Inspired by the now-11-year-old Pic you took today thread, I'm starting a (hopefully long-running) thread where we post great sets from recent training sessions.
Obviously it's a distracting PITA to film at the gym, but I think a lot of us still do for some combination of purposes: self-assessment, coaching feedback, marketing, attaboys from our friends we only really see on social media, etc. This should be a thread about noteworthy sets - PRs, injury comebacks, and some combination of sheer effort, exemplary technique, and / or big weights and rep counts.
I'll start with a tough backoff set from yesterday's quad training. Hacks were 5th in the order as usual. I worked up to a top set of 10 with pauses, then dropped a couple plates for this one. Did 9 paused reps, stopped at around 1-2 in the tank, took 10 breaths, then went back in with normal tempo reps with the goal of hitting 20 total. I gassed at the 6th rep on that 2nd round, so I had my training partner strip a plate so I could hit my total. Quads were fried, lungs were pretty fried, brain was fried...glad it was the last really hard thing of the session
I don't care what studies say about the "superiority" of straight sets and moderate rep counts. If you want big, sweepy quads, you pretty much have to do these long-lasting, agonizing sets regularly for years.
Obviously it's a distracting PITA to film at the gym, but I think a lot of us still do for some combination of purposes: self-assessment, coaching feedback, marketing, attaboys from our friends we only really see on social media, etc. This should be a thread about noteworthy sets - PRs, injury comebacks, and some combination of sheer effort, exemplary technique, and / or big weights and rep counts.
I'll start with a tough backoff set from yesterday's quad training. Hacks were 5th in the order as usual. I worked up to a top set of 10 with pauses, then dropped a couple plates for this one. Did 9 paused reps, stopped at around 1-2 in the tank, took 10 breaths, then went back in with normal tempo reps with the goal of hitting 20 total. I gassed at the 6th rep on that 2nd round, so I had my training partner strip a plate so I could hit my total. Quads were fried, lungs were pretty fried, brain was fried...glad it was the last really hard thing of the session
I don't care what studies say about the "superiority" of straight sets and moderate rep counts. If you want big, sweepy quads, you pretty much have to do these long-lasting, agonizing sets regularly for years.