I prefer whole wheat bread. Make sure it says "100% whole wheat". Rye also is not bad, and Ezekiel bread is great if you're looking to stay in the low GI's I believe its in the mid 30s.
I like NY rye for a ham or turkey sandwich . plain English muffins with eggs , and a 12 inch white sub roll for philly cheesesteak that I'm having tonight as my midnight snack . I like whole grain but find it to be too dry .
I belive the Stomach and the digestion system works as a whole.
Indulging Wheat or Grains,create Stress Inside the Colon,Gluten is an allergy alot of people have and dont know about.
Staying with fruits is easier with Digestion and you get minerals ,anti-oxidents , Very good fiber source,but the main point is that is easier to digest Fruits than Grains.