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What to do?


May 12, 2009
I purchased some vials of test e, tren e, and npp for one of our sponsors here. I have started with test e as this is my second week. The problem is that while the shot itself is smooth with no pain, the second day to the 4th or so day after every shot the bodypart is sore and burns to the touch. Right now I can't even walk because my calf muscles are immobile from my last shot. I literally have to take a pain reliever on the second day.

I also have some test e left over from a previous purchase by a different manufacturer. Tomorrow I am going to take .5cc of the test e that has been giving me pain in one delt. But I am going to crack open a new vial from the same manufacturer. In the other delt I am going to take .5cc of the test e that i have used in the past that has never given me any pain. If the pain persists I may not use the npp and tren e that I have. I am not sure if the concentration is causing the pain or what. I am in so much pain people are asking me if I am ok when I am walking around or trying to move my arms. I feel like handicap person who has to have braces around the ankle area for support. What do you guys think?

The Beggar
I purchased some vials of test e, tren e, and npp for one of our sponsors here. I have started with test e as this is my second week. The problem is that while the shot itself is smooth with no pain, the second day to the 4th or so day after every shot the bodypart is sore and burns to the touch. Right now I can't even walk because my calf muscles are immobile from my last shot. I literally have to take a pain reliever on the second day.

I also have some test e left over from a previous purchase by a different manufacturer. Tomorrow I am going to take .5cc of the test e that has been giving me pain in one delt. But I am going to crack open a new vial from the same manufacturer. In the other delt I am going to take .5cc of the test e that i have used in the past that has never given me any pain. If the pain persists I may not use the npp and tren e that I have. I am not sure if the concentration is causing the pain or what. I am in so much pain people are asking me if I am ok when I am walking around or trying to move my arms. I feel like handicap person who has to have braces around the ankle area for support. What do you guys think?

The Beggar
Some of this stuff tends to irritate the muscle pretty bad. So this sounds about right. Just keep an eye on the redness and as long as you do not have any flu like sysmptoms it is probably just a mild reaction to the gear locally at the site. or Just "MANUP" LOL:p:D
Oldfella will give you a good rub!!
Dude, I mean oldfella have been manning up for 2 weeks. I have small calfs or is it calves?? and they are swollen at maximum levels right now. I can't even run from the cops if I had to. lol But I will take your advice. Oh and I do have cold like symptoms. You know runny nose and mild congestion

The Beggar
Dude, I mean oldfella have been manning up for 2 weeks. I have small calfs or is it calves?? and they are swollen at maximum levels right now. I can't even run from the cops if I had to. lol But I will take your advice. Oh and I do have cold like symptoms. You know runny nose and mild congestion

The Beggar

ditch it... or give it to a friend to try.. he may react different. Its sucks... $$ gone, but a lesson learned!! I know ppl that couldnt move, or lift an arm for a week after alins stealth test e... and i know others who were fine with it... odd

stick with stuff that doesnt hurt... its kinda pointless when u cant even WORKOUT!
So am I Understanding you correct? your shooting it in your calves?
Yes big Raj. I do delts, quads and calves. Always worked for me. Until now ofcourse. It is time for the delts again. So I will know for sure on Monday when I experiment with the 2 different test e vials. Njpooldude, I did tell a friend I would let him try it to see how he reacted. He liked that ofcouse because he gets a chance at free gear

The Beggar
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I'll have a better idea what I am going to do on Tuesday. I have enough of an old supply to last till I get a new one. Right now I am going to take a pain killer.

The Beggar
Why the quads? Why not the glutes? not telling your place but I am on TRT and prefer the glutes, delts. Cant do the quads to much of a bitch for that:)
Get rid of it, if its that bad its counter productive for you. I know being out the money and product sucks, I just had to do the same with a sponser of ours' here products. Ive delt with irritation and pain plenty over the past 14yrs plus, but this was crippling literally...affected appitite and everything. Hard part was previous orders of the exact same product were fine. Oh well, like said above...lesson learned.
Chunk it. It sux but you obviously are having a bad reaction. I am curious if your bro has the same problems. Best of luck.
Hey marine, I can barely touch my toes let alone reach my glutes. I stopped pinning glutes some time ago. Got real tired of blood squirts if you know wht I mean.

Last night I woke up in a cold sweat. I stood up to go to the latrine and almost fell flat on my face. My calves were tight. Today I am going to open a new vial to see if I get a reaction in my delt. If don't get a bad reaction I am going to toss the vial that my body didn't like. I have 5 vials a I think.

The Beggar
I let someone else use the vial that was giving me problems. He had no problems. I opened up a new vial monday and did a delt shot. Today the soreness and swelling is noticable. To add insult to injure I have a fever of a hundred degress. Needless to say I am not going to use any of the vials of endosyn test I have left.

The Beggar
Damn....that sucks bro. From what I've read, everyone raves about the endosyn dvd's and how smooth they are. Guess it all depends on the body. I hope your pain and fever get better soon.
I think you should send everything to me and I will keep you updated:D
I ended up having to go to the hospital a few days ago. I had a case of cellulitis on my left calf area. I am back to using my BD Test E. The swelling is slowly going down. My leg feels like mush. My other test e is definately working but I just can't take the pain. Time to listen to my body

The Beggar

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