I've used Jins, Serno, generic blue tops & Somas. Out of all of them, the Sernos were hands down the best. 2nd would be the Somas, 3rd, the blue tops & last, the Jins. The Jins felt VERY weak. 10iu jin felt like 2iu Serno. The blue tops were good, but I'm pretty sure they were 192a, so that, along with the painful welts, made me stop using them. Somas, although no where as good as Serno, is my fave.
As for IGF. I've used Teamliferesearch, Gensci, generic blue tops & chemones. Teamliferesearch was utter crap. It came premixed & hurt like hell when I injected, leaving red bee stings that lasted days. It also barely did anything. The generics were ok. Good results for the cheap price ($90). Chemone's IFG was great. I mixed it with acid & used NaCl as a buffer for the pain. Insane pumps, vascularity & weight gain that I felt within 2 days. The Gensci felt weak. I was also using 50mcg Chemone IGF per day & 100mcg Gennsci IGF. Maybe 30% of what the Chemone felt like & it cost 3x more.