and always has a big name guest poser...my senior year of High School i couldn't afford a ticket to the show, he knew i was down about it but didn't say much. On the day of the show, i was working out, he called me over and threw me an official "show staff" t-shirt and asked me if I'd work a door and check ticket stubbs.....I was so exstatic I could hardly contain myself. Up until then, I loved working out but wasn't huge into the BB look. The guest poser that year....Ronnie Coleman, after his 1st or 2nd Olympia victory....I think. He was off season, i liked that look a lot better. I had never seen a pro in person. After that show i completely shifted my focus to BB and sought the juice out on my own, by then I knew for sure that it was a part of it. I trained my ass off and did my first BB show in 01 or 02 and got third place in my division. Haven't done a show since. In fact, i'm just returning to BB after a 2 year layoff, to focus on a career. Those were some great times, i'd love to live em all over again. Learned a lot about myself as a person during those years.