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Set you did today


Well-known member
May 7, 2013
Inspired by the now-11-year-old Pic you took today thread, I'm starting a (hopefully long-running) thread where we post great sets from recent training sessions.

Obviously it's a distracting PITA to film at the gym, but I think a lot of us still do for some combination of purposes: self-assessment, coaching feedback, marketing, attaboys from our friends we only really see on social media, etc. This should be a thread about noteworthy sets - PRs, injury comebacks, and some combination of sheer effort, exemplary technique, and / or big weights and rep counts.

I'll start with a tough backoff set from yesterday's quad training. Hacks were 5th in the order as usual. I worked up to a top set of 10 with pauses, then dropped a couple plates for this one. Did 9 paused reps, stopped at around 1-2 in the tank, took 10 breaths, then went back in with normal tempo reps with the goal of hitting 20 total. I gassed at the 6th rep on that 2nd round, so I had my training partner strip a plate so I could hit my total. Quads were fried, lungs were pretty fried, brain was fried...glad it was the last really hard thing of the session :ROFLMAO:

I don't care what studies say about the "superiority" of straight sets and moderate rep counts. If you want big, sweepy quads, you pretty much have to do these long-lasting, agonizing sets regularly for years.

When I do these I keep my heels together and feet / toes at 45’ out. Can’t use as much weight but saves the knees and works the outer quads (my opinion and experience). Try it, you might like it.
Let’s try and keep this going. I tried a few months ago to post a similar thread and it was pretty much just me and @3BILLS
This set was yesterday morning training legs with my kid. Repping out the full stack which is not super heavy but I’m about maxed on how many reps I’d like to do on it.

Let’s try and keep this going. I tried a few months ago to post a similar thread and it was pretty much just me and @3BILLS
This set was yesterday morning training legs with my kid. Repping out the full stack which is not super heavy but I’m about maxed on how many reps I’d like to do on it.

Nice. Yea those are pretty smooth reps (and a lot) for a full stack. Can you GymPin that machine?

I’d probably start doing holds and exaggerated eccentrics and even concentric. Basically anything to increase the density of a set, including multiple tempos within the same set.

That, and idk how you warm up but I find for quads it’s worth the fatigue to pyramid up in higher rep counts. Like doing 15s or 20s all the way up to the heaviest set vs. saving energy for the final set as is the current trend.
Nice. Yea those are pretty smooth reps (and a lot) for a full stack. Can you GymPin that machine?

I’d probably start doing holds and exaggerated eccentrics and even concentric. Basically anything to increase the density of a set, including multiple tempos within the same set.

That, and idk how you warm up but I find for quads it’s worth the fatigue to pyramid up in higher rep counts. Like doing 15s or 20s all the way up to the heaviest set vs. saving energy for the final set as is the current trend.
I’m not sure if there is clearance for a gym pin on this one but I’m at the point where I want to get one. I did these at the very end of the workout in which I did slightly strained my left adductor (nagging issue I’ve had for years and been good for over a year so this was a little frustrating) - I literally just start with this weight and did 3 sets to failure to finish my workout.
I was sooo confused

What I read was
“ Im just a pitcher with a Twinkie at the top”

But now I know you’re saying you visualize a Twinkie at the top of the chin bar

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue

😅 maybe I should quit soon to
I was sooo confused

What I read was
“ Im just a pitcher with a Twinkie at the top”

But now I know you’re saying you visualize a Twinkie at the top of the chin bar

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
A huffer never quits . . . they just take some time off.
Nothing special here. Actually the most fatigued I can remember feeling in the gym since I was actually in prep for a show 😂 but want to keep this thread going

Hands lower than shoulders, 👏👏👏
Solid chest & shoulders session today, I think I’m almost done with this elbow issue that got a lot worse at the end of prep when I was at my driest. DB pressing is one of my pet moves for this day but also the most tenuous in the below given the inherent instability.

My best here is 150s with a band for a pretty smooth 10, but as the first movement of the session. This was second. So I think I’m close to being back there.

Hope the few of us aren’t the only ones who post in this thread…

Today’s big double drop set on the step-forward DB row aka Edmonds row:
No worries bud! Really good thread!

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