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What do YOU tell your doctor?

Big Hock

Sep 17, 2002
Ok lets assume you are the type that goes in to visit your doctor to get some tests done before a cycle. like bloodwork and thyroid. How do you go about telling your doctor why you want these tests done? Or do you just up and tell him your going to do some gear and want to be safe???

-Just Wondering

-Big Hock
Depends on the Doc and how well you know him. I would just ask for the tests and tell him your going to start an intense diet. If he is knowledgeable or on track he will have some idea of what your considering. From there he might say fine and do it or ask some more questions. Ask if you can speak "off the record" and see what he says. Good luck hope things work. As I'm still looking fro a good one. The trick is so they don't write it down so insurance doesn't find out.
My Dr is more concerned with my protein intake being so high for all these years. He does bloodwork twice a year to check liver, kidneys, cholesterol, etc. Everything is always very good other than good cholesterol is a little low.
Follow this link for cheap private blood tests:

**broken link removed**
Will a blood test tell you if your balls are ok..like that they are functioning properly and everything?? Will it show if they're damaged?

first i hope your doc is cool--if he is just tell him the truth--because if your source doesnt come through on clomid, nolv, etc... you will need a script from him/her

other wise just say you want to check you liver functions and shit---and if need be say that a guy from your gym takes (your otc supplement here) and his doc wanted him to check his blood because of it-so your curious as well

I didn't tell my old Dr because he wanted me to stop lifting and start walking, he said I was to heavy. so if he didn't like me lifting weights, i'm sure as hell he wouldn't want me to do the juice.

what a moron.

moose said:
Will a blood test tell you if your balls are ok..like that they are functioning properly and everything?? Will it show if they're damaged?


Yes, you get a test for FSH, LH and testosterone.
If you are unsure about your doc, ask if he will speak with you off the record. If he says yes, tell him. If he says he can't, don't say shit. you don't want him writing anabolic steroid abuser in your medical records.
moose said:
Will a blood test tell you if your balls are ok..like that they are functioning properly and everything?? Will it show if they're damaged?


If you can get it up and bust a nutt, then your working fine.
Yeh, it all depends on the doc. JWBH's post reminds me of an experience I had. I went in to see my "regular" doc, an internist a number of years back for my annual checkup about 7-8 months after I started back juicing and lifting seriously again. My weight had gone from 175 or so the last time I was in to about 193 as I remember (I'm about 205 now, 11% bf). Since at the time I was around 50 when my doc came in the exam room after the nurse had weighed me he was looking at my chart and the first thing he said was you need to start "walking" and we need to put you on a diet because you have gained so much weight. I took off my shirt and did a bicep "flex" for him - just told him I had been lifting weights. I'm a little over 6' and had a 32" waist at the time (still do) - and at the time up to about 15 1/2"bi's (now 16 1/2) - don't know what my bf was then but I was pretty cut. Confused the hell out of him for a mnute, but he finally figured it out - he finally said "yeh, I see what you mean but don't overdo it." Most of them just don't know how to relate to guys like us - particularly if we are over 35 or so - they just don't see many patients like us - most are fat slobs. Last time I was in my bloodwork was all great (chlorestrol about 135, etc.) and he said whatever you're doing keep doing it. I wouldn't tell him about AS, but I have another doc I get script gh from who is cool - but he is definitely the exception. If I had some probs and had to confide in someone I would go to him instead of my regular doc even tho my insurance will only pay 70% since he is "outside my network". Also my sister is a doc but lives in another state. She knows I juice but I minimize it - she would shit a brick if she knew how much I do!

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