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Whats your cruise dose?


New member
Dec 11, 2007
For the guys who blast/cruise or run cycles inbetween HRT what dose do you cruise on and for how long? :)

Im running 250mg PW for 12-16 weeks between cycles im wondering if this is too high and I would be best served with a lower dose to clean out receptors lower SHBG etc..
if you did your own trt, does that keep the testes shut down longer and harser vs if you were cycling and doing pct? 250 a week seems like alot how does your overall health and hdl look like for you that have been doing this a while
if you did your own trt, does that keep the testes shut down longer and harser vs if you were cycling and doing pct? 250 a week seems like alot how does your overall health and hdl look like for you that have been doing this a while

Yes 250 a week is a larger than normal dose, I think the average TRT dose is like 100 mgs a week or so, but keep in mind we are not average people we are bodybuilders. I do use hcg every 5 days. I have not suffered any ill effects of any kind.
if you did your own trt, does that keep the testes shut down longer and harser vs if you were cycling and doing pct? 250 a week seems like alot how does your overall health and hdl look like for you that have been doing this a while

you'd be shutting your testes down way longer, idk about harsher. they'd be shut down for as long as you were blast/cruising which is usually much longer than a "normal" cycle. and you're also running the risk of shuttin your boys down for good if ur not careful
I take between 200 and 250 per week on HRT. Unfortunately, the HRT was prescribed after being clean 6 years. Just could not deal with being tired all the time. I watched that rat conseco on a tv show and that was when it hit me and I got my levels checked. As far as permanently shutting oneself down I'd assume HRT is the last resort and --- for life. I don't recommend it for legal gear reasons or for any one under 40 looking to have children in the future. I firmly believe there are other steps that should be taken prior to just jumping on HRT. Bringing ones boys back to a natural production of testosterone isnt possible for me but for others it may not be too late.
My clinic just upped me to 500 a week for no reason - just profit. No further blood tests were taken - just upped it. I still take only 250 as HRT dosage and do not recommend higher. Hope that made some sense.
I take between 200 and 250 per week on HRT. Unfortunately, the HRT was prescribed after being clean 6 years. Just could not deal with being tired all the time. I watched that rat conseco on a tv show and that was when it hit me and I got my levels checked. As far as permanently shutting oneself down I'd assume HRT is the last resort and --- for life. I don't recommend it for legal gear reasons or for any one under 40 looking to have children in the future. I firmly believe there are other steps that should be taken prior to just jumping on HRT. Bringing ones boys back to a natural production of testosterone isnt possible for me but for others it may not be too late.
My clinic just upped me to 500 a week for no reason - just profit. No further blood tests were taken - just upped it. I still take only 250 as HRT dosage and do not recommend higher. Hope that made some sense.

you could use your 250mg as a cruise and bump it to 500mg for a blast and it would all be 100% legal! unless you dont want to of course, just a thought:D
I take between 200 and 250 per week on HRT. Unfortunately, the HRT was prescribed after being clean 6 years. Just could not deal with being tired all the time. I watched that rat conseco on a tv show and that was when it hit me and I got my levels checked. As far as permanently shutting oneself down I'd assume HRT is the last resort and --- for life. I don't recommend it for legal gear reasons or for any one under 40 looking to have children in the future. I firmly believe there are other steps that should be taken prior to just jumping on HRT. Bringing ones boys back to a natural production of testosterone isnt possible for me but for others it may not be too late.
My clinic just upped me to 500 a week for no reason - just profit. No further blood tests were taken - just upped it. I still take only 250 as HRT dosage and do not recommend higher. Hope that made some sense.

Holly shit, 500? thats sounds crazy. But then again, i don't think a doctor would risk your life like that. I sometimes think that you can take a lot higher than 250 and be normal (i know nothing about trt, so don't think this is advice, jmo)
I take between 200 and 250 per week on HRT. Unfortunately, the HRT was prescribed after being clean 6 years. Just could not deal with being tired all the time. I watched that rat conseco on a tv show and that was when it hit me and I got my levels checked. As far as permanently shutting oneself down I'd assume HRT is the last resort and --- for life. I don't recommend it for legal gear reasons or for any one under 40 looking to have children in the future. I firmly believe there are other steps that should be taken prior to just jumping on HRT. Bringing ones boys back to a natural production of testosterone isnt possible for me but for others it may not be too late.
My clinic just upped me to 500 a week for no reason - just profit. No further blood tests were taken - just upped it. I still take only 250 as HRT dosage and do not recommend higher. Hope that made some sense.

hey, what country are you in?...........must be nice!
Agreed - 500 is higher than expected. Just saving it up for a rainy day. It is nice to have it legal but would trade it for normal production any day.
I cruise at 200 mg per week, usually for around 10 to 12 weeks then I bump things up to a full cycle for 10 to 12 weeks. This has worked pretty well for me with no health problems so far.

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